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10 reasons why hamsters make great pets

Hamsters are popular among parents and children alike. These 10 reasons why hamsters make great pets highlight their cute and quirky personalities and behaviours. Find out if a hamster is the right pet for your family, and what you can look forward to once you bring one home. 

Girl looking at a hamster in the Omlet hamster habitat

1. Hamsters are friendly

Different breeds of hamsters have been shown to be very outgoing toward their owners. Syrian hamsters are most likely to form strong bonds with their owners once they are hand-tamed, and will come to rely on their humans for socialization and interaction. Dwarf breeds can also be hand-tamed, but their agility and size make them more difficult to handle. Hamsters may not enjoy the companionship of other hamsters, but they’ll enjoy spending time with their favourite humans. 

2. Hamsters are easy to care for

Caring for hamsters is fairly straightforward and doesn’t require a lot in terms of time commitment. A secure hamster habitat, food, water, and a few toys for enrichment are the fundamentals in hamster care. Weekly spot cleanings and monthly deep cleanings of your hamster’s habitat will keep it looking and smelling fresh, while maintaining your hamster’s health and happiness. 

3. Feeding hamsters is not expensive

Feeding your hamster is easy and affordable. Quality hamster pellets can be purchased at most animal supply stores or websites. Depending on the size of your hamster and the amount of feed in the bag, a single bag of hamster pellets can last several months. You can also supplement your hamster’s diet with fresh fruit and vegetables, further extending your hamster’s food budget. 

4. Hamsters are healthy

Though they have short lifespans (2-4 years), hamsters are generally healthy pets – provided that their habitat is clean and their nutritional needs are met. Since hamsters prefer solitary living conditions, their exposure to disease from other animals is limited. Regular hamster health checks will help ensure that your hamster is aging gracefully.  

5. Hamsters love to explore

Hamsters are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and are awake at night. During their waking hours, hamsters have an avid desire to explore and exercise. In fact, a hamster can run up to 5 miles on their exercise wheel in a single night. Because of this need for exploration, make sure that your hamster’s housing is set up to support their wanderlust. Creating mazes and watching them run through tunnels in a hamster playpen are great ways to add enrichment for your hamster and entertainment for you. 

6. Hamsters don’t need intensive training

The only training a pet hamster requires is hand-taming. This process will help your hamster be comfortable being handled. Hamsters are very instinct-driven, so the majority of their behaviour is innate rather than taught. They may not be able to learn complex commands like some other pets, you can play with your hamster in their habitat or playpen, rewarding their efforts with treats. 

7. Hamsters don’t take up much space

Hamsters don’t require a lot of room, but their habitat should  be large enough to support their natural behaviours like the need to burrow. Small homes or apartments can easily accommodate a hamster habitat that fulfills these needs. Keep your hamster in an area of your home that isn’t drafty and doesn’t receive direct sunlight, and your small pet will be perfectly content. 

8. Hamsters are very clean

Unlike many other rodents, hamsters will usually choose one spot in their habitat to use as their toilet. They’re also meticulous about keeping their coat clean, so they’ll spend ample time grooming themselves.  Add a hamster dust bath and your pet will roll around to keep their coat in good condition. Cleaning your hamster’s enclosure regularly will support them in their hygienic habits. 

9. Hamsters are calming

Watching a hamster go about their nightly activities is relaxing and enjoyable. Running on a wheel, burrowing, and stuffing their cheeks are just some of the antics that you’ll witness during your hamster’s waking hours. Like other small pets, not all hamsters enjoy being held, but the majority of them will have no problem showing off in front of their owners. With the absence of stage fright, you can observe your hamster much like you would fish in an aquarium. 

10. Hamsters are easy on allergy sufferers 

Hamsters are nothing to sneeze at — literally. Even allergy sufferers find that hamsters are less likely to trigger their symptoms because of their size. And, because they spend the majority of their time in their habitat, what little they do shed is contained to their enclosure. Hamsters do experience moulting cycles, but the amount of hair shed isn’t likely to circulate in your home. 

Omlet and your hamster 

Once you’ve made the decision to add a hamster to your family, you’ll need a setup to support their natural behaviors. Our hamster habitat is designed with their ultimate comfort and your convenience in mind. With an optional stand, you can place your hamster’s home anywhere in yours. Experience endless adventures with your pet in our hamster playpen, or add ramps and platforms to their habitat to add even more space in their home. Enjoy every moment together with the hamster products that have been carefully hewn together for human-hamster bonding. 

Little girl holding a hamster in the Omlet playpen

This entry was posted in Hamsters

2 replies on “10 reasons why hamsters make great pets”

Susan mcdonagh says:

I’ve just got a new hamster name turbo 8 weeks old

Susan mcdonagh says:

I’ve also got a Syrian hamster 12 weeks old name popcorn

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