The Omlet Blog

Hens on Holiday!

We’ve been in touch with Sarah from Sussex Garden Poultry who has told us about a fantastic service that they offer to hens when their owners go on holiday…

How many Chicken Coops do you have? 

When did you get your first Coop?? Which type of Eglu was it?

Why do you like Eglu Chicken Coops?

Please tell us more about the Chicken Holidays

What is the most chickens you’ve looked after at any one time?

What is the longest time that a Chicken has stayed with you?

I imagine the service is very popular…… Do you get fully booked up?

What is the furthest distance a customer has travelled to bring their chickens to you?

What do prices start at?

To find out more about Hen Holidays please view the Sussex Garden Poultry Website:

To find out more about Eglu Chicken Coops – Click here

This entry was posted in Chickens

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