The Omlet Blog

Poached Eggs Life Hack

We all love a good runny poached egg but it’s impossible to cook more than one at a time without them falling apart. Out of all the tricks in the book I have never managed to cook multiple poached eggs so that they all come out perfect.  I tried all of the old wives tales you can imagine, spin the water, add vinegar, cook them in deep water, cook them in shallow water. I officially gave up and resided to a life of scrambled and fried eggs….until now.

Behold the champion of all poached egg hacks, the clingfilm technique, huzzah! Below I will take you through this nifty method step by step so that you two can enjoy all the poached eggs you wish for:

1 – Lay out a piece of clingfilm and rip it off the roll

2 – Place the clingfilm over a cup and push the wrap into it slightly, creating a little dip

3 – Pour a small amount of oil into the dip and spread it around the area covering the cup (this makes sure that your egg is easy to remove from the clingfilm later)

4 – Crack a fresh egg into the dip in the clingfilm

5 – Pull each of the corners of the clingfilm up to meet in the middle high above the egg, wist the wrap down to the egg making a seal, it should now look like a pod at the bottom

6 – Repeat for the number of eggs you are cooking

7 – Fill your saucepan halfway and get it to a gentle simmer over medium heat

8 – Slowly drop your bunch of egg pods into the saucepan and time for 3 1/2 minutes

9 – Pull the eggs out and cut the twisted part of the clingfilm off (be careful the eggs and wrap will be hot)

10 – Slowly peel away the clingfilm and place your egg on toast, bacon, gammon, biscuits, pancakes whatever you prefer


This entry was posted in Recipes

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