The Omlet Blog

Scrumptious Scones

Stuck for a lunch idea?  What about an afternoon tea?  Scones are easy and quick to make, paired with an egg mayo & cucumber sandwich and a steaming pot of tea!


Scones (makes 16)


450g self raising flour

110g butter

55g sugar

2 tsps baking powder

75g sultanas

300ml butter milk

(or 200ml milk – if using milk, add a tsp of lemon juice, as this turns the milk more acidic and reacts with the baking powder to create lighter scones)


* Rub the butter, flour and baking powder together until you have fine breadcrumbs


* Add the sultanas and milk, bring the mixture together using a blunt knife.  

(Don’t overwork the dough, you just want to bring it together in a ball)


*On a floured surface, flatten the dough with your hand until it is around 3cm thick.


*Using a 6cm fluted cutter, cut out rounds, bringing the dough together each time until it is all used up.  


Place on a baking tray and brush the tops with beaten egg.

Bake for 15 – 18 mins at 220C //Gas mark 7 until golden brown on top and the bottom sounds hollow when tapped with your finger.  


Cool on a wire rack.
Serve with jam and clotted cream for an extra special treat!

This entry was posted in Recipes

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