The Omlet Blog

Scrambled Eggs and Smoked Salmon Recipe

As we all try to detox this January, we thought we would bring you some healthy egg recipes to keep you on track with your goals!

Starting with a simple bowl of Scrambled Eggs and Smoked Salmon with Wilted Spinach.



2 Eggs

Dash of Milk

Knob of light butter/marg

2 slices of Smoked Salmon

Handful of spinach

Pinch of pepper


Crack your two eggs into a bowl and whisk with a dash of milk.

Slowly heat your butter in a non stick pan, once butter has melted, pour your eggs in.

Stir occasionally, after 30 seconds, add your salmon and spinach, continue to stir.

Once the salmon has turned light pink, spinach has wilted and the eggs have started to solidify, remove the pan from the hob.

Allow the heat from the pan to continue cooking the eggs and then pour them either into a bowl or onto some wholemeal toast.



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