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10 ways you know your dog loves you

Our dogs are more than just pets; they’re family members, confidants, and companions who show us unconditional love every single day. But how do you know if your dog loves you back? Dogs may not express their feelings in words, but their actions speak volumes. Understanding the signs of your dog’s affection can deepen the bond you share and make your relationship even more special. So, let’s take a look at 10 ways you know your dog loves you.

Dog sat in the Omlet nest bed looking out

  1. The wagging tail

One of the most obvious signs of a dog’s love is a wagging tail. But it’s not just any tail wag that counts; a dog’s tail can communicate a lot of different emotions. A wagging tail that is loose and sweeping back and forth, sometimes even in a circular motion, is a sure sign that your dog is happy to see you and is feeling affectionate. You may see this behaviour exhibited most often when you arrive home after work, grab their dog lead and collar for a walk, or just when you re-enter a room where they haven’t seen you for 5 minutes. 

  1. Following you everywhere

Does your dog follow you from room to room, even to the bathroom? This shadow-like behaviour is actually a sign of deep attachment and love. Dogs are pack animals by nature, and following you around is their way of appointing you as their “pack leader.” It’s their way of showing that they feel safe and secure in your presence and that they enjoy being close to you at all times. So place their dog bed next to yours or put a cosy dog blanket on the couch and spend some extra time giving and receiving that affection with your furry friend.

  1. Bringing you their favourite toys

When your dog brings you their favourite dog toy, it’s not just a request for playtime—it’s also a sign of love and trust. Just like people, dogs will often share their prized possessions as a way of showing that they value you. Not only is your dog trying to include you in their fun, but they want to make you happy. So the next time your pup brings you their favourite toy, get down and play with them to let them know you receive their love and give it right back as well.

  1. Leaning against you

Has your dog ever just sat on your feet when you’re standing in the kitchen or leaned up against you as you watched TV? This means they love you. When your dog leans against you, it’s a physical way of saying, “I trust you, and I feel safe with you.” This gesture, whether they’re resting their head on your lap or leaning their whole body against you, is a clear sign of affection. Your dog is seeking closeness and comfort from you, which indicates a strong bond of love and trust. 

  1. Making eye contact

Dogs don’t naturally make eye contact with just anyone—it’s a behaviour that’s usually reserved for those they trust and love. So when your dog gazes into your eyes with soft, relaxed eyes, it’s a sign of their deep connection with you. Prolonged eye contact actually releases oxytocin (the love hormone) in both you and your dog, reinforcing your bond. So the next time you see your furry friend staring your way, stop and engage in the stare – you will show them how much you love them in return.

  1. Licking you

Did you know dogs can kiss? While they may do it differently than humans, licking is often seen as a dog’s way of giving you a kiss. Most people associate a dog’s licking to be a sign of submission or grooming. However, when your dog licks your face or hands, it’s often an affectionate gesture. Just as mother dogs groom their pups out of love, your dog’s licking is a way of showing that they care about you and want to keep you clean and healthy. 

  1. Cuddling with you

Dogs are naturally pack animals, and cuddling is a way that they reinforce bonds with their family. In the wild, dogs would create a ‘den’ made of leaves and brush to cuddle with one another for sleep and comfort. So if your dog loves to snuggle up next to you, whether it’s on the couch or in bed, it’s a clear sign that they feel comfortable and safe with you. This close physical contact is a way for your dog to show that they love you and want to be near you. So to show your love in return, try adding their favourite dog blanket to the couch or creating the perfect dog bed den next to your bed so they can feel close to you all the time.

  1. Greeting you excitedly

Is your dog always thrilled to see you when you come home, even if you’ve only been gone for a short time? This excited greeting is a sign that your dog loves you and misses you when you’re not around. Your dog may show this excitement through fast movement of the tail-up wagging, jumping in place or on you, or even with an excited bark. Regardless of what they do to show their excitement, you can know that the fact that they are greeting you this way is a sure sign that they love you. 

  1. Bringing you “gifts”

Sometimes, dogs show their love by bringing you “gifts”—like sticks, leaves, or even things they find around the house. While these gifts may not always be something you want, it’s the thought that counts. By bringing you these items, your dog is showing that they care about you and want to share their findings with you. So the next time your dog’s favourite toy shows up in your shoes, know that it is a gesture of love. 

  1. Sleeping near you

Dogs are vulnerable when they sleep, so if your dog likes to sleep near you or even in your bed, it’s a sign of deep trust and love. They feel safe and secure in your presence and want to be close to you even when they’re at their most relaxed. This is one of the ultimate signs that your dog loves you and considers you a part of their pack. Invest in a durable and long-lasting, comfortable dog bed so you can show your dog just how much you love them too. 

Omlet and your dog

 At Omlet, we understand that the bond between pets and their people is something truly special. That’s why we design products that celebrate this connection and make it even stronger. Whether it’s a cosy dog bed for them to sleep next to you or a soft, cuddly dog blanket that you can share together on the couch, Omlet’s thoughtfully designed products are made to enhance the love you share with your furry friend. Because at the end of the day, our pets aren’t just animals—they’re family.

Toddler with dog on the Omlet Topology bed

This entry was posted in Dogs

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