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5 Summer enrichment activities for your cat

As the summer months heat up, it’s important to keep your feline friend cool and entertained. Cats may not be as high-maintenance as dogs when it comes to outdoor activities, but they still need stimulation and exercise. Here are five enriching activities that will keep your cat happy, healthy, and engaged during the sweltering summer days.

Black cat walking through the Omlet Catio tunnels in the summer

Cool environments inside and out

Creating a comfortable environment for your cat both indoors and outdoors is essential during the summer. One great way to provide a cool, shady retreat for your cat outside is by setting up a catio. These enclosed outdoor spaces allow your cat to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine without the risk of roaming free. Ensure the catio offers plenty of shade to keep your cat cool and protected from direct sunlight. Adding features like elevated platforms, tunnels, and cosy corners will make the catio more appealing and provide your cat with various spots to relax and stay cool.

Connecting your catio to the house with a catio tunnel is a fantastic idea. This way, your cat can freely move between the cool indoor air conditioning and the shaded outdoor space as they please. The ability to come back inside when it gets too hot will ensure your cat stays safe and comfortable. Make sure the indoor environment is just as inviting, with plenty of cool spots, fans, and perhaps even a cooling mat specifically designed for pets.

Make hydration fun

Keeping your cat hydrated is crucial, especially during the hot summer months. One way to encourage your cat to drink more water is by making hydration fun. Cats can be notoriously finicky about drinking water, so getting creative can help. Try offering frozen treats or ice cubes in their cat water dish. The novelty and the cooling effect will often entice them to drink more. You can also create fun feeding stations with water fountains designed for pets. The moving water can be more appealing to cats than still water, encouraging them to drink more frequently.

Another trick is to incorporate water into playtime. For instance, you can freeze cat-safe broth or wet food into ice cubes and let your cat bat them around. Not only does this keep them hydrated, but it also provides mental stimulation and exercise. Always ensure that the frozen treats are safe for your cat and avoid any ingredients that could be harmful.

Kitty playdates

Social interaction is important for cats, and playdates with other feline friends can be a great way to help them expend energy and stay cool. If you have multiple cats or know other cat owners, arranging playdates in a cool environment can be highly beneficial. Make sure the space is well-ventilated and cool, with fans or air conditioning to keep the temperature comfortable. Supervised playtime can prevent any aggressive behaviour and ensure all cats are getting along.

Introducing new toys and activities during these play dates can keep things exciting. Interactive toys, climbing cat tree structures, and even simple cardboard boxes can provide hours of entertainment. Watching cats interact and play together can also be a joy for cat owners, providing a sense of community and shared experience.

Bring the outdoors inside

When it’s too hot for your cat to be outside, bringing elements of the outdoors inside can keep them entertained and engaged. Creating a personalized rooting station with cat-friendly plants like catnip, cat grass, or silver vine is a great idea. These plants are safe for cats to nibble on and can provide a sensory experience that stimulates their natural instincts.

You can set up a small indoor garden area with a variety of textures and scents to keep your cat interested. Rotate the plants regularly to keep things fresh and exciting. Additionally, consider adding perches or shelves near windows so your cat can watch birds and outdoor activity from the comfort of a cool indoor spot. This can satisfy their curiosity and hunting instincts without exposing them to the heat.

Teach new tricks

Summer is a great time to bond with your cat by teaching them new tricks. Training your cat to walk on a leash can open up new possibilities for outdoor exploration in a controlled manner. Start with a comfortable harness and take things slowly, allowing your cat to get used to the sensation. Once they are comfortable, you can take short walks in shaded areas during cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening.

Playing fetch with your cat inside is another fun activity. Many cats can be trained to fetch small toys or balls, providing both mental and physical exercise. Use treats and positive reinforcement to encourage this behaviour. Teaching new tricks not only strengthens the bond between you and your cat but also keeps their minds active and curious.


Omlet and your cat

At Omlet, we understand the importance of keeping your cat happy and engaged, no matter the season. Our innovative products are designed with curiosity and care, just like the cats we make them for. From catios to cosy cat beds, we create items that not only meet your cat’s needs but also enhance the time you spend together. Embrace the summer with these enrichment activities, and let Omlet help you make every moment with your feline friend enjoyable, no matter the weather outside.

Cats climbing on the Omlet indoor Freestyle cat tree

This entry was posted in Cats

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