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Ultimate rabbit and guinea pig checklist 

Thinking about adding a small pet to your family? Despite having different needs, rabbits and guinea pigs require many of the same accommodations, so whichever you’re considering adding to your family, your shopping list will look similar. From hutches and runs, to play and feed, we’ve got the ultimate rabbit and guinea pig checklist for you to tick off before you bring your fluffy new friends home.

Guinea pig on the Zippi platforms in the Zippi run

Caring for rabbits and guinea pigs 

Rabbits and guinea pigs both make wonderfully rewarding family pets. They can be housed indoors or outdoors in suitable climates; either way they need plenty of room to roam and certain equipment to stay safe, happy and healthy. With the appropriate setup and care, rabbits and guinea pigs can live up to 8-10 years. 

Rabbits and guinea pigs have different nutritional needs and communication methods, so should be kept separately. They’re both social animals however, and need the companionship of their own kind. So, when planning your pets’ future home, make sure you can provide room and care for at least two of either.


Traditionally, rabbit and guinea pig hutches have been made of wood, but this poses a few problems. Both rabbits and guinea pigs have teeth that grow continuously. They need to gnaw almost constantly in order to keep their incisors from over growing, which leads to serious health problems. Wooden hutches are tempting to chew on, and treated lumber can be toxic to pets. They’re also drafty, inadequate in more extreme weather, and absorb moisture, ammonia and odours, so can become unhygienic and need replacing in no time at all. 

Eglu Go Rabbit Hutches and Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutches are designed to give your small pets the safety and comfort they need and deserve. They are both also designed to be used in conjunction with fixed, steel mesh runs, giving your rabbits or guinea pigs free access to an outdoor space (more on this below.)

  • Made of pet-safe, strong, durable plastic  
  • Twin insulated for optimal internal temperatures
  • Draft-free ventilation 
  • Easy to clean in a matter of minutes
  • Predator proof design
  • Built to last a lifetime 

Starting out with a durable, easy clean rabbit or guinea pig hutch is an investment you will soon recoup, which will set you and your pets up for success from the first day.


The bedding you use inside of your rabbits’ or guinea pigs’ hutch should be natural and absorbent. Typical bedding options include: 

  • Pine shavings or pellets
  • Aspen shavings
  • Recycled paper (this resembles loose cotton) 
  • Straw 

Breeds of rabbits with long hair like Lionheads or Angoras need recycled paper or pine pellets as bedding – straw and shavings will get tangled in their coats. Similarly, breeds of guinea pigs with long hair like Peruvians or Shelties should not be kept on shavings or straw bedding.

Outdoor space 

Rabbits and guinea pigs need plenty of space outside their hutch to stretch their legs and explore, which they should ideally have constant, secure access to.  Rabbits in particular have lots of energy, so a spacious outdoor rabbit run is essential to helping them stay healthy and happy. 

If you’re short on outdoor space, the Omlet Zippi Tunnel System is a great way to recreate their natural environment and let them zoom when the mood takes them, as it lets you connect their hutch to additional enclosures in different areas, as a burrow would. Guinea pigs also need an outdoor guinea pig run to stay fit and can also benefit from a tunnel system, as they can be prone to obesity and boredom if they don’t have enough space to exercise. 

Omlet’s rabbit and guinea pig runs have attached floor panels to prevent digging out, which is an issue in particular with female rabbits, but is also necessary to prevent predators digging in. 

Constructed of weatherproof, heavy-duty steel weld mesh, Omlet runs have a modular design that lets you expand your run when you like, making them a future proof choice.

Enriching their area

Part of the joy of having rabbits or guinea pigs is watching them play. The best rabbit and guinea pig toys are those that encourage their natural behaviors. Rabbit and guinea pig run accessories, like shelters, play tunnels and platforms make perfect places for your pets to stretch their legs, find a shady spot for a snooze, or just hunker down for some quiet time. Since both rabbits and guinea pigs are prey animals, they’re naturally nervous and always on high-alert for potential predators. Shelters and tunnels they can retreat into quickly if they perceive danger give them a sense of security, so placing these throughout the run will help your rabbits or guinea pigs feel much more at ease.


Both rabbits and guinea pigs should be fed high quality pellets as per the instructions on the pack. However, unlike rabbits, guinea pigs can’t manufacture their own vitamin C, so commercially available guinea pig pellets should be fortified with this essential nutrient. Their different dietary needs are one of the main reasons rabbits and guinea pigs should be kept separately. 

An essential part of their wellbeing is plenty of timothy hay, which both rabbits and guinea pigs need free-choice access to around the clock. This keeps their digestive system working as it should, but also helps keep their teeth trimmed. Timothy hay won’t cause rabbits or guinea pigs to become overweight, so it’s safe (and necessary) for it to be available at all times. 

Both bunnies and cavies will most likely enjoy the odd fresh crunchy treat. Leafy greens, chunks of raw broccoli or cabbage, fresh herbs and small amounts of some fruits will have them hopping over for a nibble. Keep these treats off the ground with a Caddi Rabbit and Guinea Pig Treat Holder to keep them fresher for longer and discourage pests.

Omlet and your rabbits and guinea pigs 

Keeping rabbits and guinea pigs is a rewarding experience for all ages, but despite their diminutive size, these cuties need daily care and attention. Our Eglu Go Rabbit and Guinea Pig Hutches are designed to make providing your small pets with a hygienic, comfortable home a breeze. With cleaning done and dusted in a matter of minutes, you can spend your time enjoying their quirky characters, sociable natures and natural curiosity.

 Children playing in the Zippi setup with their pet rabbits

This entry was posted in Guinea Pigs

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