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Keep your flock on schedule with the Smart Autodoor

Depending on where you are in your walk of life, bedtime can be either a highly anticipated event, or a dreaded routine for humans. Thankfully, bedtime is something that comes naturally to chickens — and you can keep your flock on schedule with the Smart Autodoor independent from other human obligations. Find out how this revolutionary chicken-keeping gadget will improve your flock’s safety, and simplify your own schedule. 

Chickens going into the Omlet Eglu Pro with the Smart Autodoor

Automate your flock 

Some of us are early risers, while others take gentle coaxing and lots of caffeine to tackle the day ahead. Chickens fall into the first category. In fact, if chickens don’t get their early start, they’re likely to raise an almighty ruckus to convey their displeasure. 

Whether you let your flock free-range or keep them close to home in a walk in chicken run or with chicken fencing, your hens will always be safest when tucked into their chicken coops overnight. But what happens when you take a trip, or get sick? Or get home after dark, or simply forget? All of these events don’t have to throw your flock off schedule. Enter: the Smart Autodoor

Imagine laid-back mornings where your leading ladies can strut right out of their coop at dawn while you enjoy sleeping in. Then when night falls, they can put themselves to bed where they’re securely sealed in their coops without the help of their humans? If only human children were this easy. 

Working with your chickens’ schedule 

Nature has provided chickens with their own built-in clock that prompts them to seek the safety of a roost when night begins to fall. You’ll notice your hens enter their coop when dusk descends, settling onto their roosting surface with their feather skirts draped over their feet. But some chickens may dawdle in the dwindling daylight in search of the last few insects of the evening. The Smart Autodoor helps encourage even the most free spirited hens to head to bed. 

The Smart Autodoor has its own sophisticated settings to accommodate your flock’s schedule. The intuitive daylight sensors located on the control panel enable the door to be programmed to open and close at the desired daylight levels to keep with your hen’s regular routine. This setting can be adjusted through our user-friendly app, or manually on the control panel itself.

Coax your chickens to safety on a schedule 

Chickens aren’t the only animals that take their cues from the sun. The majority of predators come out at dusk and stay active until dawn. Depending on where you live, you may need to usher your flock to safety before dusk and keep them secured in their coop an hour or two after dawn to avoid nature’s equivalent of predator rush hour. 

The Smart Autodoor’s manual time setting can be adjusted through the app or control panel to set the schedule of your choosing. Simply set the open and close times for instant poultry protection around the clock. This method may require some training on your part to help your hens adjust to this type of schedule, so come prepared with chicken treats or spend a few days putting your hens in the coop right before the door is scheduled to close to help them acclimate to their new schedule. 

For the “freebirds” 

Not everyone loves a schedule. If your flock has adopted a free-range, do-as-they-please lifestyle, they may not find the idea of structured bedtime appealing. That’s why the Smart Autodoor has a manual setting for the door to be opened and closed whenever it’s most convenient for you and your flock. 

The WiFi connected Smart Autodoor can be controlled via the mobile app anywhere in the world. You can also sync the Smart Autodoor with your Alexa or Google Home device for a virtual coop-concierge to open and close the coop door. Through the app, you’ll be able to see if the door is currently open or closed, and manually control the door to secure your free-spirits whenever they decide to head to the roost. 

Give your flock a night light 

Like children, chickens are wary of the dark. When you’re pint-sized poultry, it’s easy to be scared of things that go bump in the night — and for your flock, many of those threats are real. Our coop light integrates with Smart Autodoor to act as a soft beacon to beckon your hens to bed. 

The coop light has a default setting to come on 5 minutes before the Smart Autodoor is scheduled to close. This setting can be configured in the app for customized light settings. Your coop light will automatically turn off a few minutes after the door closes, enforcing a respectable “lights out” time. The coop light can also be turned on and off manually, making late night coop checks a breeze. 

Other benefits  

Along with the changing of the seasons comes time changes and schedule shifts for your flock. These changes usually occur slowly, but some areas experience fast weather shifts and short transition periods. That means it’s never too late, or too early, to begin preparing your flock for the next season ahead. 

The Smart Autodoor keeps your flock on schedule based on the sun or the clock, but also offers additional protection against predators insulation against the cold. The horizontally opening mechanism is nearly impossible for predators to pry open, and the secure seal makes cold drafts through an open coop door a thing of the past. 

Omlet and your flock 

When questions arise, Omlet answers with tangible, functional solutions. The Smart Autodoor answers the question of: what if chicken keepers could automate their flock from anywhere in the world? And when combined with an integrated coop light, your flock will never miss roost time. Add a Smart Autodoor to our safe, insulated chicken coops for year-round comfort, protection, and convenience for you and your flock. 

Using the Smart Autodoor app and the Smart Control Panel


This entry was posted in Chickens

One reply on “Keep your flock on schedule with the Smart Autodoor”

Fiona says:

Do you have an automatic door opener that works with the eglu classic? Thanks

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