The Omlet Blog

A Customer Review of the Outdoor Cat Run from Omlet

Do or Don’t??


Are you considering buying a run for your cat?

5 degrees outside, oh how we’d love to open a window or the French Doors, but we have two indoor cats that might attempt to get out.

My husband is very determined that the house and garden should look good, so fencing in the whole garden was not an option for us. Anyway, fencing might keep our cats in, but it wouldn’t keep other cats out.

Next idea, should we build a run ourselves? No, it won’t look good next to the house and it’s not flexible.

An outdoor run for which I would be able to decide the length and width myself. Easy to move, pack up, make smaller or make larger – and it’s green like the garden. One of the things I fell for is that you can place the run directly on the grass, so the cats have a natural floor to play on. The roof is made up of the same netting as the rest of the run, so the cats can keep an eye on what is happening in the sky, whether there’s a bird, a plane or something else.

When it rains the run can be covered so you can use it with your cats like a kind of covered terrace. The same covers can also be used to create shelter from the wind, shade from the sun or a guard to give the cats some peace and quiet.

Some people might feel it’s not right to put cats in a cage, but I don’t see it as a cage at all. I call it the cats’ outdoor space. We keep them there to protect them but at the same time it gives them the opportunity to experience nature and get some fresh air without the risk of getting run over or get into other bad situations. Both our cats love their outdoor space and they use the entire run like one big climbing frame.

Now we can enjoy life outside with our cats

No more being woken up in the middle of the night or early in the morning – now we have two happy cats that get all the mental and physical stimulation they need in their outdoor space.

The Omlet Outdoor Cat Run has given us our outdoor life back and given our cats a better, healthier life.

– Maria, Roskilde


This entry was posted in Cats

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