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How to redirect your puppy’s chewing

Two puppies chewing on their Omlet Topology Dog Bed with Quilted Topper

For puppies, the whole world is just one big chew toy. In order to explore their surroundings and everything in it, they use their mouths and teeth to chew through their curiosity. While this behaviour is extremely normal and expected, that doesn’t take away the fact that it can also be frustrating and destructive – especially to your furniture, shoes or even their dog beds. So if you’re a puppy parent wondering when the bite marks and chewed socks will end, keep reading. Omlet has the advice and products you need to help redirect your puppy’s chewing.

Normal puppy chewing behaviour

Just like babies, puppies experience pain and discomfort when teething. For the first 6 months of a puppy’s life, they spend much of their time chewing and biting as a way to help give their mouth and teeth some relief. It’s perfectly normal for puppies to chew as a way to strengthen their jaws, stimulate their brains and relieve anxiety – they literally can’t help it!

While some dogs can be mouthier than others, if you’re noticing your puppy chewing and biting excessively, there could be some underlying reasons to keep an eye out for. In the UK, most puppies can be adopted by a human family as early as 8 weeks old. However, sometimes these precious pint-sized pups are separated from their mother much earlier than they should, causing them severe separation anxiety and a heightened tendency to suck on fabric. As a result, puppies in this instance could display more chewing habits for longer periods. 

In addition, puppies who are bored or not receiving enough attention once they are in your home could exhibit more chewing as well. But regardless if your puppy is a mild, moderate or mega chewer, this behaviour is only temporary and there are ways it can be redirected and eventually resolved. 

Puppy-proof the house

The first golden rule of puppyhood that should be followed at all times is this – never leave your puppy unattended to roam free in your house. We promise it will lead to mass destruction! So the best thing you can do before you bring your puppy home is designate which room in the house will be the temporary puppy pad. We suggest a room with tile and not carpet.

The second golden rule of puppyhood is to remember to have patience. While the natural behaviour of chewing and biting can be redirected, it is a slow process that will take time and inevitably have many ‘slip-ups’ along the way. So be prepared to deal with several chewed-up socks, shoes and even dog beds. 

Fortunately, Omlet has solutions as we know puppy chewing is nothing to be messed with.

That’s why we created our Puppy Bed to be durable enough to withstand the power of puppy teeth. In fact, we’re so confident in the engineered resistance of the quilted topper that we have a 180-day puppy guarantee on this style. In the unlikely event your puppy chews through the quilted topper in less than 180 days from purchase, we will replace it for free*. 

Tips to redirect puppy chewing

While we do know that your puppy won’t be able to chew through their Omlet Topology bed, we are certain that they will find something else to chew on. After all, puppies will be puppies. So here are some ways you can help redirect your puppy from chewing anything else in your home.

  • Exercise is key

Did you know that puppies can get bored? Kind of hard to believe given their bubbly and inquisitive nature. But it’s true, and puppy boredom can lead to a lot more chewing. So the best way to combat this is with exercise. Because after all, a tired puppy won’t chew as much. 

Just keep in mind that at their still very young age and susceptible systems, puppies can’t go on long walks or romps at the dog park. So finding ways to play with your puppy indoors is key to keeping boredom at bay. Any type of physical or mental stimulation will help alleviate the need for excess chewing.

  • Chew toy essentials

Just as toddlers need lots of toys for added stimulation, so do puppies. So be sure you have several dog chew toy options on hand for your puppy to use. Just don’t give your puppy old socks or shoes as chew toy options – that will only cause confusion when they try to chew the new shoes left at the door. 

You can also rotate chew toys every few days so your puppy has something new to clench their chew with. When selecting toys for your pup, keep their size and age in mind so that you choose ones that are appropriate for their specific needs.

  • Kongs are king

How about taking those puppy chew toys to the next level with Kongs. These super hard plastic chew toys are a great way to redirect your puppy’s chewing. Designed to stand up to the sharpest of puppy teeth, a Kong toy is a great replacement for a shoe, sock or even a piece of furniture your puppy has become fond of.

As soon as you see your puppy chewing something they shouldn’t give them a Kong toy to chew instead. In time, they’ll pick the toy over the furniture. You can even stuff the Kong with one of these easy-to-make Kong recipes. Just make sure the ingredients are suitable for your puppy before serving.

  • Redirect with repellents

What do you do if your puppy is more attracted to electrical cords instead of shoes for their chewing regularity? That can be dangerous! In the event you see your puppy going after cords or really anything that is an absolute ‘no chew zone’, you can use a repellent as a way to redirect.

Dogs hate the taste of anything bitter, so spray a bitter apple spray on the items that you want them to stay away from completely. Just make sure your spray is natural and non-toxic and it will be a safe measure to take in redirecting their chewing. 

How NOT to redirect puppy chewing

It’s really important that you avoid any negative reactions or consequences as a way to redirect their chewing. You have a lifetime to look forward to with your new furry friend and if you try to stop their innate chewing behaviour the wrong way, it could lead to less trust later on. So here are a few tips on what not to do in redirecting your puppy’s chewing.

  1. Never place a muzzle on your puppy’s mouth
  2. Never try and clamp their mouth shut with your hand
  3. Never use a dog crate as punishment tool for chewing

Omlet and your puppy

As the experts on puppy behaviour, we know all too well how normal and frustrating the first few months of puppyhood chewing can be. That’s why our Omlet designers create products that are both beneficial and durable to withstand the power of puppy teeth. From a wide range of dog chew toys that are a perfect replacement for shoes and socks to our perfect puppy bed, which is engineered to go up against any good puppy chew session, Omlet has what you need to settle in your puppy.

*Find out more about Omlet’s 180 Day Puppy Guarantee here.

Black Labrador puppy chewing on Kong on their Omlet Topology Dog Bed with Quilted Topper

This entry was posted in Dogs

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