The Omlet Blog

Upgrade your rabbit run this autumn

Two children outside with two rabbits in the Zippi tunnel attached to the Eglu Go Hutch outside

Autumn is the perfect opportunity to take some time to make sure your bunnies are happy with their setup in the garden. After a scorching summer, the more comfortable temperatures of autumn will be warmly welcomed by us and our floppy-eared friends. The change in season brings a cooler breeze, beautiful crisp leaves, and plenty more exciting sights and smells for bunnies to explore around their homes. Before the real winter chill hits, now is the perfect time to upgrade your rabbit run. So, how exactly can you transform your pet’s summer hideaway to a cosy rabbit retreat? 


First of all, take a good look at your run and assess if it is good enough for your beloved bunnies, or if there is room for improvement. Whether they have an Eglu Run, Outdoor Rabbit Run or Zippi Run, you can make it larger with practical and easily assembled extension panels. That way your bunnies have more space to run around on, and you can add more fun accessories that will keep them busy in the colder months. 


Leftover food and treats lying around the run not only makes it look a bit sad and untidy, it can also attract rodents and other pests, and if you’re not vigilant with your cleaning your rabbits might accidentally ingest something that has gone mouldy. 

A great way of upgrading your run, and feeding your pets yummy and nutritious treats, is to get a Caddi Treat Holder. Fill it with fresh grass, allotment veg or some chopped up fruit, and hang from the top of the run. The rabbits will love the swinging motion of the holder as they try to grab a delicious mouthful, and the spillage will be minimal. Additionally, you will be able to keep track of when you gave your rabbits which treats, so you can alternate between different ones and make sure nothing that has gone off is still in the run. 


Everyone knows that rabbits love to hop! Adding platforms to your rabbit’s run is a great way to let your rabbit bounce to their heart’s content, whilst you make the most of the usable space that you have in their Zippi Run. Platforms will provide your fluffy friend with more places to explore, which in turn will help to strengthen their muscles as they jump up and down on their new adventure playground. The Omlet platforms are also suitable for use all year round, so you can still get the most out of this feature for when the weather gets cooler over autumn.

Autumnal collage of rabbit in Zippi Rabbit Shelter and woman with Zippi Tunnel System


The Zippi Shelters will be a great addition to your run this autumn, as they provide both (surprise surprise) shelter and an invitation to stimulating play. Rabbits have a natural instinct to seek a hidey hole, and in the wild they create ‘rooms’ in their warrens where they can come to relax and have a nap. The Zippi Shelters will provide exactly this, but in your pet rabbits’ run. They will also love running in and out of, or jumping on top of the Shelter to survey their surroundings. 

Although the rabbits will always have their hutch to retreat to when it gets wet or windy, it’s great to have another spot where they can get away from the inevitable autumn showers. The shelters are sturdy and waterproof, and your rabbits will love hopping in to relax. 


As it gets colder your rabbits will use more energy to stay warm, so it’s the ideal time to stock up on treats for the cupboard. Make sure you find a good balance between fresh fruit and veg and shop bought treats to put on the run, like these Nettle and Dandelion roots that are full of vitamins and minerals, or the Beaphar Crunch Sticks that encourage healthy dental wear. 

For more inspiration and ideas on how you can improve your rabbit’s autumn setup, take a read of our 8 Tips for Making Your Pets’ Run More Fun This Autumn blog. And to make sure your bunny has everything they need to make this special season amazing, discover everything the Omlet Rabbit Shop has to offer.

This entry was posted in Rabbits

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