The Omlet Blog Category Archives: Guinea Pigs

Games you can play with your rabbits and guinea pigs 

Looking for some inspiration for playtime with your small pets? There are several games you can play with your rabbits and guinea pigs that will be to the delight of everyone involved. From mazes to hide-and-seek, here are some pastimes that are sure to please your pets the next time you play. 

Guinea pigs playing in the Zippi Tunnel System

The importance of play 

Playing with your rabbits and guinea pigs builds their trust and confidence, which in turn helps you build a more meaningful and lasting bond with them. It’s amazing to see shy or timid pets come out of their metaphorical shells through playing with their humans. Being more active is good for their minds and bodies, and is one of the best ways to encourage your small pet to be more outgoing and physically fit. Through dedicated playtime, you’ll be able to forge an unbreakable bond between you and your rabbits or guinea pigs. 

It’s also important to remember that rabbits and guinea pigs are prey animals by nature, so surprises, sudden movements, or loud noises can startle them easily. All of the games that you play with your small pets should be in a calm atmosphere, and with lots of treats to offer as tokens of encouragement and as rewards for their efforts. 


Rabbits and guinea pigs differ in size and stature, so they each have their own set of skills that can be tapped into during play. For example, rabbits have long, powerful legs, so jumping over the sides of a homemade maze to fast-forward to the treat at the end is entirely within their realm of possibility. For the following activities, we will offer suggestions to modify each game based on the size and species of your pet. 

Prepare a place to play 

The best place to play with your rabbits and guinea pigs is in a safe and enclosed space. Outdoor rabbit and guinea pig runs are perfect for spending time with your pets during playtime. The enclosed space will keep them contained and comfortable, and gives you plenty of space to set up your games. Alternative play places are safe spaces inside your home — just make sure that the room you’re playing with your pets in is rabbit and guinea pig-proof. 


This game is more fitting for bunnies, but some guinea pigs may delight in barrelling objects over. Set up small bowling pins, like indoor sets designed for toddlers, and let your bunnies nose-boop them over. Reward your pets’ efforts with a treat before setting the pins back up for the next round. 

Guinea pig modification: in relation to guinea pigs, even toy bowling pins may seem tall and intimidating — try setting up empty toilet paper tubes instead. 

Magic cups 

Show your rabbits or guinea pigs that you’re hiding a treat under an overturned plastic cup. Add one or two more overturned cups with nothing under them, then slide them around before allowing your pet to sniff out the hidden treat. Fresh herbs or other fragrant treats are perfect for this game. 


Think fetch is just for dogs? Think again — some rabbits and guinea pigs enjoy carrying small objects in their mouths. Try tossing small toys like balls, applewood chews, or pieces of cardboard for this game. To start out, toss the object just a few inches in front of your rabbit or guinea pig. If they pick it up, praise them, and offer a treat. Once they’re consistently picking up their toy, toss it farther out each time, and encourage them to bring it back to you. 

Hide and seek 

Rabbits and guinea pigs are curious by nature, so enticing them with some mystery will pique their interest. Lay on the floor and place your face in your hands. Your rabbit or guinea pig will come to investigate. Be careful not to startle your pet as you emerge, and be sure to offer them a treat for their cleverness. 

Rabbit modification: hide under a soft blanket and call your rabbit. Bunnies love to burrow, so your rabbit will be thrilled at the prospect of digging in order to find you. 

Maze running 

Create mazes from cardboard boxes, building blocks, or other household objects with a treat placed at the end. Make sure that mazes are always placed at ground level, and that there are no small gaps or spaces for your pets’ feet to get caught in. 

Rabbit modification: construct a maze from Zippi Rabbit Tunnels for the ultimate, reusable maze that your rabbits won’t hop out of. 

Omlet and your rabbits and guinea pigs 

From the rabbit or guinea pig hutch to outdoor runs and playpens, we’ve worked to create the perfect atmosphere for owners to spend quality time with their small pets. Design your own playground with Zippi Rabbit and Guinea Pig Tunnels, and add rabbit and guinea pig platforms to help your pets meet you on a whole new level. With Omlet, playtime isn’t just possible — it’s the pinnacle of quality time spent with your rabbits and guinea pigs. 

Rabbit hopping into the Eglu Go

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Exercise for rabbits and guinea pigs 

Exercise for rabbits and guinea pigs is important for their overall well-being, but it’s also a unique opportunity for you to bond and play with them. From playtime to training sessions, there are several ways to spend quality time with your rabbits and guinea pigs while benefiting their physical and mental health. Discover how much exercise your pets need, how to keep them fit, and how to build a bond through boredom busting activities with your rabbits and cavies. 

Two guinea pigs in the Omlet Zippi playpen

How much exercise do rabbits and guinea pigs need? 

Rabbits and guinea pigs need to be able to exercise on their own, as well as doing activities with their owners. The amount of exercise needed for each pet varies and is dependent upon their genetics, diet, and environment. This means that these pets need spacious outdoor rabbit runs or guinea pig playpens to ensure they have ample space to run, hop, stretch, and explore. 

Wild rabbits and guinea pigs are constantly on the move for their survival. This continuous need to move keeps them fit and spry — which are traits not always seen in their domesticated counterparts. While our backyard rabbits and guinea pigs may be distantly related to their ever-moving ancestors, their body compositions are still very similar. All rabbits have long, powerful hind legs, and guinea pigs are all potato-shaped with short legs and necks. 

Guinea pigs are especially prone to being overweight, which puts strain on their small legs and joints. But rabbits aren’t immune to issues caused by lack of exercise — they too can become overweight, and are also prone to boredom if they aren’t properly stimulated. Bored bunnies can become depressed or develop destructive habits. By giving bunnies and cavies plenty of outdoor space, you’ll help them get enough exercise to keep them healthy and happy. 

Encouraging your rabbits and guinea pigs to exercise 

Fostering your pets’ natural behaviours is one of the best ways to encourage them to exercise. Because of their anatomy and natural instincts, rabbits need large, outdoor spaces to fulfil their need to run, burrow, and scratch. Zippi Rabbit Tunnels simulate burrows in the wild that rabbits run through, which will encourage your bunnies to explore and play. And while guinea pigs might not dig their own tunnels in the wild, they will happily use burrows dug by other animals — or in the case of domesticated guinea pigs, those provided by humans. 

Guinea pigs can’t stand on their hind legs like rabbits can, so they appreciate a higher vantage point from which to view their world. Zippi Guinea Pig Platforms offer your cavies an elevated place to explore, and a shady, secluded space to hide beneath. The attached ramps encourage your guinea pigs to carry their weight at an incline, which strengthens their muscles and helps them maintain their figure. 

Exercises you can do with your rabbits and guinea pigs 

There are several ways to interact with your rabbits or guinea pigs while encouraging them to exercise. Some ideas include:

These are all fun ways to keep your pets fit both physically and mentally, while also providing you with a unique opportunity to build trust and confidence with them. Aim to incorporate half an hour of playtime with your bunnies and cavies once a day to help keep your pets bodies and minds stimulated. Playing with them doesn’t have to be robust, so any amount of interaction or movement that they would otherwise not be experiencing will build both a confident mind and strong muscles. 

Exercises to avoid with your rabbits and guinea pigs 

There is some equipment marketed for rabbits and guinea pigs that should be avoided, and some activities they shouldn’t participate in. These include: 

  • Exercise wheels or balls (similar to those for hamsters) marketed for rabbits or guinea pigs 
  • Leashes and harnesses 
  • Walks around your neighbourhood

While it might be tempting to take your rabbits or guinea pigs for walks on a harness, the vast majority of small pets find harnesses uncomfortable and alarming, so it’s best to play with your bunnies and cavies within the safety of playpens designed for them, or in a pet-proof area of your home. Rabbits and guinea pigs are prey animals, and as such can startle and bolt easily with sudden sights and sounds — the strain from them spooking on a harness can cause severe damage to their necks, backs, and legs. 

Omlet and your rabbits and guinea pigs 

From guinea pig playpens and outdoor rabbit runs, we’ve created safe and smart enclosures that allow your pets the freedom to move and explore. These spacious options also make it possible for you to join them in their endeavours — putting you front and centre in their lives. Watch your rabbits and guinea pigs explore through Zippi Tunnels, climb and meet you face-to-face with Zippi Platforms, and witness them experiencing the joy of fresh grass with mobile rabbit and guinea pig hutches.  You, your pet, and Omlet are a winning combination for years of health and happiness to come. 

Rabbit in the Omlet Zippi playpen with Zippi Tunnel System


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DIY toys for rabbits and guinea pigs 

Spending time with your rabbits or guinea pigs is a great way to grow your bond with them, especially when there are toys involved. DIY toys for rabbits and guinea pigs are easy to make with materials that are probably already in your home. And these toys aren’t just for your pets — you’ll find that watching and interacting with your rabbits or guinea pigs through toys is both engaging and entertaining. Discover how making some of your rabbits and guinea pigs toys can be fun and rewarding. 

Woman and child playing with rabbit in the Zippi playpen

Why do rabbits and guinea pigs need toys? 

First, it’s important to understand why rabbits and guinea pigs need toys. Think back to your childhood — you likely played with toys as a means of entertainment, but also to aid in the development and growth of your cognitive skills. The same is true for rabbits and guinea pigs.

Rabbits and guinea pigs are able to keep themselves active and entertained with toys, as well as grow their critical thinking and problem solving skills. These pets may be small, but they’re smart and enjoy objects to chew, toss, chase, or cuddle up with. There are several types of toys for rabbits and guinea pigs that can be purchased, but there are many that you can make at home. 

How to play with your rabbits and guinea pigs 

Playtimes are some of the best times with your rabbits and guinea pigs. Owners that play with their pets get to experience their individual personalities, and build a bond with them that lasts a lifetime. Through play, your pets will learn to trust you, and you’ll be able to identify their unique body language and needs. 

Start by sitting on the floor or the ground with your rabbits or guinea pigs. Offering treats will help entice them to approach you if they are not already comfortable doing so. Introduce new toys one at a time so your pets aren’t overwhelmed. Show them their toy, maybe offering some movement if your pet is comfortable with it. Hang or place the toy in front of your pet, and watch them explore this new offering. 

Some rabbits and guinea pigs can be taught to fetch small toys, while some are more interested in the aspect of chasing.  Play around with different ways of interacting with your pets, like with Zippi Rabbit and Guinea Pig platforms to help you both see eye-to-eye. 

Types of DIY toys for rabbits and guinea pigs 

The most common types of toys for rabbits and guinea pigs include: 

  • Chews 
  • Activity toys 
  • Tunnels 
  • Forage boxes 
  • Hideouts 

You can make your own versions of many of these toys using household objects, or with a short trip to your local hardware store. It’s important to remember to choose non-toxic materials for your pets’ toys. Never use treated lumber or paint for your rabbits’ or guinea pigs’ toys, and make sure that any cardboard or fabric is removed if your pets begin to nibble on them. And, it’s always a good idea to supervise your pets while they’re playing with their toys — especially if they are inclined or able to eat them. 

DIY rabbit and guinea pig chews 

Most rabbit and guinea pig chews are made from apple wood or compressed timothy hay, or a combination of the two. There aren’t many substitutes for apple wood chews for rabbits and guinea pigs, as they are the safest variety. But, by purchasing bulk apple wood sticks and timothy hay, you can craft your own chew toys by wrapping the sticks in strands of hay. Cut them to various lengths, and create different shapes for variety. Sisal rope can also be used to wrap apple chews and hay together — just remember to remove the toy as soon as the rope becomes frayed or gnawed. 

Two rabbits chewing on homemade toy

DIY rabbit and guinea pig activity toys 

Activity toys are those that hang from your rabbit and guinea pig run. They’re designed to encourage your rabbits and guinea pigs to stretch, nudge, or tug. Most of these toys are made from apple wood and sisal rope, which are safe options for your pet. Experiment by making spiral or branch shapes, or by threading alternating pieces of apple wood with other edible treats like rabbit and guinea pig-safe fruit or veggies. 

You can also hang a Caddi rabbit and guinea pig treat holder in their run to encourage the same activity. The Caddi reduces waste, and has lots of room for your pets’ favourite treats. 

DIY rabbit and guinea pig tunnels 

Rabbit and guinea pig play tunnels that are made for small pets will hold up better than DIY alternatives. Some owners make tunnels from drainage tubing, but the small holes designed to release water pose a risk to your pets’ feet. A Zippi Rabbit and Guinea Pig Tunnel System is the best investment when it comes to fostering natural burrowing behaviours in both pets. The safest way to create temporary tunnels for your rabbits and guinea pigs in the meantime is to use boxes connected end-to-end.

DIY rabbit and guinea pig forage boxes 

A shallow storage tote or livestock feed bin makes an excellent base for a forage box for your rabbits and guinea pigs. Pour 1-2 inches of sand or top soil into the container, or add scraps of recycled cardboard or paper to create a substrate for your pets to dig through. Rabbits in particular will appreciate the opportunity to dig in soil. Once you’ve added a layer of substrate, toss small toys, chews or treats into the box and watch your pet forage for their findings. 

DIY rabbit and guinea pig hideouts 

There are several ways to create hideouts for your rabbits and guinea pigs. As prey animals, they both appreciate the opportunity to hide when they’re tired, overwhelmed, or during games of chase with each other. Rabbit and Guinea Pig Shelters are specially designed to create a safe haven for your small pets, and are the best option to be kept with their rabbit or guinea pig hutch and run. But, short play sessions, or additional options can be created with cardboard boxes, overturned plastic plant containers with an entrance cut into them, or with other creative alternatives. Just remember not to use treated materials, and be aware that DIY options are not weatherproof, and should not serve as a substitute for their hutch. 

Omlet and your pets 

 From rabbit and guinea pig hutches, to outdoor rabbit and guinea pig runs , discover how your pets encounter their world when you’re able to take an active role in it. Explore with them, encourage them, and most of all, enjoy them on a daily basis when you have rabbit and guinea pig products that have been designed to bring you closer than ever.  

Guinea pigs inside the Eglu Go hutch


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Ultimate rabbit and guinea pig checklist 

Thinking about adding a small pet to your family? Despite having different needs, rabbits and guinea pigs require many of the same accommodations, so whichever you’re considering adding to your family, your shopping list will look similar. From hutches and runs, to play and feed, we’ve got the ultimate rabbit and guinea pig checklist for you to tick off before you bring your fluffy new friends home.

Guinea pig on the Zippi platforms in the Zippi run

Caring for rabbits and guinea pigs 

Rabbits and guinea pigs both make wonderfully rewarding family pets. They can be housed indoors or outdoors in suitable climates; either way they need plenty of room to roam and certain equipment to stay safe, happy and healthy. With the appropriate setup and care, rabbits and guinea pigs can live up to 8-10 years. 

Rabbits and guinea pigs have different nutritional needs and communication methods, so should be kept separately. They’re both social animals however, and need the companionship of their own kind. So, when planning your pets’ future home, make sure you can provide room and care for at least two of either.


Traditionally, rabbit and guinea pig hutches have been made of wood, but this poses a few problems. Both rabbits and guinea pigs have teeth that grow continuously. They need to gnaw almost constantly in order to keep their incisors from over growing, which leads to serious health problems. Wooden hutches are tempting to chew on, and treated lumber can be toxic to pets. They’re also drafty, inadequate in more extreme weather, and absorb moisture, ammonia and odours, so can become unhygienic and need replacing in no time at all. 

Eglu Go Rabbit Hutches and Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutches are designed to give your small pets the safety and comfort they need and deserve. They are both also designed to be used in conjunction with fixed, steel mesh runs, giving your rabbits or guinea pigs free access to an outdoor space (more on this below.)

  • Made of pet-safe, strong, durable plastic  
  • Twin insulated for optimal internal temperatures
  • Draft-free ventilation 
  • Easy to clean in a matter of minutes
  • Predator proof design
  • Built to last a lifetime 

Starting out with a durable, easy clean rabbit or guinea pig hutch is an investment you will soon recoup, which will set you and your pets up for success from the first day.


The bedding you use inside of your rabbits’ or guinea pigs’ hutch should be natural and absorbent. Typical bedding options include: 

  • Pine shavings or pellets
  • Aspen shavings
  • Recycled paper (this resembles loose cotton) 
  • Straw 

Breeds of rabbits with long hair like Lionheads or Angoras need recycled paper or pine pellets as bedding – straw and shavings will get tangled in their coats. Similarly, breeds of guinea pigs with long hair like Peruvians or Shelties should not be kept on shavings or straw bedding.

Outdoor space 

Rabbits and guinea pigs need plenty of space outside their hutch to stretch their legs and explore, which they should ideally have constant, secure access to.  Rabbits in particular have lots of energy, so a spacious outdoor rabbit run is essential to helping them stay healthy and happy. 

If you’re short on outdoor space, the Omlet Zippi Tunnel System is a great way to recreate their natural environment and let them zoom when the mood takes them, as it lets you connect their hutch to additional enclosures in different areas, as a burrow would. Guinea pigs also need an outdoor guinea pig run to stay fit and can also benefit from a tunnel system, as they can be prone to obesity and boredom if they don’t have enough space to exercise. 

Omlet’s rabbit and guinea pig runs have attached floor panels to prevent digging out, which is an issue in particular with female rabbits, but is also necessary to prevent predators digging in. 

Constructed of weatherproof, heavy-duty steel weld mesh, Omlet runs have a modular design that lets you expand your run when you like, making them a future proof choice.

Enriching their area

Part of the joy of having rabbits or guinea pigs is watching them play. The best rabbit and guinea pig toys are those that encourage their natural behaviors. Rabbit and guinea pig run accessories, like shelters, play tunnels and platforms make perfect places for your pets to stretch their legs, find a shady spot for a snooze, or just hunker down for some quiet time. Since both rabbits and guinea pigs are prey animals, they’re naturally nervous and always on high-alert for potential predators. Shelters and tunnels they can retreat into quickly if they perceive danger give them a sense of security, so placing these throughout the run will help your rabbits or guinea pigs feel much more at ease.


Both rabbits and guinea pigs should be fed high quality pellets as per the instructions on the pack. However, unlike rabbits, guinea pigs can’t manufacture their own vitamin C, so commercially available guinea pig pellets should be fortified with this essential nutrient. Their different dietary needs are one of the main reasons rabbits and guinea pigs should be kept separately. 

An essential part of their wellbeing is plenty of timothy hay, which both rabbits and guinea pigs need free-choice access to around the clock. This keeps their digestive system working as it should, but also helps keep their teeth trimmed. Timothy hay won’t cause rabbits or guinea pigs to become overweight, so it’s safe (and necessary) for it to be available at all times. 

Both bunnies and cavies will most likely enjoy the odd fresh crunchy treat. Leafy greens, chunks of raw broccoli or cabbage, fresh herbs and small amounts of some fruits will have them hopping over for a nibble. Keep these treats off the ground with a Caddi Rabbit and Guinea Pig Treat Holder to keep them fresher for longer and discourage pests.

Omlet and your rabbits and guinea pigs 

Keeping rabbits and guinea pigs is a rewarding experience for all ages, but despite their diminutive size, these cuties need daily care and attention. Our Eglu Go Rabbit and Guinea Pig Hutches are designed to make providing your small pets with a hygienic, comfortable home a breeze. With cleaning done and dusted in a matter of minutes, you can spend your time enjoying their quirky characters, sociable natures and natural curiosity.

 Children playing in the Zippi setup with their pet rabbits

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How to pick the right hutch for your rabbit or guinea pig

How to pick the right hutch for your rabbit or guinea pig

Wondering how to pick the right hutch for your rabbit or guinea pig? It’s easy to get bogged down by all of the choices available for potential and current cavy or rabbit owners. We’ll help you decide how to pick the right home for your small pets, and how to help them enjoy it to the fullest. 

Picking the perfect hutch

There are some important factors to consider when picking the right hutch for your rabbit or guinea pig. The materials, size, and placement of their home will greatly influence how you care for your furry friends, so need careful consideration. With these guidelines, you’ll be able to select a hutch that fits all of your needs. 

Indoor or outdoor 

Rabbits and guinea pigs can be kept indoors, but they are just as happy outdoors in an insulated hutch with a spacious run to give them plenty of room to run and play. If left to roam the house, rabbits and guinea pigs will happily find cords, wires, baseboards, or other items to chew on. And while they can be litter box trained, you’ll likely be sweeping up fecal pellets on an hourly basis. An outdoor setup makes cleanup a breeze, and you won’t need to worry about your pets nibbling on something they shouldn’t. 

Housing your rabbits or guinea pigs outdoors year round is not only possible, but made easy with insulated hutches. Rabbit and guinea pig hutch weather protection can be added as an additional layer of insulation during frigid temperatures, and run covers provide shade and protection from the rain. 

It should be noted that not all rabbit breeds and guinea pig breeds will thrive outdoors — especially in extreme climates. Guinea pigs in particular are suited to a milder climate, whereas many rabbit breeds do well outdoors. However, bringing them in and out is not good practice, as they will acclimatize to one or the other and won’t cope well with sudden changes in temperature. Breeds that require careful observation when housed outdoors: 


Guinea Pigs 

Consider size 

Rabbits and guinea pigs are very social animals, and need friends of their own kind. While you can keep rabbits and guinea pigs together successfully, they each have different dietary needs and require their own space, so it’s best to start out with one species at a time, and always in pairs. Spayed and neutered males and females are good pairings, as are same-sex pairings (though rabbits should always be spayed or neutered in same-sex pairings to avoid territorial scuffles). 

A home for your rabbits and guinea pigs is much more than just a hutch for shelter and sleeping — they should also have a run large enough for them to run and play in. As with other pets, both rabbits and guinea pigs benefit from the most space possible. Providing extra space through Zippi Tunnel Systems and Zippi Play Pens gives you an opportunity to customize your pets’ setup and offer them plenty of space outside of their hutch without sacrificing safety. 

Give yourself some space 

Don’t forget to factor in spending time with your rabbits or guinea pigs when choosing their hutch. Give yourself plenty of space to access their food and water for easy refills, and space in the run to spend time with them. If crawling or reaching into a run won’t be feasible for you, consider adding a rabbit and guinea pig playpen to their setup for easy access and quality time together. A Walk In Run is also a great addition if you have space, as it makes spending time with your small pets particularly comfortable, and gives easy access for cleaning or for switching their set up around for variety in their play and exercise.    

Materials matter 

Traditionally, rabbit and guinea pig hutches have been made from wood. It’s a readily available, inexpensive material that gets the job done. But, over time wood will rot, shingled roofs will need repairing or replacing, and hardware cloth will pull away from wood staples. And, wood is a very enticing material for rabbits and guinea pigs to gnaw on, which poses a risk not only to the structural integrity of the hutch, but to your pets’ health as well. Treated wood can be toxic when ingested, and splinters or large pieces of wood can cause obstructions in your pets’ digestive tract. Wood also absorbs ammonia from urine, and is difficult to keep hygienic, even with lining such as card or paper, as this too will soak through and be shredded by busy paws. 

Plastic rabbit and guinea pig hutches don’t rot, warp, need re-roofing, or pose a gnawing risk to your pets. They’re weather resistant, don’t absorb moisture or odours, and can last a lifetime. And, instead of hardware cloth held in place with staples, the attached runs of Omlet’s rabbit and guinea pig hutches are made of heavy duty welded steel mesh that are held in place with strong, weather resistant clips. The Eglu Go Rabbit and Guinea Pig Hutch is easy to clean, and can be moved with ease with the addition of optional wheels and handles. Over time, this makes opting for an Eglu Go a great investment – financially but also in terms of time. With a slide out try you can simply wipe clean, you will be able to keep their hutch shipshape in a matter of minutes. 

Accessorize their home 

Once you’ve picked out your rabbits’ or guinea pigs’ hutch and run, it’s time to accessorize. Elements like treat holders, Zippi Platforms, and shelters and play tunnels are all ways to keep your small pets entertained, engaged, and enriched in their environment. They also help you interact with your pets on a whole new level, and build the bonds between you that last a lifetime. 

Omlet and your rabbits and guinea pigs 

We didn’t want ordinary hutches for extraordinary pets — so we created rabbit and guinea pig products that defy the norm. Our products also aim to bring you closer than ever to these animals that have captured the hearts of so many. From easy to clean hutches, spacious outdoor runs, and the one of a kind Zippi tunnel system, you’ll be amazed at how fun and intuitive it can be to interact with your rabbits and guinea pigs.  

How to pick the right hutch for your rabbit or guinea pig


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Why do guinea pigs hide?

Boy looking for his guinea pigs in the Omlet Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch

New guinea pig parents often find themselves wondering why their piggies hide. Are they scared? Shy? Stressed out? There are many reasons why cavies seek undercover solace — most of which stem from natural behaviours instead of external stressors. So why do guinea pigs hide? We’ll explore the reasons why guinea pigs hide, so that you can gain a better understanding of this innate behaviour. 

Danger ahead

Guinea pigs are prey animals, so they’re on constant alert for potential threats. Wild guinea pigs have to keep an eye out for predators as a means of survival, but this natural behaviour remains strong in domesticated cavies. Being low to the ground, everything that’s taller than themselves may be perceived as a threat — which is just about everything aside from other guinea pigs. 

Cavies have eyes set high up on the sides of their heads, giving them excellent vision to spot aerial threats. They’re also very intuitive when it comes to shadows or other movement that may clue them into a potential threat looming. 

Your guinea pigs’ natural response to perceived danger is to run for cover. Cavies in the wild burrow in the dens or tunnels of other animals, or hide in thickets, under rock formations, or along the forest floor. So, in captivity, your guinea pigs will seek out the nearest shelter when they are alerted to potential danger. Giving them guinea pig play tunnels is a great way to simulate these pre-made burrows. 

Other family pets may create this perceived threat response from your guinea pigs. Dogs, cats, or even pet birds can send your cavies to the nearest cover. Be sure to introduce your guinea pigs to your other pets slowly and on your cavies’ level to make them more at ease, creating a positive experience from the start. 


On the flip side of being overly alert, a depressed guinea pig can hide out of sheer boredom or low spirits. If cavies don’t have company or things to keep them busy, they may become listless and retreat to the same spot day after day. 

Having an interesting and engaging habitat will help prevent boredom in guinea pigs. Providing guinea pig ramps and platforms, or using a Caddi Guinea Pig Treat Holder to elevate their favourite snacks are great ways to incorporate variety and exercise into your cavies’ daily routine. 

Rearranging your guinea pigs’ run routinely will stimulate their minds and bodies. Try moving their hideouts around the run, changing up their Zippi Guinea Pig Tunnel System route, and adding new toys regularly.  

Adjusting to a new setting

Guinea pigs are most likely to hide when they’re in a new environment. If you’ve just welcomed a new guinea pig, don’t be surprised to see them spend the majority of their time hiding out during the first week or two. This is especially true of adopted guinea pigs that have a complicated history with humans. 

Cavies crave companionship, so it’s best to obtain guinea pigs in bonded pairs. If you’re introducing new guinea pigs, be sure to do so slowly and through a barrier so that they can warm up to each other. Don’t be surprised if your previously outgoing guinea pig hides in response to a newcomer – this is natural.

Sudden movement or loud noises

Even healthy and confident guinea pigs that have been part of your family for an extended amount of time will naturally dart for cover when they encounter sudden movement or loud noises. This is completely normal and is actually a sign of good cognitive reasoning in your guinea pigs. Much like a reflex, guinea pigs will startle at unexpected sights and sounds. 

Try to keep your guinea pigs in a low-traffic area of your home or garden to avoid triggering this response constantly. While it might not be possible to eradicate all causes of sudden movement or loud noises, effort should be taken to reduce your cavies’ exposure to them. 


Not all hiding behaviour is rooted in natural behaviour or stress – some guinea pigs are just shyer than others. This has more to do with their individual personality than their environment. As long as your shy cavy comes out to play with their companions, to eat and drink, or is seen exploring (albeit, cautiously), it’s safe to conclude that their personality is just more on the introverted side. 

Shy cavies benefit most from opaque guinea pig hideouts, or even DIY “curtains” made from strips of fleece along the front of their favourite hiding place to help them feel more comfortable. Avoid using transparent hiding structures, or those with large openings for reserved guinea pigs, as these won’t be as comforting to them. 

Should you be concerned by your guinea pig’s behaviour?

Hiding is completely normal and natural in cavies, but there are times when extended or sudden episodes of hiding can point to a health concern. Cavies that aren’t typically shy and suddenly spend hours a day hiding, or any guinea pigs that aren’t coming out to eat or drink should be monitored closely. 

A number of health concerns could cause your guinea pig to want to hide the majority of the day, but some of the most common reasons are: 

  • A urinary tract infection (UTI) 
  • Upper respiratory infection 
  • Gastrointestinal problems 
  • Neurological disorders that cause imbalance or poor vision 
  • Old age 

If your cavies are hiding regularly and not engaging in normal activities, it’s time to contact your veterinarian. 

How to get your guinea pig out of hiding

Guinea pigs that are potentially ill should not be left to hide for more than 24 hours, whereas cavies adjusting to a new home should be given a minimum of two weeks to fully acclimate. It’s always best to let your guinea pig come out of their hiding place on their own, but some situations dictate the need to move them yourself. If you need to remove your guinea pig from their hiding spot, be sure to do so safely and in the least stressful way possible. 

  • Close off the entrance to their hide by either closing the door (if possible) or sliding a solid object in front of it 
  • Gently lift the hideout or reach into their hiding spot and grasp them as you normally would to lift them – supporting their entire body in the process 
  • Hold your guinea pig securely against you to help them feel safe 

Omlet and your guinea pigs

Our guinea pig products are designed to foster cavies’ natural instincts – hiding included. The Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch is the perfect piggy hideout with convenient human access if needed. And, our line of Zippi Guinea Pig Shelters, Guinea Pig Play Tunnels, and Zippi Guinea Pig Tunnel Systems offer your cavies several comfortable options to hide and hang out while encouraging physical movement and mental stimulation. At Omlet, we bring nature to your own garden and blend it with ways to deepen the bond between you and your guinea pigs. 

Guinea pigs eating inside the Omlet Zippi Guinea Pig Shelter

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Do guinea pigs like the snow?

Black and white guinea pig in the snow

Winter wonderlands may appeal to some people and animals – but guinea pigs do not like the snow. In fact, because of their physiology and origins, snow can be dangerous for cavies. See how to protect your guinea pigs this winter from the snow, and how to help them enjoy the chilly season ahead. 

Why do guinea pigs dislike the snow?

Guinea pigs trace their lineage back to wild cavies in South America. While our domesticated piggies are far removed from their wild cousins that still roam this area, their physiology hasn’t changed much. Because their native habitat is a temperate climate, guinea pigs are sensitive to extreme temperatures. The freezing temperatures that create snow, and the snow itself are both a threat to your cavies’ health and safety.   

The dangers of snow to guinea pigs

Even if your guinea pigs are accustomed to living outdoors, winter precipitation poses a large threat to their safety. Here are some of the reasons why snow can harm your cavies. 


Frozen precipitation can spell frostbite quickly for uncovered body parts. Guinea pigs have naked feet that are susceptible to frostbite if they have to stand in the snow for an extended period of time. Anything more than a few moments of contact can chill your cavies’ feet to the point of frostbite. If you suspect your guinea pig has frostbite, you should contact your veterinarian right away. 


While it’s not specific to the snow, hypothermia can occur quickly in cavies that are both cold and damp. Hypothermia sets in when a guinea pig’s body temperature drops below 35 degrees °C. Symptoms of hypothermia in guinea pigs include: 

  • Shivering 
  • Lethargy 
  • Pale limbs that are cool to the touch 

Cavies that have gotten too cold should be brought into a warm space quickly, but caution should be taken that they aren’t warmed up too quickly to avoid sending them into shock. Wrap them up in a blanket or towel and bring them inside, while rubbing their bodies vigorously. Hypothermia is a medical emergency in guinea pigs, and you should always call your vet if your cavy displays any symptoms. 

Reduced access to food and water 

Another winter weather struggle is keeping the path to your guinea pigs’ food free of snow, and keeping their water thawed. Frozen paths or snowy treks to get to their food with increase your cavies’ risks of contracting frostbite or hypothermia. 

Feeders should be elevated to prevent snow from blowing into their feed, and water bottles should be rotated throughout the day, being replaced with warm water. You can also wrap water bottles to insulate them against the cold. Open-top containers of water can have bird bath heaters submerged in them to prevent them from freezing — but be sure that any electrical cords are out of your cavies’ reach. 

Guinea pig snow safety tips

Guinea pigs can fare outside in the snow if certain conditions are met. But, if the temperatures are below freezing for an extended period of time, or if your area receives heavy snowfall, it may be best to bring your guinea pigs inside for the winter

Proper housing 

An insulated, draft-free guinea pig hutch can go a long way in keeping your cavies safe in the cold. Omlet’s Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch is designed for year-round use and comfort, while providing a snow-free reprieve from the elements. Use deep bedding like straw and provide fleece blankets inside of the hutch for your cavies to burrow into for extra warmth. 

Add layers 

Extreme weather jackets can be added to the Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch for an added layer of insulation. These hutch covers keep snow and ice off of the hutch, keeping the interior temperature more stable. And, with full coverage, the doors and latches of the hutch will remain accessible and frost-free. 

Reinforce their run 

You can keep snow out of your cavies’ run by covering the top and sides. Our guinea pig run covers are heavy-duty, and effectively keep precipitation out of the run. Choose clear covers to allow warming rays of sun in while keeping the snow out, or solid covers to give your guinea pigs the feeling of privacy when they venture out in the winter air. Or, combine both types of tarps for the best of both worlds. 

Do some guinea pigs fare better than others?

The same safety measures should be taken for any breed of guinea pigs. While cavies have a variety of coats, there are no distinct advantages of a certain type or texture of fur. Longer-haired guinea pigs may be better insulated than short-haired breeds, but as long as your guinea pigs are used to living outdoors, they’ll have moulted and regrown a new winter coat that’ll help insulate them against the cold. The main goal is to keep your cavies’ coats dry so that they’re able to maintain their insulating properties. 

The exception to this is the Skinny Pig breed. These hairless cavies have no coats at all to protect them from extreme temperatures, and should only be kept outdoors during moderate weather. 

Omlet and your guinea pigs

Guinea pigs might not like the snow, but they can enjoy their time outside this winter in an Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch. Keeping a close eye on your cavies during the cooler weather will help ensure they’re enjoying their time outside and prevent health conditions brought on by the snow. And, with Omlet, your guinea pigs can nestle in their insulated hutch — comfortably dreaming of the snowless days to come. 

Guinea pig eating hay in their Omlet Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch

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Do guinea pigs moult?

Guinea pig eating a treat on Omlet's guinea pig Platforms

Like many other pets, guinea pigs moult twice a year. This process of shedding their old coats and putting on a fresh coat for the season is natural, and may be more noticeable in some cavies than others. Find out if the fur you’re finding in your guinea pig’s home is part of this seasonal shed, or if the condition of your cavy’s coat points to something else. 

Why do guinea pigs shed?

The seasonal shedding event is called “moulting,” and nearly all animals that have fur or feathers moult. Guinea pigs will typically moult twice a year: in the spring and early autumn. The spring shedding session is to prepare for the warmer weather ahead, while the autumnal moult allows guinea pigs to grow thicker fur for the winter. As the days grow longer or shorter and the temperatures begin to fluctuate, cavies are cued to start their seasonal transformations. 

Outdoor guinea pigs may exhibit a more exaggerated shedding pattern, as they will take their cue to shed from the sun and the weather. It’s not unusual to see a lot of fur in your guinea pig’s hutch or run, and as long as you don’t notice bald patches, this hair loss is perfectly normal during a moult. With this rapid shedding and regrowing of fur, it should take your cavy between 2-6 weeks to complete a moult. 

Indoor guinea pigs may shed more gradually throughout the year, as they aren’t exposed to as much sunlight or changes in temperature as their outdoor counterparts. This may make it seem like indoor cavies shed constantly – which is due to a very slow moulting cycle. Since they don’t feel the urgency that outdoor guinea pigs experience when growing a new coat, they will slowly shed old fur throughout the year, which results in daily shedding in small amounts. 

Moulting takes a lot of energy, so you may see your guinea pigs sleeping more than usual. They may also be more hesitant or less tolerant of being handled. This is due to hair follicles putting pressure on their skin, which can cause minor discomfort. You may also notice your guinea pigs scratching or rubbing their coats along their hutch or run to help rid their coats of loose hair. 

Do all guinea pigs shed?

Nearly all breeds of guinea pigs shed – except hairless varieties. You can usually tell by looking at your cavy’s natural coat how much they will shed. Guinea pigs with long or dense hair will have a more dramatic shedding pattern than short-haired breeds. Breeds that will typically have the most prominent shedding include: 

Skinny pigs are a breed of hairless guinea pigs that will not moult, unless they have small tufts of fur. However, since they lack natural insulation, they should be kept in a climate-controlled setting to help them keep their body temperatures regulated. Skinny pigs aren’t good candidates to be outdoor cavies – except during temperate weather. 

How to care for your cavies during heavy shedding

Caring for your cavies during a moult isn’t much different from their ordinary daily routine. But, there are a few things you can do to help them feel more comfortable and to reduce your guinea pigs’ shedding


Brushing your guinea pig can help control shedding by ridding their coat of loose hair. Fur that has been shed from the skin can cling to the surrounding coat and create an irritating buildup of more hair and debris. Since long-haired guinea pig breeds are more susceptible to matting under normal conditions, it’s especially important to brush them regularly while they’re moulting to prevent knots and mats from forming. 

Grooming your guinea pig also gives you an opportunity to do a quick health check with them. While you brush your cavy, check for: 

  • Weight loss or gain 
  • Lumps or bumps 
  • Overgrown toenails or teeth 
  • Parasites in their coat 
  • Flaky or inflamed skin 
  • Discharge from their eyes, ears, or nose 


Moulting takes extra energy, so nutrition is important while your cavy is growing in a new coat. Guinea pigs should always have constant access to timothy or orchard grass hay and a hay-based pellet diet. Since cavies can’t manufacture their own vitamin C, be sure their feed is fortified with this essential nutrient – which is also essential for a healthy hair coat. This is a necessary component of your guinea pig’s diet all year round, but is especially important during a moult to grow a healthy, vibrant new coat. Providing your piggies with a vitamin C supplement in addition to their regular feed during the moulting season is perfectly safe, so long as you don’t exceed levels of 100 mg/kg daily. 

Fresh water should also be available at all times. If your guinea pig drinks from a crock, be sure to skim the shed hair from it daily. Water bottle nozzles may also catch loose hair that is blown around, and can clog or leak if the fur interferes with the stopper. 


Keeping your guinea pig’s hutch and run clean and stress-free is essential to helping them through a moult. The Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch is easy to clean thoroughly in just minutes, and offers convenient access to your cavy’s food and water. The cosy interior offers solace from the outside world, as well as a comfortable place to relax during both hot and cold outdoor temperatures. 

Giving your cavies extra space during heavy shedding minimizes stress and the amount of hair they may accidentally consume. An outdoor guinea pig run is a great way to let your cavies take advantage of fresh grass and sunshine, and allows for a breeze to carry the remnants of their discarded coats away. 

Abnormal guinea pig shedding

Aside from the heavy shedding in spring and autumn, minimal shedding is to be expected from guinea pigs throughout the year. As long as there are no visible signs of distress or illness, routine hair loss isn’t concerning. However, be on the lookout for the following changes in your cavy’s coat: 

  • Red or flaky skin 
  • Bald patches 
  • Fleas or other visible parasites 
  • Excessive scratching or biting at their coat 

If you notice your guinea pig has any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian. Do not attempt to apply home remedies to your cavy’s coat, as many products that are safe for dogs or cats (or humans) are not compatible with guinea pigs. 

Omlet and your guinea pig’s shed

We’re always creating ways to keep cavies and their keepers safe and happy all year round. When you house your guinea pigs in our Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch and Outdoor Guinea Pig Run, you can be sure that they’re enjoying their time outside to the fullest – even during a moult. No matter the season or scenario, our guinea pig products will lend the support and comfort that your cavies crave. 

Guinea pig in Omlet Outdoor Guinea Pig Run

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Guinea pig summer safety

Guinea pig in summer eating fruit from their Caddi Guinea Pig Treat Holder

Guinea pig summer safety is an important undertaking for keeping cavies healthy and happy during the warmer months. Just like us, our guinea pigs can enjoy the season as long as they’re able to stay cool, hydrated, and comfortable. Omlet makes it possible for your guinea pigs to be able to weather the warmth and enjoy summer to the fullest. 

Do guinea pigs enjoy summer?

Like many pets, guinea pigs are adaptable and can enjoy the warmer weather so long as: 

  • Your cavies are used to being housed outdoors for several hours a day
  • They have plenty of water and shade
  • You’re able to check in on them every couple of hours 

Guinea pigs that are housed in a climate-controlled setting may experience shock from the sudden change in temperature if they’re taken out during the heat of the day. If you plan to take your indoor-raised cavy outside, make sure to introduce them to the higher temperatures gradually, starting during the coolest part of the day. 

Cavies can live outdoors year-round if they’re housed in a well-ventilated and insulated guinea pig hutch. The Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch is designed to keep cavies comfortable in all weather conditions. The unique twin-wall insulation helps regulate the internal temperature while deflecting external heat. 

Signs your guinea pigs are too hot

Recognizing the signs of heat stress in your guinea pigs is crucial for preventing them from experiencing heat stroke. Keep a close eye on both your guinea pigs and the thermometer to make sure they aren’t getting too hot outside. 

Monitor for heat stroke in guinea pigs 

It should be noted that even guinea pigs housed outdoors should be monitored closely when the weather warms up. Sudden temperature spikes or prolonged temperatures above 26°C can cause heat stress in guinea pigs, which can lead to heat stroke. Once cavies start to experience heat stroke, it’s very hard to reverse its effects. Not all guinea pigs will experience heat stress at these temperatures, but it’s important to keep a close eye on them regardless. 

Heat stress vs. heat stroke in guinea pigs 

Heat stress, or heat exhaustion, is the beginning stage of heat stroke. Heat stress occurs when your guinea pig’s internal temperature rises above their normal temperature of 39°C. Cavies experiencing heat stress may appear lethargic with heavier breathing than usual. Symptoms may appear suddenly, or come on gradually, but a guinea pig experiencing heat exhaustion can quickly progress to heat stroke. Any guinea pigs observed to be overheating should be brought into a cooler area until they act normally again. 

Symptoms of heat stroke in guinea pigs 

Once a guinea pig has progressed from heat stress to heat stroke, their symptoms can become serious quickly. Symptoms of heat stroke in guinea pigs include: 

  • Laying down – especially stretched out on their sides 
  • Heavy breathing or open-mouthed panting 
  • Dehydration 
  • Lethargy 
  • Seizures 

If you see your cavy displaying any of these symptoms, bring them inside promptly. Refrain from cooling your guinea pig down too quickly – as this can cause their bodies to go into shock. Place them in front of a fan, and offer water if they are able to drink. Use room temperature water to cool them, never ice-cold. Place rags soaked in water on your guinea pigs to help cool them gradually, swapping them out every few minutes. 

Call your veterinarian right away if your guinea pig does not perk up within a few minutes of being inside. Some effects of heat stroke are irreversible, even by a veterinarian, so time is of the essence. To err on the side of caution, even if your cavy perks up and acts normally after a while inside, you can still contact your veterinarian to discuss the next steps and if the event is expected to cause any lasting damage. 

Which guinea pigs can get too hot?

Guinea pigs come in a variety of coat lengths and textures. Long-haired or thick-coated guinea pigs struggle the most in warm weather. These breeds include: 

Because of their excess hair, they have a harder time feeling the cooling effects of a breeze or mist. They also require extra grooming to keep their coats in “working” condition. A guinea pig’s coat acts as natural insulation, keeping heat and cold away from their skin. If a guinea pig’s hair becomes matted down to their skin, they lose the insulating effects. 

Another breed to take extra care with are Skinny Pigs, as they lack hair altogether – which means they have no built-in insulation to combat the heat. Though it may seem like they would be good candidates for warm weather, they are actually more sensitive to temperatures than their fully-furred counterparts. 

3 tips for keeping guinea pigs cool in summer

Along with a ventilated and well-insulated hutch, there are other ways to help keep your guinea pigs cool during the summer months. Set up your cavies for a successful summer with these tips and tricks.  

1. Create some shade 

Your guinea pigs’ outdoor run is a great place to create shady places to relax during warmer weather. Zippi Guinea Pig Platforms not only give your cavies more room in their run, but also provide a shady spot to retreat to when the sun is out. Zippi Guinea Pig Shelters can be placed throughout the run to offer a hiding spot from UV rays as well. And, with guinea pig run weather covers you can create large shaded areas for your cavies to cool off in. 

Add optional wheels and handles to your guinea pigs’ Eglu Go hutch to easily move them to a shadier spot in the yard. With the freedom to move with ease, you can relocate your piggies as often as the sun moves. 

2. Offer frozen treats 

Who doesn’t enjoy a good frozen treat on a hot summer day? Toss some guinea pig-friendly foods in the freezer to offer up during warmer weather. Fill a Caddi Guinea Pig Treat Holder with the chilled treats to reduce waste and help them last longer. The Caddi treat holder hangs easily from any Omlet run or other setup and can be adjusted to help piggies of all stature reach their frozen treats. 

You can also freeze water bottles to place in the run or hutch with your cavies. Place the frozen bottles on their sides in a place where they won’t roll to prevent injuries. Offer 1-2 bottles per guinea pig, and watch them cosy up to these cooling containers. 

3. Spend some time indoors 

For particularly scorching temperatures, it may be best to bring your guinea pigs indoors during the heat of the day. You can create a safe space for them inside with a Zippi Guinea Pig Playpen so that they can enjoy the climate-controlled environment without getting into mischief. Guinea pigs’ ideal ambient temperatures are between 18-23°C. If you plan to put your guinea pig back outside, make sure not to keep them indoors for more than a few hours. The best time to bring them inside is during the hottest part of the day – usually around 3:00-4:00 pm until sunset. Once the sun goes down and the outdoor temperatures begin to fall, it will be safe to put your guinea pigs back in their home. 

Omlet and your cavies

Keeping your cavies cool during the summer doesn’t have to be a chore. When you start out with the right setup, supplementing their well-being is much less work – leaving more time for summer fun with your guinea pigs. House your cavies in an Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch for year-round comfort, and add Zippi Guinea Pig Platforms for fun and shelter from the sun. Top their setup off with a Caddi Guinea Pig Treat Holder, and your guinea pigs will be ready to enjoy summers for years to come. 

Boy in Omlet guinea pig run with Zippi Shelter with two guinea pigs

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Male vs female guinea pigs

Two guinea pigs interacting in Omlet Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch

Trying to decide between male and female guinea pigs? It’s well known that guinea pigs do best in bonded pairs or small “herds”, but when it comes to selecting male or female cavies, things can get a little vague. Are there noticeable differences between the two? Can opposite genders be kept together? What are male and female guinea pigs called?

Male guinea pigs are called “boars” and female guinea pigs are called “sows”, just like their non-related namesakes. Boars and sows have slight differences in both appearance and personality. We’ll help you narrow down which to choose.

Physical differences

Guinea pigs somewhat resemble adorable potatoes. These plump, short-legged, bundles of energy have been known to provoke the humorous question: which end is the tail? Physical differences in their potato-esque bodies are subtle, but in general males will be larger than females.


Boars tend to weigh slightly more than sows – around half a pound heavier. Like other male animals, male guinea pigs may appear bulkier than females, even if they don’t weigh much more.


Male guinea pigs can be slightly longer than females, however, this isn’t always the case. While a boar may appear larger than a sow, it’s usually by weight rather than length.

Behavioural differences

The most notable differences between male and female guinea pigs are seen through their behaviour and personalities. Here we’ll outline some of the most common behavioural differences between boars and sows.


Males have testosterone, and boars that aren’t neutered have an abundance of it! This can sometimes lead to territorial aggression in male guinea pigs – both among cagemates and caretakers. A large guinea pig hutch and run is necessary when housing male guinea pigs together. Small enclosures can create strife between boars, so it’s best to give them as much room as possible. Secondary runs, such as the Zippi Guinea Pig Runs can be connected to their main enclosure through the Zippi Guinea Pig Tunnel System to give them plenty of space to spread out.

Female guinea pigs aren’t usually aggressive with each other, but each individual cavy is different. In general, sows live together amicably, but can occasionally exhibit territorial aggression if kept in enclosures that are too small for them. Like with males, giving female guinea pigs as much space as possible is always the safest option.


Each individual guinea pig will have their own personality, but boars tend to be more outgoing and curious with their owners. Sows are generally more shy and content to hide out. Training guinea pigs is possible no matter what personality type your cavy has, but as a general rule, may be easier with males.


Since boars are larger than sows, they’ll need to eat more. And, for reasons unclear to humans, male guinea pigs tend to get very messy with their meals. It’s not uncommon for boars to toss their pellets or spread their hay around their hutch and run. A Caddi Treat Holder is a great solution to serve fresh fruits and vegetables or hay to boars to reduce waste. Sows may not need to eat as often, but should still have quality pellets and hay available to them at all times.


Guinea pigs have their own language that they try to impart to their humans. Any guinea pig can get vocal (especially around mealtimes), but males may be particularly loud. This is partly because of their more outgoing personalities, and partly because they are more robust by nature. Still, sows will make plenty of noises that only guinea pigs can muster!


On average, male guinea pigs have a lifespan of 1-2 years longer than females. However, the lifespan of all cavies is largely dependent on their diet, care, and environment. Guinea pigs often suffer from being overweight, which puts extra pressure on their small frame, so keeping them active is necessary for a long lifespan. Guinea pig accessories are an excellent way to add physical and mental enrichment to any guinea pig’s life.

Maintenance and care

Boars have a musky odour that is off-putting to many owners. This smell is the result of glands that are used in marking territory and attracting females – though not attractive to human noses! They’re also notorious for spilling food and water, and are perfectly content to stew in the mess they’ve created.

Many owners want to know how to reduce guinea pig smells, but an easy-to-clean guinea pig hutch is the best method for warding off unwanted odours. Wiping down the inside of the hutch and refreshing the bedding daily makes a huge difference in preventing unwanted smells from your guinea pigs.

Regular hutch cleanings are usually all that’s needed to keep your guinea pig looking and smelling fresh, but some cavies with longer coats may need additional care. It’s generally not advised to bathe a guinea pig regardless of gender or breed, but grooming your guinea pig can be a great bonding experience.

Both male and female guinea pigs can thrive outdoors all year round. A quality guinea pig hutch fosters their natural instincts, keeps them cool in summer and warm in winter, and gives them plenty of room to enjoy the outdoors. It’s common to see owners house their cavies inside, but guinea pigs thrive in an outdoor environment so long as their needs are met.

Guinea pig breeds and behaviour

Sometimes behaviour is more heavily influenced by the breeds of guinea pigs than their genders. No matter which breed or gender you choose, it’s important to meet the guinea pig you are thinking about adding to your family to get a feel for their unique personality. Many guinea pig owners find themselves surprised by bringing home a cavy that is neither the gender nor breed they originally planned on. The best practice is to bring home the piggie whose disposition complements your own.


Because of their territorial nature, it’s best to have just a bonded pair of males, unless you have plenty of space to expand their territory. Small herds of females are another good option if you’re considering adopting more than a bonded pair. Sometimes, you may find a neutered male guinea pig in need of a home, or may consider having your boar neutered. Neutered males living together display less aggression, and can be housed with females without the risk of accidental litters. If you’re interested in having a male guinea pig neutered, be sure to find a veterinarian that is familiar with altering cavies – it’s not as common of a procedure for guinea pigs as it is for dogs and cats.

Omlet and your guineas

Omlet makes products that help you keep your guinea pigs healthy and happy. Our line of guinea pig products makes caring for your cavies fun and enjoyable. Whether you choose boars or sows, choose Omlet products to help them live their best lives.

Guinea pig making noises in the Omlet Zippi Guinea Pig Run and Playpen

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Christmas treats for rabbits and guinea pigs 

Guinea pigs in Christmas hats eating Christmas treats

Christmas is the most magical part of the season. It’s the perfect time to snuggle up with your small furry friend and enjoy this special time of year.

And let’s not forget the food. Christmas is one of the biggest holidays for a “foodie,” and if you share a home with a rabbit or guinea pig, you know they’re foodies too. Thankfully, there are several festive treats that you can share with your food-loving friends – just hold the seasoning and spices. 

What are your Christmas meal staples? If you’re like most, your Christmas spread probably includes turkey, stuffing, various vegetables, and sides, punctuated with decadent desserts. And with all that meal prep, there are lots of scraps and trimmings that you can give your rabbit or guinea pig as a special holiday treat. 

Treats for your bunnies  

Rabbits and carrots go together like turkey and gravy. But what other trimmings can you save for your bunny when you’re prepping for your Christmas meal? 

Rabbit-safe Christmas meal ingredients that you can share with your bunny include: carrots and their tops (though in moderation, as carrots are high in sugar – which is why rabbits love them), celery, cranberries (fresh or unsweetened and dried), fresh green beans, and leafy greens such as lettuce and cabbage. And if your Christmas dinner doesn’t stick to the traditional menu, a list of rabbit-safe foods can be referenced to see what you can feed your bunny from the kitchen. 

The easiest way to keep your rabbit’s treats separate from what gets tossed and what gets seasoned is to keep a bunny bowl on the counter. Any trimmings that are meant for your rabbit can be scooped into a bowl and offered once you’re done with your meal prepping – just make sure all of your helping hands in the kitchen know what this is for.  

If you’re really feeling festive, you can also find many recipes online for rabbit-friendly baked goods like carrot cake or banana treats to make their holiday extra special. 

Guinea pig goodies 

Guinea pigs follow a diet that resembles a rabbit’s, except that they need more vitamin C as they cannot manufacture their own. The same foods that you reserve for your rabbit can be safely offered to your guinea pig, but some additional considerations for cavies are: small amounts of orange or orange peel, bell peppers (yellow, red, or orange are best), broccoli, apple slices, and berries. 

Part of the cuteness of cavies is their build, but with their little legs and larger bodies, it’s important not to overfeed them. Ideas for guinea pig baked goods can also be found online, but any holiday goodies should be served as a one-time treat. 

Keep a cavy cup handy in the kitchen during holiday baking and meal prep. If possible, refrigerate excess scraps to offer at a later date if your cup “runneth over!” 

Holiday hazards 

While there are many delicious and nutritious foods to share with your rabbit or guinea pig, there are also holiday staples that should not be shared. Avoid feeding: 

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Potatoes (especially if raw) 
  • Sugary or baked goods 
  • Bread 
  • Meat 

If your rabbit or guinea pig happens to sneak a taste of something they shouldn’t, identify what it was and how much they ingested and call your vet. Christmas is the most common time of the year for pets (large and small) to get into something they shouldn’t, so take precautions to ensure your bunny or cavy aren’t able to sneak a bite. Make sure your rabbit or guinea pig is safe in their hutch or run, or set up a rabbit or guinea pig playpen to keep your furry family members out of the kitchen and away from falling foods and cooking utensils.  

White rabbits eating from a Caddi Rabbit Treat Holder on Zippi Rabbit Run Platforms

Special occasion treats and year-round feeding 

Rabbits and guinea pigs both need a quality pellet feed (ideally timothy hay-based), and unlimited access to timothy hay or orchard grass and fresh water, with guinea pigs needing additional vitamin C. Around 90% of both your rabbit and guinea pig’s diet should consist of these staples, with treats being given no more than a few times a week. 

The best treats are those that incorporate into a well-balanced diet for bunnies and cavies, such as vegetables or fruits that offer nutritional value. Anything indulgent should be offered on special occasions like holidays or your pet’s birthday – otherwise, it might upset their digestive systems or influence their food preferences. 

Feeding treats in a Caddi rabbit treat holder or a Caddi guinea pig treat holder is a great way to keep their favourite treats together and up off the ground. It’s also a nice “plating” option when serving up special holiday fare. 

A home for the holidays 

The holiday season should be a time of comfort and joy for both you and your furry family members. This time of the year also brings colder temperatures and freezing precipitation, so be sure your rabbit or guinea pig is housed in an insulated rabbit hutch or guinea pig hutch for optimum cosiness. And bring on the joy with Zippi tunnels and playpens for endless fun so guinea pigs and rabbits can warm up their bodies and appetites. 

With a warm home, full bellies, and loving humans, your small furry family members are sure to have the best holiday season. 

Guinea pigs in front of Omlet Guinea Pig Caddi Treat Holder

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Cavy coats – the many colours and textures of guinea pigs

Black and white long-haired guinea pig in autumnal leaves

Did you know that there are many different breeds of guinea pigs? There are actually 13 breeds recognized by the American Cavy Breeders of America (ACBA), and several other varieties that have emerged through selective breeding. Some are larger than others, and their personalities differ slightly between breeds – but overall the biggest difference between types of guinea pigs is their coats. A guinea pig’s fur can be short, long, straight, curly, or in the case of “skinny pigs,” non-existent!

Some guinea pigs have such long hair that they appear as though they’re wearing skirts, and some have tight, curly hair that gives them a fluffy appearance. Among the 13 recognized breeds from the ACBA, 5 are long-haired, and 5 are textured! So what people commonly think of when they visualize guinea pigs (short hair with various markings), is actually a minority of guinea pig breeds.

“Skinny pigs” (hairless guinea pigs), dalmatian guinea pigs, and fox guinea pigs are all examples of “experimental” breeds that have emerged recently. Experimental breeds are those that are selectively bred for a desired trait, and once that trait can be replicated for several generations, can one day become a recognized breed at a national level.

Even though some breeds may require more grooming than others, on the whole guinea pigs remain one of the best starter pets for children, and some of the easiest small animals to take care of. Discover the many coats of cavies, and how to choose the right guinea pig for you!

Hair or fur?

Does a guinea pig have hair or fur? Or is there a difference?

Hair is an individual component of fur, which is the collective term. Technically all mammals have fur, because they are covered in hairs – including humans! Hair can also be defined as ever-growing length that is independent of fur, which grows to a definitive length and does not require trimming.

Like most mammals, guinea pigs have fur that covers their bodies. In fact, they are precocial, which means they are born with fur, teeth, and the ability to walk! But longhaired breed guinea pigs have coats much like longhaired dogs and cats that grow continuously throughout their lives.

The fur on guinea pigs serves the same purpose that it does in all mammals – insulation, protection from elements, and of course, visual appeal! But one type of guinea pig, known as the “skinny pig,” has actually been bred to be completely hairless, save for the occasional patch of fur around their ears or muzzles. Since they don’t have fur, skinny pigs are not good candidates for living outdoors, as they cannot regulate their temperatures without fur for insulation. But, even though they might not come in the variety of colours and textures as their clothed-cousins, they still have the cuteness factor!

Do guinea pigs shed?

Guinea pigs shed seasonally just as other household pets do. A guinea pig will release the dense undercoat they grew for the winter come spring, and will shed throughout the summer as the weather warms. By brushing your guinea pigs regularly, you can assist them in ridding their coats of excess hair.

Shedding shouldn’t be a concern unless your cavy is shedding excessively in the cooler months, or if they are losing hair to the point of having bald patches. If you notice your guinea pig scratching or pulling at their coat, or notice any red or irritated skin, contact your veterinarian.

Can guinea pigs change colours?

While patterns and base colours remain the same, the shade of your guinea pig is likely to change with the seasons – and some changes might actually be permanent!

When a guinea pig is about 3 months old, they will shed their baby fur and grow an adult coat. Sometimes they can change colours entirely during this progression! Seasonal shedding can also alter the appearance of your guinea pig due to the decreased presence of their dense undercoat. As your guinea pig ages, each shedding and regrowing season may bring a new hue to their coat, which can be a permanent change.

The only colour change you should be wary of is yellow, as this indicates urine staining on your guinea pig. Make sure you change their bedding frequently so that they don’t stand or lay in their urine to avoid staining their coat and inviting bacterial infections to start.

Guinea pig looking out of Omlet Zippi Shelter in green

Short-haired guinea pig breeds

There are three officially recognized breeds of short-coated guinea pigs: American, American Satin, and White Crested. The American breed is the most common, and is known for its gentle and docile temperament and low-maintenance coat. They are also known to be very friendly with other guinea pigs, which makes them a great choice if you already have a guinea pig or two.

Other breeds of piggies that are considered short to medium-haired have textured coats. These breeds are: Abyssinian, Abyssinian Satin, Teddy, and Teddy Satin. Abyssinian guinea pigs have whorls (officially known as “rosettes”) that look like cowlicks all over their bodies, giving them a quirky appearance! Teddy breeds have very dense and velvety coats with lots of volume – the density of their coat makes it stand up and away from their bodies, in a very “plushy” look. Satin breeds have a sleek and shiny coat in addition to their breed-specific patterns or traits.

Long-haired guinea pig breeds

Guinea pigs with long hair require more maintenance than those with shorter coats, but if you keep up with their grooming, they are remarkable to behold! Piggies with long, luscious locks include: Coronet, Peruvian, Peruvian Satin, Silkie, Silkie Satin, and Texel.

All of these breeds (except Texels), have long, flowing locks that give them a “walking-mop” appearance. Both striking and adorable, some of these breeds can have coats up to 24 inches long! One of the smallest breeds of guinea pigs, the Texel makes up for its size difference in astonishing curls that hang in ringlets from their bodies. Their coats can be combed or brushed into waves, or be detangled gently to keep their bouncy, corkscrew curls.

All long-haired guinea pigs share the same friendly and easy going demeanour as their short-haired cousins, but some are known to be a little mischievous if they become bored! Like all cavies, long haired guinea pigs need enriching activities that challenge both their minds and bodies. Guinea pig treat holders are a great way to encourage foraging and to stretch out little legs and backs while keeping hair out of their snacks!

How do I groom my guinea pig?

Both long and short haired guinea pigs need some routine grooming. They don’t need to be bathed often – in fact, you want to avoid giving your guinea pig a bath unless they have urine-stains or got exceptionally filthy. Frequent bathing can dry out their skin and open themselves to bacterial or fungal infections more readily. This is especially true for hairless guinea pigs, which should never be bathed.

When performing routine grooming for your guinea pig, you’ll want to focus on their: teeth, nails, coat, and face.

Don’t worry – you don’t have to go out and find a tiny toothbrush for your cavy! You’ll just want to watch your guinea pig munch on a treat, or hold them gently and pull down their bottom lip to make sure they aren’t getting “long in the tooth.” Like all rodents, their teeth grow continuously, and they chew and nibble on things daily to wear them down. A healthy guinea pig mouth should have white teeth with minimal overlap in the front. Minor tooth staining is normal for cavies eating fruits and vegetables, and isn’t a cause for concern unless the entire tooth is affected.

Regular nail trimming should be part of your guinea pig’s grooming routine. Cavies that live outside, or that have ample room in a guinea pig run will need less frequent nail trimming, as they will wear them down while they’re running and playing. When you trim your guinea pig’s nails, make sure that you can see the blood supply (the “quick”) so that you don’t accidentally nick them. And don’t try to trim the nails on a restless guinea pig – wait until they are relaxed and comfortable being in a good position to handle their nails. This may take some practice sessions without actually trimming their nails (treats go a long way!).

Coats of short-haired guinea pigs may need to be brushed in the spring or summer when they shed their undercoats, but it usually isn’t necessary to brush them on a regular basis. Long-haired guinea pigs should be brushed several times a week, depending on their housing conditions and length of their coat. Consider using recycled paper or pine pellets for bedding in long-haired guinea pig homes, as shavings can become tangled in long hair.

To finish up your grooming routine, check your guinea pig’s face for any discharge from the eyes or nose. Clear drainage is normal, but if you notice white or yellow discharge, contact your veterinarian.

Grooming your guinea pig will help strengthen your bond and ensure that your cavy is in good health. Think of each grooming session as another chance to build trust with your guinea pig, and for you to do a brief examination of their health.

Making care even easier and more fun

Guinea pigs are some of the easiest pets to care for – and some of the most enjoyable! You’ll be rewarded with “wheeks” and “chuts” and “popcorning” as part of a language unique to guinea pigs, and probably a cuddle or two!

As with any pet, starting with a good foundation is key. A quality guinea pig hutch is essential in providing the best care for your cavy. Guinea pig shelters and tunnels make for functional accessories that make your guinea pig feel more comfortable in their environment, while providing them with mental and physical exercise.

Have you decided on which breed of guinea pig to add to your family? Let us know below!

Sandy coloured guinea pig on Omlet Guinea Pig Zippi Platform

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Rescuing a Guinea Pig: Is Adoption Right for You?  

Happy guinea pigs enjoying their Omlet Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch

Guinea pigs make for incredibly entertaining and enjoyable pets. They’re highly social, recognize (and “talk” to!) their humans, and are capable of learning tricks and basic commands. So why would anyone want to part with one? 

Like any pet, guinea pigs are an addition to a family and require care and attention. Adding any pet to a family is a big commitment! Cavies (a shorthand name of the scientific name for guinea pigs) make excellent pets for children, as they are known for their gentle dispositions and adorable personalities. But unlike other small pets, guinea pigs have a long lifespan for rodents: up to 8 years! Compared to a shorter life span of 2-3 years for hamsters or gerbils, families often don’t realize just how long a guinea pig will be part of the family. Guinea pigs also require more space than pocket-pets, eat more, and prefer to be kept in pairs or small groups. And, if not provided with enough enrichment and opportunities to exercise, they become bored and will vocalise their displeasure! For these reasons, hundreds of guinea pigs are surrendered to shelters and rescue groups every year, hoping to find their forever homes. 

Reasons to rescue 

Adopting a guinea pig is one of the most noble and commendable ways to become a proud owner of a cavy (or two)! Shelters are not usually equipped with the necessities to keep a cavy comfortable, and are noisy/scary places for a small pet! 

You can help by adopting a guinea pig directly from the shelter, or from a rescue group! Your adoption/rehoming fee goes directly back into the organisation’s funds for feeding, caring for, and rescuing future pets. 

Are you on the fence about owning guinea pigs? You may be interested in fostering one or two! Fostering guinea pigs takes the pressure of being a permanent home off of you, while still providing a safe place for them while you find their perfect home. Check with local guinea pig rescue organisations to see if you can join their list of foster homes – many of them will help you financially care for the guinea pigs you foster, or offer supplies such as bedding and food. It’s also a great opportunity to see if owning a guinea pig is right for you! 

Adopting vs. shopping 

You’re probably familiar with the campaign of “adopt, don’t shop” that shelters and rescue groups use for finding homes for dogs in particular. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with “shopping” (purchasing from a breeder or store) to obtain a guinea pig, there are plenty of cavies in need of forever homes if you know where to look. 

Animal shelters and adoption centres near you can be found online. Be sure to ask them if they have any guinea pigs available – just because they aren’t listed online doesn’t mean they don’t come across them! 

Rescue groups or individuals are also great resources when looking to adopt a guinea pig, and will usually offer continued education and assistance after you adopt through them. These groups or individuals can be found through an online search, Facebook groups or through your local shelter or veterinarian. 

It’s important to check the credibility of a rescue group or individual before adopting from them. You can ask a group for their non-profit status and to check the efforts of an individual, ask them for references and/or ask them which veterinarian they take their cavies to. When you call the veterinarian’s office, they should be more than happy to verify that the individual brings guinea pigs in for care. 

A coat for every occasion 

Choosing the right guinea pig breed isn’t entirely necessary, but it is fun! Guinea pigs all have unique personalities, but are universally known to be sweet, good-natured pets. Breeds have primarily been developed for different coat types – and there are many different varieties! Choosing the right breed for your family really comes down to how you want your guinea pig’s coat to look, and how much time you’d like to spend grooming and brushing them. Coats range from long to short and straight to curly – with some guinea pigs having no hair at all! 

If there’s a particular breed with a coat that appeals most to you, you may want to go through a breeder or a rescue group that really knows their cavies! Still, in checking with shelters and rescues routinely, you may stumble upon your perfect piggy – or one that steals your heart regardless of their hair! Be sure to ask the shelter or rescue to put your name on a list if you are searching for a specific type of guinea pig. 

The main attributes to consider when adopting a guinea pig are: 

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Personality 

Is it a young or senior guinea pig? Are you adopting more than one? If so, be sure to get same-sex pairs to avoid accidental litters of guinea pig pups! And is the guinea pig you’re considering outgoing or shy? 

Finding a guinea pig that fits into your lifestyle and meshes with your family is the most important part of choosing your cavy. Even if the guinea pig you see at the shelter or rescue isn’t the one for you, you can spread the word on social media to help it find its forever home! 

Prepare for “popcorning”

If you aren’t familiar with guinea pigs, one of the most adorable things they do when they’re happy is something called “popcorning.” When a guinea pig is at their happiest, they will quite literally jump for joy – twisting and grunting to form the action known as a guinea pig “popcorn.” 

So how do you get your piggy to popcorn? You help them live their best life through shelter, play, diet, and basic care! 

By choosing a high-quality enclosure like the Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch from the beginning, you’ll avoid having to replace it down the road. We invented this hutch with the spirit of enabling guinea pigs to enjoy nature safely and securely. 

That’s right – you can house your guinea pig outside, all year long! It’s a common misconception that guinea pigs have to be housed indoors, but they’re actually quite capable of adapting to life outside! The added benefits of having an Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch include: weather and predator protection, anti-gnawing and chewing design, and being super easy to clean! 

Regardless of whether you keep your cavy indoors or outdoors, they’ll need engaging activities to exercise their minds and bodies. Since guinea pigs love to tunnel (but not dig their own!), a system of Zippi Guinea Pig Tunnels is an excellent way to curb boredom and move those little legs! Combine the tunnels with Zippi Guinea Pig Runs and Playpens for safe, enclosed playtime – inside or outside! 

Setting up an enriching, safe place for your guinea pig will help them adjust easier and faster, which allows you to spend less time cleaning and more time playing and bonding with them! 

Caring for your cavy 

Once you have all of the proper equipment, guinea pigs are relatively easy to care for. Their diet should consist mainly of ruffage such as Timothy hay, fed in unlimited amounts. They should also be fed a hay-based pellet that is high in fibre to keep their little bellies in working order. 

Like humans, guinea pigs cannot manufacture their own vitamin C, so make sure that their pelleted food has added vitamin C. If not, commercially purchased supplements can be fed or added to their water. You can also offer vegetables high in vitamin C such as bell peppers, tomatoes and asparagus. Fruits are a source of vitamin C as well, but should be fed sparingly as it’s very easy for a guinea pig to become overweight! Small amounts of oranges or kiwi may be given once or twice a week for a treat that packs a dose of vitamin C. 

The Caddi Guinea Pig Treat Holder is a fun way to offer up your cavy’s favourite foods. Stuff it with hay, leafy greens, or other guinea pig-safe delicacies for hours of fun. When you’re as cute as a guinea pig, it’s okay to play with your food! 

In addition to their diet, you should make sure your guinea pig always has access to fresh, clean water. Avoid any bowls low enough for them to step in, tip over, or kick bedding into. Run-mounted crocks or drinkers are good options for offering water to your cavy. You can also use an elevated cat bowl to offer water inside of your guinea pig’s hutch, as long as it’s high enough to keep them from taking a dip, and low enough for their mouths to reach! 

Exercise is important for a guinea pig so that they maintain a healthy weight. Extra ounces on a guinea pig can lead to metabolic or digestive issues, and put unnecessary strain on their little legs which can cause joint pain. Zippi Guinea Pig Platforms are a great way to encourage your guinea pig to put in some extra steps! Try serving their food on the platform to encourage them to climb up and down the ramp. You can also build obstacle courses out of cardboard boxes to encourage physical activity – just be sure there’s a reward at the end! 

Basic grooming and health checks will ensure your guinea pig is feeling its best. If you find anything amiss during a routine once-over, be sure to notify your veterinarian. For a list of these basic activities, visit: 5 Guinea Pig Care Tips. 

Build a bond that lasts a lifetime 

To ensure you and your newly-rescued guinea pig get off on the right foot, remember to: 

  • Choose a high-quality hutch designed for guinea pigs 
  • Offer stimulating and enriching enclosures and playtime 
  • Feed an appropriate diet 
  • Find a veterinarian that treats guinea pigs in case of illness or emergencies

When all of a guinea pig’s basic needs are met, you’ll find that they make wonderful companions! They have many adorable attributes such as popcorning, scampering, playing, and chattering (see: How to Understand the Language of Guinea Pigs). 

By nature, guinea pigs will bond with another of their kind, which is why it’s best to keep them in pairs. Having a pal that speaks your language is great, but cavies also desire and build relationships with their human-caretakers! Talk to your guinea pig often, offer food by hand (careful not to accidentally put your finger in harm’s way), and visit with your guinea pig frequently. Above all, be patient. Bonding with any animal doesn’t happen overnight, but before long your guinea pig will accept you as their friend. Once a bond has been established, it is not easily broken, so take your time. Your piggy will be greeting you with a series of “wheeks”, “chuts”, and “coos” in no time – especially if there’s food involved! 

Confidence and support 

Adopting a guinea pig is a big decision, but with adequate resources and preparation, it can be one of the most rewarding decisions you’ll make as a pet owner! 

We’ve created our products to help your guinea pig adjust to life in their forever home. Because our hutches are meant to be a “forever” solution – no rotting, breaking down, or showing the wear and tear of wooden hutches – you can have the confidence that your adopted cavy is living safely and happily ever after in their new home. 

We hope that you take the leap and open your home and heart to a guinea pig in need of rescuing. If you have any questions about how to adopt a guinea pig, or basic guinea pig care, let us know! 

Guinea pig eating hay in their Omlet Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch

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How Guinea Pigs Prepare for Winter

With just a few weeks until we fall into the most magical season of all, now marks the perfect opportunity to get your guinea pigs winter-ready. Finding the ultimate cosy coat is one way we can prepare for the season ahead, but for our furry friends, the preparation is, of course, slightly different. And whilst your cavy already has a soft, fluffy coat of their own, this doesn’t mean they can brave the colder temperatures without our help.

Have you thought about winter from your guinea’s eye view? Frost, rain, wind. We know that this season can be a difficult time, but getting your pet winter-ready doesn’t have to mean a complete transformation of their autumnal hideaway to a brand new winter wonderland. Don’t let the weather stop you from making magic moments with your pets this season, and with these simple steps, your guineas will be popcorning with joy into winter and ready to brace the change. 

Do guinea pigs like winter?

If you could translate your guinea pigs’ purrs, whistles, and coos, they’d tell you that their favourite temperature is somewhere around 15-24 degrees celsius. And whilst in their natural habitat of the South American Andes, guinea pigs’ ancestors would cuddle up to each other to stay warm. Nowadays, they have become accustomed to their new environment, so we need to take extra care as the temperature drops below their optimal level. Therefore, it’s important that you take the right steps to make sure your cavy isn’t cold.

Can guinea pigs live outside in winter?

Omlet’s Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch has been designed as an all year home. For hutches unlike the Eglu which has twin wall insulation, it’s advisable to move your piggies into a shed or garage in the upcoming months. But, before you do so, you should know that these pets aren’t well-versed in adapting to recurring and drastic changes in temperature. Therefore, being brought in, then out, then in…and out (!) is harmful. This is because a sudden drop in temperature can make your guineas pigs sick . You should either bring them in for the entire winter or for a few weeks when it is very cold. Take a read of our Where To Put My Guinea Pig Hutch guide, so that you pick the perfect spot for your cavies’ winter retreat.

Preparing for winter

Your guinea pigs are ready to grow their thicker winter coat and you’re side-eyeing the thermostat …so what now?

Invest in warm bedding

It’s time for the winter bedding for you and your guineas. Warm bedding is a winter must-have for us and our guinea pigs, so be sure to stock up on extra bagfuls to line their home. It’s especially important that this stays clean and dry.

Guinea pigs in hutch during colder months using warm bedding

Get a bottle cover

As the weather gets colder, keep an eye on your guinea pigs’ water bottles. Freezing temperatures can lead to the metal spout and the actual water becoming frozen, inevitably meaning your cavies won’t have access to one of their basic needs. Not only will a water bottle cover mean their water bottle won’t freeze in winter, but also doubles up in summer to keep their drink nice and cool!

Avoid the grass

Your guinea pigs may have had a summer of fun exploring all the luscious green grass of the garden, but winter is unfortunately not the time for outdoor exploring. Putting your guinea pig down on grass when it’s especially cold or damp isn’t wise. For one, it’s uncomfortable for your guinea pig. It can also, however, lead to illness. Since these furballs have sensitive skin, getting it wet on a regular basis can be detrimental, in combination with being cold and not being able to dry off quickly. This doesn’t mean winter can’t be entertaining for your guinea pigs though! Check out our range of guinea pig toys for some indoor play inspo.

Keep on top of their diet

Guinea pigs should be fed a balanced diet all year round, including the essential nutrient vitamin C. We even wrote all about why vitamin C should be a staple in your guinea’s diet! Vitamin C aside, stocking up on plenty of calories is super important during the colder months as cavies burn more calories in order to stay warm. You should continue to feed them both fresh and dry food every day, as well as an unlimited supply of hay, but a few extra calories this season won’t hurt anyone!

Use hutch covers

Covering your cavies’ hutch is another way to keep them warm during winter, so it’s a good idea to invest in an extreme temperature jacket. This can be wrapped over the hutch and provides further protection to your Eglu Go. If you don’t have an Eglu, you can hang a roll of carpet over the hutch, or use a blanket, which you can nail down to keep in place. Please note however, that guinea pigs must have ventilation in their hutch at all times. 

Guinea pigs keeping warm in their Omlet Eglu Go Hutch with Run, covered by weather protection

How to tell if a guinea pig is too cold

Before the big chill sets in, taking these measures to keep your cavies cosy will mean an enjoyable winter all round. But, it’s still good to know how to tell if your guinea pig is feeling a little frosty.

Whilst we don’t speak the same language as our pets, they’re fantastic at communicating their emotions, likes, and dislikes. Guinea pigs are no different and will use body language to tell you they could do with some warming up! Just like us, guinea pigs will shiver when they’re cold, as well as curling into a ball, known as huddling. Alternatively, your piggies might craft a makeshift blanket with their bedding in an attempt to warm their body temperature. You should also feel their ears, and if they’re cold, then you guessed it, the rest of their body is cold too.

Now that your cavies are winter-ready, it’s time to enjoy the best parts of being a guinea pig owner, knowing that your furry friends will be happy, safe and warm this season.

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Can Rabbits and Guinea Pigs Live Together?

One of the most commonly asked questions from pet parents of smaller breeds of animals is whether or not rabbits and guinea pigs can live together. They are both small, cute and cuddly, live in hutches (or a super stylish Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch!) and like vegetables but that is pretty much where the similarities end.  


It used to be fairly standard practice for Guineas and Bunnies to live together, this was because neutering smaller animals wasn’t seen as a safe option. Things have most definitely changed since then and this is no longer a concern. The other reason behind this cohabitation is that the saying “breeding like rabbits” is very true! It was thought that by keeping guinea pigs and rabbits together it would prevent mass breeding. 

A rabbit’s reproductive cycle is pretty fast, almost immediately after giving birth they can conceive again, and even though the average litter size is 5, it could be even higher! The largest recorded rabbit litter is 24, born to two New Zealand rabbits!
So, if a plethora of bunnies is not for you then your option would have been to let them share the living space with a guinea pig. It’s company after all, right? Wrong, in an ideal world, it would be perfect, however, it is not always meant to be. 

Rabbits and Guinea Pigs are not really recommended to share their living quarters. Here, we look into the reasons behind why this seemingly suitable match made in heaven and lifelong friendship, won’t always be ideal. 

They have different diets

Many consider these small pets to be similar in many ways, however, their dietary needs are quite different. Even though both mammals require hay, vegetables and fruit for a balanced diet there is something fundamentally different about how they process their vitamin intake.
Guinea pigs need Vitamin C to ensure they have a healthy diet because just like humans, they are unable to synthesise the vitamin alone, due to a gene deficiency. Vitamin C is found in citric fruits and is necessary for survival. Rabbits, on the other hand, can synthesise this particular vitamin, and if they are given too much then it could make them sick. 

Housing them together and allowing them to share a food bowl, may only be meeting the needs of one, which could cause health problems down the line for the other.

guinea pigs enjoying food from caddi treat holder

Rabbits bully guinea pigs

This may seem like a bold statement, but it is a possibility and one to be wary of. Our floppy-eared friends are bigger and somewhat stronger than their smaller counterparts. When it comes to food, especially if they are sharing, Peter Rabbit could quite easily push little Mini Guinea out of the way and assert their authority over them. This would result in a tempestuous relationship, especially if your guinea pig is being deprived of food!
Rabbits also love to bounce and hop around as they are very energetic creatures, so playtime could be slightly one-sided and maybe a little rough for your guinea pig who is a little more docile. 

They communicate differently 

Picture this, you’ve got your feet up, you’re comfortable and have a cup of tea on the side and are ready to read the Sunday papers, and all of a sudden your housemate decides to throw a Hawaiian themed party and invite the whole neighbourhood. That’s a little bit like living with a rabbit (from the perspective of a guinea pig!). Despite both being quite sociable little creatures, guineas do like their own space and time to relax, whereas rabbits tend to thrive from attention, either from regular mating or huddling together with their companions, grooming each other. This type of behaviour can be quite stressful for a guinea pig. 

They are a different species after all and will not speak the same language. If they cannot communicate with each other then they could suffer from boredom and loneliness. Whereas if there are lots of rabbits and guinea pigs they will feel happier being with their own kind. 

There are health risks

Both animals can be affected by Bordetella bronchiseptica which is a bacterial infection that can lead to bronchitis. It is more severe for guinea pigs, whereas rabbits display very few symptoms.
Another potential threat is Pasteurella which is passed through saliva, for example biting. Again, this is less of a threat to rabbits but more dangerous to guinea pigs. If rabbits and guinea pigs are living together, it could cause health risks which could be detrimental to a safe environment. 

hutch for guinea pigs eglu go and hutch for rabbits eglu go in garden

How to keep them safe if they do live together

Despite the recommendation that rabbits and guinea pigs should not house share, there may be some exceptions. Introducing them to each other when they are kittens and pups means they may grow to love one another and see each other as friends, not foes. Bringing in a new guinea pig into an environment with an older bunny could lead to a hierarchical imbalance.

You might find that they share a bond or have become the best of friends, or you simply can’t house them separately. If that is the case then there are ways you can accommodate their differences. 

Create a safe space for your guinea pig

If your guinea pig needs to retreat for a moment or two then having its own space is so important. Omlet has created products that can be extended, interconnected and upgraded providing you with a simple solution when it comes to creating a unique space for your animals. Start with the Eglu Go Guinea Pig hutch which is super easy to assemble and clean. It provides that perfectly safe peaceful space for your guinea pig! 

Feed your pets separately

Rather than sharing a food bowl, which we have discovered could be problematic, feed your guinea pig separately from your rabbit. Consider having a different area to feed your rabbit, like in their own enclosure. 

Ensure your rabbit is neutered

Nowadays neutering small pets has become a lot safer and far more common, so it would be recommended if you plan to keep multiple rabbits or keep them with guinea pigs. Since we know that rabbits have the urge to mate constantly, this would not only be annoying for your guinea pig but it could also lead to back injuries, considering they are smaller in stature in comparison to a rabbit. By neutering your rabbit they will have less of a desire to mount their hutch-buddy! 

Friendly neighbours? 

Of course, there is no reason why you can’t have rabbits or guinea pigs. It is possible to create separate living areas so that they can sleep apart and have space for themselves (guinea pigs mostly), and an extensive play area (rabbits!) to keep them energised and entertained. To improve on this architectural masterpiece, provide them with a communal playpen, with an interconnecting tunnel system.
It’s not as though they can’t live together, it is possible, though it is not recommended and hopefully this article has provided enough information as to why. If you have experience of rabbits and guinea pigs living in harmony together or perhaps not, then please share your stories in the comments section below. 

children sitting in eglu go playpen with a rabbit conntected to zippi tunnel system

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Why Is Vitamin C So Important for Guinea Pigs?

Guinea Pig eating Chard in Omlet Purple Zippi Shelter on Zippi Guinea Pig Platforms in Omlet Zippi Guinea Pig Playpen

What is vitamin C, and why is it so important?

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient used to repair tissue, form collagen and keep the immune system working as it should. Something that us humans and guinea pigs have in common, which is pretty unique in the animal world, is our inability to synthesise and store vitamin C. This means that guinea pigs, just like humans, must get vitamin C from food in order to stay happy and healthy.

Luckily lots of common guinea pig food is high in vitamin C, but it’s important that you as an owner make sure that you keep track of your guinea pig’s diet so that they definitely get enough.

Is vitamin C good for guinea pigs?

Not only is it good, it’s essential for pet guinea pigs. If your pet doesn’t get enough vitamin c, they can get really ill and develop the extremely serious condition scurvy.

Signs that your pet is not getting enough vitamin c in their food includes:

  • Painful joints, resulting in a change in movement or an unwillingness to move
  • General lethargy and loss of appetite
  • Dental and fur issues
  • Haemorrhaging, which shows up as bruises on the body

If you think your guinea pig is ill, be it from lack of vitamin c or any other issue, it’s important to speak to your vet as soon as you notice any changes. Read our blog about guinea pig body language to learn more about what your pets’ behaviour could be telling you.

How much vitamin C should I give my guinea pig?

It’s generally advised to give your guinea pig between 10 and 30mg every day, however, how much vitamin C guinea pigs need varies somewhat depending on age, weight and other circumstances. Young guinea pigs who are still growing need more than the average adult cavy, and pregnant or nursing guinea pigs, or those with an underlying health condition, should get about 30 mg or in some cases more.

Most guinea pigs will get what they need from a healthy and balanced diet, but it’s good for you as an owner to know which foods to definitely include to reach the right levels.

guinea pig peeking out of an omlet guinea pig shelter on top of a omlet zippi guinea pig platform

What is the best source of vitamin C for guinea pigs?

Guinea pig pellets from good quality pet shops are normally enriched with vitamin c, so a large part of your pets’ vitamin c will come from that.

Apart from the pellets, you should give your pets about a handful or two of fresh greens every day. Fresh vegetables, and leafy greens in particular, are a great source of vitamin C, and by providing them with a varied diet you can be sure that they are getting enough nutrients and vitamins.

Humans often opt for citrus when we want to boost our own vitamin C intake, but that’s not a good alternative for guinea pigs, and fruit in general is often too sweet to give on a daily basis. In fact, lots of vegetables have just as high, or even higher vitamin C content than for example oranges, including:

  • Peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Spinach, kale and parsley
  • Broccoli and asparagus

While a good quality feed, some fresh greens and a constant supply of hay should keep your guinea pigs happy and healthy, there are other ways to boost their vitamin intake. This is particularly helpful if you’ve got a pet who is ill and struggling to eat, or if you for one reason or another don’t have access to fresh vegetables. Some of these include:

  • A supplement vitamin C tablet
  • Liquid vitamin C
  • Vitamin C enriched treats

Make sure what you’re giving your pet is specifically designed for guinea pigs, and always read the label to make sure you’re giving the right dose. You might even want to ask your vet before you start giving supplements regularly.

Avoid water-based vitamin C drops. Once in the drinking water, the concentration is very low, so your pet will have to drink a lot to get any benefits. What’s more is that it can make the water taste different, which can instead turn your pet off their water, which is even more of a worry.

What happens if a guinea pig gets too much vitamin C?

If your pet occasionally consumes more vitamin C than the recommended daily dose, that’s nothing to worry about, as any excess vitamin C the body doesn’t need will come out with the urine. In general it’s difficult for a guinea pig to overdose on vitamins, but if they regularly get more than 30mg it can result in serious health issues, for example a condition called pseudo-scurvy, a reduced sensitivity to the vitamin.

Too much vitamin over a long period can cause bladder and kidney stones, and can halter healthy development for growing guinea pigs.

If you’re feeding your guinea pig a balanced diet with good quality guinea pig pellets you generally don’t have to worry about this, it’s more of a problem if you’re providing additional vitamin C in the form of supplements.

Other important vitamin C information

It’s good to know that even if you’re doing what you can to provide your guinea pig with everything they need, they can still get a vitamin c deficiency. Often this has got to do with out of date or badly stored food. Vitamin C has a sell-by date, and the nutritional content decreases as the food gets older.

This applies to fresh fruit and veg, as well as store bought pellets and vitamin C supplements, so make sure you always keep your guinea pigs food fresh and stored in the right way. Get rid of anything that is out of date, and never give your pets mouldy or otherwise gone over greens.

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Give Your Pets’ Run a Spring Clean

Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch with tulipsSpring has nearly sprung, which of course means new beginnings! Many of us will make a start to the annual spring clean and take advantage of the slightly longer days and warmer weather by spending some more quality time outdoors again. And just like us, our pets appreciate all that spring has to offer after a long winter! For our furry friends, this season means more time outside in their run, where there will now be a lot less mud, and plenty of luscious grass to play in and peck at. But before your pets head out again, get them involved with the spring clean and give their run a tidy up as well!

Move Runs to a Fresh Space

Before beginning a spring clean, you’ll want to take your chickens, guinea pigs, or rabbits to a temporary enclosure to keep them safe and out of the way. Once this is done, you can move their run to a fresh spot in the garden. All Omlet runs can be transported and can then simply be secured in their new position using the Omlet screw pegs.

As we’ll now (hopefully!) have a bit more sun, place your run in an area where your pets will have plenty of room to explore. When we head later into the season, it’s a good idea to purchase some weather protection for your run, which will keep your animals shaded from the sunlight. 

Change Their Bedding

Guinea pig and rabbit bedding should be changed frequently (twice a week), so be sure to include this job when you’re carrying out the spring clean. Fortunately, the Omlet rabbit hutches and guinea pig hutches can be easily navigated to change bedding with slide-out trays, which can be cleaned and refilled.

For hens, spring is the time of year where you’ll begin to notice an increase in egg laying output after a winter of minimal or reduced egg production. Make sure that your hens’ nesting boxes have soft bedding for chickens, which will provide them with a cosy place to nest, as well as reducing odours in their coop. 

Use Caddis to Improve Run Cleanliness 

To further improve cleanliness of your rabbit or guinea pig hutch, you can use Caddis as an alternative way of feeding. Not only do Caddi Treat Holders provide pets with the mental stimulation they require but they keep food off of the run floor. In doing so, you’ll also keep unwanted predators and rodents away from your pets. 

Rabbits hopping around their Omlet Caddi Treat Holder

Give Your Pets a Groom 

As well as keeping your pets in pristine condition, grooming is a great way to build a bond, and it’s not just for cats and dogs! So why not hop into the new season with your pet looking their very best, all ready to get back into their run? 

Although it might be your first instinct to run your guinea pig a bath if they’re looking in need of a clean, this can actually be harmful for them. Instead, invest in a guinea pig grooming kit and chemical-free wipes, which will help to maintain their fur cleanliness. For more information on guinea pig hygiene, have a read of a previous blog we wrote on this topic. 

The amount of grooming a rabbit needs, however, is dependent on its breed. Longer haired breeds such as the Lionhead require a thorough grooming regime, so it’s important that you upkeep this routine all year round. 

Chickens are very low maintenance animals, and will often bathe themselves in dust to keep clean. You can even offer them a helping hand and make your very own chicken dust bath by converting a bucket or old cat litter tray!

Extend Their Run

Now that your spring clean is complete, why not consider adding a few extras to their run? Your pets will be spending more time outside, so it’s the perfect excuse to get an extension for their run, and the Zippi Run Extension Kits are ideal for making your rabbit or guinea pigs’ play space bigger. For chickens, try the Chicken Walk In Run Extensions, which can be fitted to your existing chicken run to give your flock some extra freedom.

Upgrade Your Pets’ Run With New Toys and Accessories

A few more toys and accessories for your pets’ run won’t go amiss either! Omlet has a wide range for chickens, guinea pigs, and rabbits. The Zippi Shelter with a Play Tunnel is a great option to go for, giving your cavies hours of entertainment in their run, alongside providing them with plenty of exercise, essential for their wellbeing. 

Chickens will absolutely love the Omlet Chicken Peck Toy for their run, which can be filled with their favourite treats or feed, stimulating their foraging instinct.

Extending Omlet Chicken Eglu Go UP

Now you’re hopefully all ready for what spring brings you and your pet. Make a start to upgrading their run today!


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How to Activate Your Rabbits and Guinea Pigs

rabbit going from run to hutch with tunnel

Providing your small pets with enough exercise and activity is extremely important for their mental and physical well-being. An under stimulated rabbit or guinea pig will easily become bored, which can result in unwanted behaviours and a lot of frustration. Luckily, there are things you as an owner can do to encourage movement and introduce more excitement into their lives. Here are some of our top tips:

Provide more space

It might seem obvious, but it’s much easier for a rabbit or guinea pig to get enough exercise if they have plenty of space to move around on. Extend their current small animal run, add new small animal playpens, or set up a room in the house or area of the garden where your pets can securely roam free. 

Change things up

New things will excite and stimulate your rabbits and guinea pigs. However, they don’t need a completely new home every month to stay interested. Regularly swapping toys around or changing the setup of their hutch and run by moving accessories to new places will encourage them to explore, stimulating both brain and body!

Get them foraging

Rabbits and guinea pigs instinctively love searching for food. You can help them live out this natural interest by hiding treats in their enclosure, stuffing hay into small nooks or putting leaves, fruit and vegetables in a Caddi Guinea Pig or Rabbit Treat Holder. Anything that gets your pets working for the reward of some really good treats is great in terms of activating them!

Level up

Adding guinea pig and rabbit platforms to your enclosure is a great way of utilising all the space available. Guinea pigs will love running down ramps, and rabbits can use their long leg muscles to jump up onto platforms or steps. As if that wasn’t enough, rabbits especially love sitting up high and inspecting their surroundings, so giving them a lookout space is going to be very popular!

guinea pig hiding in a shelter on a platform

Digging opportunities

While it might not apply to the average guinea pig, you will struggle to find a rabbit that doesn’t absolutely love digging. If you don’t want them to ruin the lawn, giving them a designated digging pit is a good idea. A large plant pot or tray with loose soil will be a great start. You can also put some crumpled up newspaper in the bottom for your rabbit to shred. 

Get involved with the playing

If your pet is comfortable with it, a great way of activating them is to play together. Get down to their level and give them some time to get used to your presence. Eventually they will likely approach you and you can slowly introduce games and interactive playing. You can bring toys and treats for encouragement, depending on what your pet likes. 

Some rabbits and guinea pigs can also be mentally stimulated by learning tricks. We’ve got a blog on how to train your small pet if you think this might be for you!

Teeth exercise

Rabbits’ and guinea pigs’ teeth never stop growing, so to keep them in tip top shape your pets will need something to grind them down with. A constant supply of hay is the most important thing, but you can also give them gnaw toys and pet friendly branches to nibble on. 

Give them a space to rest

While it’s important to give your pets enough space and opportunities to move and exercise, it’s just as important to make sure they have places in their home where they can settle down and relax. Being prey animals, they will benefit from having somewhere secluded to return to where they know they will be safe. This could be snuggling down in the bedding of their rabbit hutch, or peeking out from a guinea pig shelter on the run. 

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Ideal Christmas Presents for Little Ones (Humans and Pets)

Whether you’re buying a present for an animal loving child or for your own little pet, we’ve got the perfect gifts, big and small. Check out these top tips, now at an amazing price in the Omlet Black Friday Sale! 

Shelters and Play Tunnels

Give your rabbits or guinea pigs something fun to play with on their run this winter with Zippi Guinea Pig Shelters and Rabbit Play Tunnels. Available in green or purple, the shelters are a great way of providing a safe and secluded place for your pets to hide, or as a platform they can jump onto and watch the world go by. 

The play tunnels can be placed independently anywhere on the run for your pets to chase each other through, or be connected to the shelters to create a maze that mimics their wild burrows. Entertainment and safe spot in one! 


The Caddi Rabbit Treat Holder is the perfect stocking filler for chickens, rabbits or guinea pigs, or their owners. The Caddi can be filled with a range of pet appropriate treats, and will swing as the animals peck or bite the treats. It’s the ideal both mental and physical challenge, with the added bonus of a tasty reward! 

Hung from the roof of your hutch and run, the height of the Caddi can easily be adjusted, and it’s super easy to remove it for refilling and cleaning.

Qute Hamster and Gerbil Cage

The Qute hamster and gerbil cage allows owners to get closer to their pets. The modern design means you will be happy to display the piece in your kitchen or living room, and the large, crystal clear bedding tray makes it easy for pet owners of all ages to see what their pets are up to. The bedding tray also offers a convenient way of getting your hamster or gerbils out of the cage for playing, socialising and exercise. 

Geo Bird Cage

Upgrade your budgie or other small birds’ home this winter with the stunning Geo Bird Cage. The Geo has got everything your bird needs to become a natural part of the home, and you can accessorise with baths, mirrors and toys for your pets to enjoy.

You can also add a festive touch to the avian housing with the NEW Nordic Green cover. Pop the woodland themed cover with a calming cream background and a trim of geometric trees over the cage at bedtime to let your pets rest in their own winter wonderland. 

Eglu Go Hutch 

Do your current pets need a home improvement? The Eglu Go Small Animal Hutch is the perfect way of keeping rabbits or guinea pigs in the garden. The handy integrated hutch and run solution allows your pets to run in and out as and when they like during the day, and when it’s time for a nap they can curl up in the safe and insulated house. In winter you can move the hutch closer to the house, making cleaning and spending time with your pets even easier.

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8 tips for making your pets’ run more fun this autumn

Eglu Cube chicken coop outside in the autumn

It’s that time of year again when we say goodbye to summer and welcome in the cooler, shorter autumnal days. For many pet owners, summer is a great opportunity to spend quality time with their animals; playing outdoors and enjoying the warmer weather. But, the change in season doesn’t have to mean that the good times have to stop. So whether you’ve got a chicken, guinea pig or are a pet parent to rabbits, here are 8 tips for making their run more fun this autumn.

Why do pets need runs?

It’s important that you continue to keep your pets exercised throughout the year, and animal runs are great for this, giving your furry friends the freedom to roam within a safe and confined environment. Omlet has a range of runs for chickens, rabbit runs and guinea pig runs, which are all predator-resistant, with their innovative mesh designs.

Whilst runs are fantastic for providing your animals with more space, adding a few extras over the next coming months can help to keep both you and your pets entertained. 

For guinea pig and rabbit runs

Pig out on veggies

Cavies and rabbits love their fresh veg – you can even make a game of it! Try hiding their favourite pieces of veggies around the run and have them go off to find their treats. This game is the perfect opportunity for you to spend some quality time outside with your pet. Just don’t forget to clean up any remains from the run floor to avoid pesky predators sniffing out the snacks.

Or, use the Omlet Caddi rabbit treat holder or guinea pig treat holder to keep your pets’ brains engaged. Simply fill the treat holders with your rabbit or guinea pig-safe vegetables and watch them spend time navigating how to get them out. Take a look at some suggestions for rabbit treats and guinea pig treats here.

DIY adventure playground

Upgrade your pets’ run to an adventure playground with pet play tunnels. They can simply be attached to your guinea pig or rabbits’ run and provide them with a new way to exercise. Plus, they’ve been designed to mimic the innate burrowing behaviours of rabbits and guinea pigs too.

Shelters can also be a great addition to your run this season. The Omlet Zippi Shelters for rabbits and Zippi Shelters for guinea pigs are weatherproof too, meaning that your pet will be protected from the elements in autumn. 

And since both pets have a natural desire to seek a hiding space in a hole, you can be assured that while they’re having fun, they’re feeling safe. The Zippi shelters easily attach to the Omlet play tunnels via connector rings, too, which means you can create a fun maze for your furry friends.

Guinea pig and rabbit toys

Who said toys were just for cats and dogs? Give a new toy to your small animal to help to bust their boredom this season. Toys for guinea pigs and rabbits can simply be hung up in their run and will keep them active, engaged, and curious.

For chicken runs

Make use of those crisp, autumn leaves

The leaves of autumn in your garden can actually be a great source of entertainment for your chickens. All you have to do is build up a pile of crisp autumn leaves in your chickens’ run, and watch them have endless hours of fun pecking. You can even add some sunflower seeds to your pile to have your flock hunt for.

Omlet’s Chicken Swing

Omlet’s Chicken Swing is the perfect way to make your chickens’ run more fun this autumn. The Omlet Chicken Swing will have your chicken in their element, as they get to grips with their new toy. Not only will this run accessory provide them with plenty of entertainment, but you’ll have just as much fun watching them hop on and off and swing back and forth.

Toys for chooks

Chickens can have toys too. A bored chicken can lead to behaviour such as flock bullying and abnormal feather loss, so at this time of year it’s even more important to keep your chickens entertained. Naturally, as the weather drops, these animals get increasingly restless, with less grass and weeds for them to forage on, as they enjoyed over the summer. A chicken peck toy though, is one option to keep your flock happy, providing them with physical and mental stimulation.

Omlet and your pets’ autumn

Omlet knows that this time of year can be more difficult for pet owners but whatever the season brings this year, with Omlet’s range of guinea pig, rabbit and chicken products you and your pets can continue to have fun all autumn long. And, as the end of the season brings colder weather, don’t forget to have a read of the Omlet guides on keeping your guinea pigs, rabbits, and chickens safe and warm when they’re outdoors.

Two guinea pigs in fall using their Omlet Zippi Shelter in their outdoor Omlet guinea pig run

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