The Omlet Blog Category Archives: Chickens

“Because of the Chicken, we have love, peace, and harmony”

Meet Yvonne, the warmhearted chicken keeper who welcomed our film crew and inventions into her home

Yvonne’s smallholding became the filming location for Because of the Chicken, capturing the joy and connection her flock brings to everyone around her. What began as a simple plan to add chickens to her self-sustaining garden in California has evolved into something much more. These feathered friends have brought purpose, peace, and even played a key role in improving her son Jalen’s mental health. This is the story of how a small flock of chickens transformed not only Yvonne’s life, but her family’s as well.

A seed of an idea that grew into something stronger

Yvonne’s chicken-keeping journey began in the summer of 2021. Inspired by her newfound passion for gardening, she decided to introduce chickens to her property as part of a self-sustaining ecosystem. “I didn’t want to use pest control or commercial fertilizers,” she explains. “I wanted a system where everything worked together—they eat the bugs, they make the fertilizer, and the eggs are just a bonus!”

Starting with eight chickens in her barn, Yvonne soon found herself adding more, and now proudly cares for a flock of 20. Each chicken brings its own charm, but the Americanas hold a special place in her heart. “They’re our favourite breed,” Yvonne says, “though we love them all for their individual personalities.”

Finding calm in the coop

While the chickens were intended to support Yvonne’s garden, they quickly became something much more powerful—especially for her son, Jalen.

“He struggles with major depression and anxiety,” Yvonne shares. “But since we’ve had the chickens, I’ve seen a dramatic improvement in him. He’s really connected to them. Helping me raise them from newborns to fully grown has given him something special to focus on.”

For Jalen, the chickens became a reason to step outside each day—something Yvonne says nothing else could have convinced him to do. “He’s grounded with nature now. It’s been incredible to see the change in him.”

Bringing the whole family together

The chickens have brought joy to the entire family, especially Yvonne’s grandchildren.

“They love collecting the eggs,” Yvonne says. “They’re all different colours, so the basket looks like Easter every time.”

The chickens have even become part of the games the grandchildren play. “When the dog digs a hole looking for a gopher, the chickens rush in to hunt for bugs—they don’t even care that dirt’s flying everywhere. It’s hilarious!”

A new rhythm to life

Because of the chickens, Yvonne’s days are now shaped by sunrise and sunset. “I’m up at 5 a.m. every morning,” she says. “I see every sunrise and sunset now, and I get my vitamin D, get grounded with nature, and enjoy the peace and harmony they bring.”

In return for their care, Yvonne’s chickens provide plenty of delicious eggs. “We eat a lot of egg burritos, French toast, pancakes, and scrambled egg and cheese sandwiches,” she laughs. “Nothing fancy, but everything’s better with fresh eggs.”

A message to anyone thinking of getting chickens

For Yvonne, the impact of her flock has been undeniable. “Because of the chickens, we have love, peace, and harmony,” she says. “They’ve changed our lives in ways I never expected.”

To those considering starting their own flock, Yvonne’s advice is simple: “Go for it. They’re worth every second.”

Because chickens are more than just fresh eggs—they’re therapy, they’re connection, they’re joy. They fix us, in ways we never imagined.


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Gardening tips for spring

Wondering if you can keep a garden and chickens? With these gardening tips for spring, you’ll be able to integrate your flock with your plants in a symbiotic way. With some preparation and protective measures in place, your hens can actually be a great help in the garden. Here’s how to keep your chickens and your plants healthy and happy this spring. 

Girl tending to chickens in the Omlet Eglu cube

What do chickens do for my garden? 

Chickens are excellent help in the garden as long as their roles — and boundaries — are clearly defined. With the help of chicken fencing to keep your hens away from prized or hazardous plants, your flock will happily forage to remove unwanted insects and weeds like clover or dandelions from your garden. They’re also excellent help with the compost, doing the daily turning for you and eradicating any insects that may be drawn to it. 

In addition to pest control and help with the compost pile, you can supplement your chickens’ diet with fresh foods from your garden. By filling your flower beds with nutritious treats for your flock, you’ll boost their immune systems and overall health. 

Planting for chickens 

Chickens can eat a wide variety of vegetation — but as with humans and other animals, just because it’s good for other species doesn’t mean it’s safe for chickens. Familiarize yourself with chicken-safe plants, as well as plants that are toxic to them to create a flock-friendly garden that’s both beautiful and nutritious. 

Chicken-safe plants 

Most herbs are safe for chickens to eat, and often are the most beneficial in terms of immune-boosting and availability. For healthier hens, try growing: 

  • Basil 
  • Oregano – immune support 
  • Parsley – vitamin-rich 
  • Cilantro – a flock-favorite for taste 
  • Mint – cooling and calming effects 
  • Lavender – natural stress reliever 
  • Sage – antioxidant 
  • Rosemary – promotes respiratory health 

These herbs can be served dried mixed into your flock’s feed, or fresh from the garden as a treat. 

Other plants that are safe for chickens to eat include: 

  • Sunflowers (and their seeds) 
  • Nasturtium 
  • Dandelions 
  • Beebalms 
  • Clover 
  • Coneflowers 
  • Marigolds 
  • Daisies 
  • Roses 

If you’re a vegetable gardener, here are some chicken-safe varieties: 

  • Carrots (especially the tops) 
  • Beet greens 
  • Broccoli 
  • Lettuces 
  • Kale 
  • Swiss chard 
  • Squashes 
  • Cucumbers 
  • Bell peppers 
  • Cabbage 

And finally, some fruits are safe to feed to your flock, but they should be fed in moderation due to their fiber and sugar content: 

  • Berries 
  • Watermelons 
  • Canteloupes
  • Grapes 
  • Apples (seeds removed) 
  • Stone fruits with pits removed 

Plants toxic to chickens 

While chickens can eat a diverse diet, there are some plants that are toxic to chickens. When keeping chickens near or in your garden, avoid planting: 

  • Rhubarb 
  • Tomatoes (underripe tomatoes are toxic to chickens)  
  • Potatoes (raw potatoes are toxic — sweet potatoes are safe) 
  • Foxglove 
  • Hemlock 
  • Rhododendrons
  • Elderberry leaves 
  • Lilly of the valley 
  • Tulips 
  • Daffodils 
  • Morning glory 
  • Azaleas 
  • Ferns 
  • Tansy 
  • Amaryllis 
  • Trumpet vine 

Other common foods and kitchen staples that you may toss out with your compost could pose a threat to your hens. Avoid letting your chickens ingest: 

  • Coffee grounds or tea 
  • Onions
  • Avocados 
  • Apple seeds 
  • Citrus fruits 
  • Raw or dried beans 
  • Chocolate 
  • Sugary or salty foods 
  • Spoiled or moldy food 

This is not an exhaustive list of plants and substances that are toxic to chickens, so always conduct thorough research or contact your veterinarian if you’re unsure about what to feed your flock.  

What to plant in preparation for spring 

Seed packets or plant inserts will usually give you an idea of when to plant them accordingly and at what time of the year. As a general rule, avoid planting anything in the ground before the last anticipated freeze of the year. 

You can easily start an herb garden in a windowsill or other sunny spot in your home. Use cuttings from a mature plant, or start from seeds to grow chicken-safe herbs in time for spring. You can also start seedlings for vegetables and some flower plants indoors before transferring them outside once the weather warms up. 

Omlet and your flock

Whether your chickens have run of your garden, or are chicken run– adjacent, we have everything you need to foster a symbiotic relationship between your flock and your fauna this spring. From chicken-keeping essentials like chicken coops to modern accessories like an automatic chicken coop door, you can have your garden, and your chickens too. Discover spring gardening the Omlet way, and never compromise on either hobby.  

Mother and daughter collecting eggs from the Omlet Eglu Cube Chicken Coop


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Preparing for your chicken keeping journey

Preparing for your chicken keeping journey is an exciting time full of planning and purchasing. But when you aren’t sure where to start, it can be a little overwhelming. If you’re wondering which items are “must haves” vs. “nice to haves”, you’re in the right place. We’ll break down everything you need before you bring your chickens home, and which elements may not be essential, but are great for enrichment and entertainment. 

Child holding a chicken egg inside the Omlet Walk In Run

Can I keep chickens where I live?  

Before you commit to keeping chickens, you’ll need to be sure that your property isn’t subject to chicken keeping laws by your city or homeowners association (HOA). Many urban areas now allow backyard flocks of chickens, but there may be restrictions on the number of hens you can keep, rules prohibiting roosters, or requirements for coop placement. Some areas also require permits or licensing before keeping chickens. Once you’ve obtained permission and any required documentation, it’s time to make your chicken-keeping essentials list.  

What to have before bringing chickens home 

There are some things you have to have in order to keep your chickens safe and comfortable when you bring them home. And, when you invest in high quality chicken products, these items will last throughout your flock’s lifetime and beyond. Choosing the right setup from the start will save you countless hours and dollars in the long run.

The chicken coop 

First and foremost, your flock will need a safe place to roost (sleep) at night, protection from the elements, and a quiet place to lay their eggs. This is where their chicken coop comes in. A good chicken coop should be: 

  • Resistant to predators
  • Easy to clean
  • Insulated  
  • Draft-free 
  • Well ventilated 
  • Parasite resistant 

The best way to achieve all of these at once — without having to make modifications — is with Omlet’s line of Eglu Chicken Coops. Their strong plastic construction makes them impervious to rot, keeping their structural integrity intact against predators and the elements. And, the smooth panels are a breeze to clean thoroughly to prevent red mites from ambushing your flock. Twin-wall insulation keeps the interior of the coop at a comfortable temperature, while the draft-free ventilation allows fresh air to circulate. You’ll never need to worry about maintaining your Eglu plastic chicken coop like you would a wooden chicken coop — it’s engineered to last a lifetime. 

Size is also important when considering your chickens’ coop. A coop that’s too small will make for uncomfortable quarters, while a coop that’s too large will have difficulty keeping your hens warm enough in the winter. Omlet takes the guesswork out of coop sizing, providing options depending on how many hens you have. 

Unless you have property laws that restrict you to a certain flock size, it’s safe to assume that you’ll likely succumb to what chicken keepers call “chicken math”, which is the phenomenon of ending up with more chickens than you originally planned for. Chicken math can occur suddenly, or slowly over time — so buying the biggest coop from the start will help you head off chicken math and turn this potential problem into a welcome certainty. 

Chickens going into the Omlet Eglu Pro with the Smart Autodoor

A chicken run or fencing 

Once you’ve selected your hens’ house, you’ll need to secure safe surroundings for them. Some chicken keepers have flock-appropriate fencing around their yard already, while others will need to provide dedicated outside spaces. This can be done with either chicken runs or chicken fencing

Omlet’s Walk In Chicken Run is fully enclosed, providing protection from aerial chicken predators, and features anti-dig skirting designed to help keep foxes and other digging fiends out. The strong steel weld is much more resilient than ordinary chicken wire, without the threat of staples breaking free from wooden supports like traditional chicken runs. 

Chicken fencing can be used to set appropriate boundaries for free-ranging flocks. Use chicken fencing to prevent your hens from wandering into the street, stray too far from home, or to keep them away from your prized plants. While it doesn’t offer full protection from predators, chicken fencing is a great way to keep your hens close while they’re out of their coop. 

Weather protection 

Along with predators, the elements are a real threat to chickens. Hot weather in particular is hard on hens, and you’ll want to make sure that they have adequate shade from the blazing sun. And, while most chickens tolerate the cold, they’ll need shelter from wet conditions and chilling winds. 

Weather protection helps keep your flock dry, shaded, and warm when needed. Walk In Run Covers are waterproof, and come in solid material for shade during the summer, and clear to allow warming sunlight to permeate during the winter. 

Chicken coop covers protect the attached run in the same way, and come in sizes customized to your size coop and run. Top covers protect from sun, rain, and snow, while lower covers block the wind. 

Feeding and health essentials 

With their housing in hand, you’re ready to move on to feeding and health essentials. These will be recurring purchases throughout the lives of your hens, and are largely determined by each individual keepers’ preferences. 

  • Quality feed – This can be in pellet or crumble form, and should consist of between 16-20% protein for laying chicken breeds. Scratch grains and chicken-safe fresh foods can be offered as treats, but shouldn’t make up more than 10% of your flocks’ diet. 
  • Fresh water – Should be readily available at all times. Refresh often, especially during warm weather.
  • Bedding – Choose an absorbent bedding like pine shavings or pellets for droppings tray, and soft bedding for nesting boxes like straw or fine shavings. If your chickens stay in a run, you’ll need to bed it with a chicken-safe substrate once they’ve eaten all the grass to prevent it from becoming muddy. 
  • A dust bath – Free-ranging flocks will create their own dust bathing areas, but hens in runs will need a chicken dust bath prepared by their keepers. There are several recipes, but the base should be non-treated, loose soil. 

A sample chicken-keeping schedule 

As a chicken keeper, you can expect your day to follow a general rhythm. Chickens are fairly self-sufficient as long as their basic needs are met, and they thrive on routine. You’ll be able to create a schedule that works best for you and your flock, but it will likely look something like this: 

  • Let your chickens out of their coop shortly after dawn 
  • Top off chicken feeders and waterers
  • Collect eggs in the late afternoon 
  • Close your chickens in shortly after dusk 

In hot weather, refresh your chickens’ water throughout the day to keep the temperature cool. In the wintertime, you may need to add hot water or break the ice throughout the day. 

You can spend as little or as much time with your flock, but you can expect to spend at least 30 minutes each day performing routine tasks. In addition to their daily needs, you’ll also need to plan to: 

  • Clean their coop once at least once a week by dumping the droppings tray and refreshing the bedding 
  • Wash their waterer weekly to prevent bacteria growth (especially during the warmer months) 
  • Perform chicken health checks once a month 
  • Deep-clean the coop once a month by removing all components and using a pressure washer or garden hose to spray it clean 
  • Rake out and refresh the run substrate every couple of months or as needed 
  • Change run covers from solid to clear in preparation for cold weather, and back to solid once the weather warms up 

Elements to add when you can

Once you have all the essentials and a plan in place, you can consider adding some extra elements that will elevate your chicken keeping experience. These can be incorporated at the very beginning, or added as you progress in your chicken keeping journey. 

Chicken perches and toys 

Chicken perches and toys are a great way to encourage your flock to stay active, and for you to observe their natural behaviors. A Freestanding Chicken Perch can be moved as often as needed, and a Customisable Chicken Perch can be added onto as your flock grows. 

Peck toys encourage natural foraging behaviour, and helps keep the floor of the run free from excess scratch grains.  A Caddi Chicken Treat Holder keeps fresh foods off of the ground, while giving your hens a chance to peck and stretch for their treats.  And for a truly novel experience, try a Chicken Swing for your hens. The gentle swaying motion makes this toy a flock member favourite. 

An automatic chicken coop door 

You can plan to get up early to let your chickens out shortly after dawn, or you can have the Autodoor do it for you. This ingenious device isn’t just smart — it’s also safe. The horizontal opening mechanism makes it much more difficult for predators to pry open, and the customizable open and close times keep your flock securely in their coop during predator primetime. And, it can be added onto any chicken coop or run — wood, wire, or mesh. 

Choose settings based on the clock or the sun to set your flock’s schedule, and never worry about getting up early to open the coop, or rushing home to close them in after dark. Upgrade to the Smart Autodoor for coop control at your fingertips. Change your Autodoor’s settings, receive real-time updates, and manually control the door from your mobile device from anywhere in the world. 

Don’t forget…

In the midst of all the planning and preparing, don’t forget to enjoy the journey. Keeping chickens is a wonderful way to experience a slower, more simple pace. In addition to providing your family with the superfood known as eggs, chickens make quirky and endearing companions that are a pleasure to watch and spend time with. So, make sure to prepare your heart for your chicken keeping journey, and to the probability of absolutely loving your backyard flock. 

Omlet and your chickens 

Our chicken keeping products are designed for every chicken and their keepers. From long lasting, supportive chicken coops and chicken runs to joy-inducing chicken toys and perches, you’ll find everything you need and more at Omlet. Prepare for a lifetime of happiness with your hens, and leave the rest to theit trusted setup.  

Man sat outside Eglu Cube looking in at the chickens

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How Chicken Keeping Transformed Tanya’s Life

Experienced chicken keeper, Tanya Bailey, is an Animal Assisted Interactions (AAI) Program Coordinator at the University of Minnesota and founder of Boynton Health’s PAWS (Pet Away Worry & Stress) Program. Tanya works with registered therapy chickens through the PAWS program, using Omlet products as a way to support human wellbeing, and to deepen the connection between people and chickens. Omlet co-founder, Hanns, caught up with her to learn more about PAWS. 

Tanya holding a chicken in a basket

A Journey into Chicken Keeping

Tanya’s introduction to chickens was serendipitous. A mentor and fellow therapist who was moving on to new pursuits asked if she would take care of her flock. Without hesitation, Tanya agreed—and from that moment, her life took an unexpected turn. Having already worked with horses and dogs in therapy settings, she was intrigued by the unique energy that chickens brought into her life. Unlike other animals, chickens had an unassuming, gentle presence that resonated deeply with Tanya and those around her.

“For me, there was something about birds. There’s always been something about birds for me in my life,” Tanya shared. “But I think chickens are different from every other bird.”

She quickly noticed something special about their quiet companionship. The soft clucks and chirps created a soothing atmosphere, and their simple, mindful way of being encouraged people to slow down, breathe, and reconnect with themselves.

The Unexpected Therapy Birds

Tanya saw firsthand how chickens could help people in ways she never imagined. Their non-judgmental, peaceful nature provided comfort to university students struggling with anxiety, grief, and loneliness. The idea that these birds could play a role in mental health support took root, and she integrated them into the “Paws” program—an initiative focused on reducing stress through interactions with therapy animals.

“When people engage with the chickens, there is just this peacefulness that comes over them,” Tanya explained. “They find the little coos and the little chirps very endearing. It brings a smile to their face.”
Unlike traditional therapy animals like dogs, chickens bring a unique kind of connection. They welcome you into their world, treating you as part of the flock. They don’t demand attention but instead invite you to share a quiet moment. For students and visitors who spend time with Tanya’s chickens, the experience is often transformative. Their rhythmic coos and the simple joy of watching them scratch the ground create a meditative moment of presence and mindfulness.

Why Omlet?

As Tanya’s passion for chicken keeping grew, she sought out the best ways to provide a safe and enriching environment for her beloved birds. That’s when she discovered Omlet.

Omlet’s innovative, stylish, and practical designs made chicken keeping easier and more enjoyable. The Eglu Cube, with its durable, easy-to-clean structure, provided a secure and comfortable home for her flock. The Walk In Runs gave them ample space to roam safely, while accessories like the Omlet Peck Toys and Caddi Treat Holders ensured enrichment and stimulation for her birds.

“Omlet’s Eglu Cube has made keeping chickens so much easier. It’s secure, easy to clean, and I know my girls are safe,” Tanya said. “With Omlet, I have peace of mind knowing my chickens are protected and comfortable. Their products are designed with the keeper and the chickens in mind.”

For Tanya, Omlet’s products weren’t just about convenience—they aligned with her values of creating a nurturing, enriching space for her chickens. With Omlet, she found solutions that combined practicality, safety, and comfort, allowing her to focus on what she loves most: deepening the connection between people and chickens.

A Life Enriched by Chickens

Tanya often reflects on how much her chickens have given back to her. They’ve taught her patience, mindfulness, and the power of simple joys.

“I can come home, I’m having a bad day, and I sit and just watch my girls—it just releases everything else,” Tanya shared. “They become a reason to get out of bed in the morning.”

Through her work, Tanya continues to share the magic of chicken keeping with others. And with the help of Omlet’s thoughtfully designed products, she ensures that her birds live happy, healthy lives—just as they deserve.

Whether you’re a seasoned chicken keeper or just considering starting your own flock, Tanya’s story is a testament to how these incredible birds can change lives. And with the right tools and a little love, your chicken-keeping journey can be just as rewarding.

Tanya and Hanns sitting down for an interview.


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The Transformative Power of Chickens: How One Family’s Flock Changed Everything

For Rynell and her family, what started as a simple homeschooling project during the pandemic became something far greater. Their flock brought joy, healing, and a newfound connection to nature, food, and community. From helping her recently adopted son adjust to his new home to inspiring a full homesteading lifestyle, chickens transformed the way her family lives. More than just fresh eggs, they became a source of peace, purpose, and belonging.
This is the story of how a simple flock of chickens reshaped everything.

Rynell with two chickens on her shoulders

Would you like to be in a film about keeping chickens?

In January 2024, Omlet’s creative team put out a casting call to customers. The project was an ambitious film for a campaign that would go deep into the heart of what keeping chickens means. Authenticity was really important to us, and when Rynell, a mother of three and passionate chicken keeper from San Diego, answered we instantly knew she had to be in it. 

“We decided to get chickens as part of homeschooling,” she explains but almost immediately, the chickens took on a greater role.  “It was life transforming. They bring so much joy, not only to my life, but to my kids’ lives too. It’s been life-changing for our family.”

What began as a simple project to teach her children about responsibility quickly became something much greater. The chickens reshaped the rhythm of Rynell’s family life. Inspired by her journey, we wanted to learn more.

A Journey into Chicken Keeping: More Than Just a Homeschooling Project

In the early days of the pandemic Rynell and her family sought to create a hands-on, farm-like learning experience for their children.  But she quickly realised that the chickens were going to be much more than just a source of eggs, especially for their son, Elijah, who had recently joined their family through foster care. Rynell explains:

“The chickens arrived around the time that Elijah came into our home. He has a background of some trauma and teaching him how to care for and be gentle with animals, and just enjoy their companionship was really important – it actually worked tremendously as a therapy for him, as a foster child coming into a new home. He was supposed to be receiving all this extra therapy, but because of Covid a lot of it wasn’t happening, so we turned to the chickens instead, which was wonderful.” 

The simple, daily rituals of feeding, observing, and nurturing the flock became a way for Elijah to find stability—a quiet, unspoken language between a child and his chickens.

From Chickens to Homesteading: A New Way of Living

What started as a handful of chickens soon evolved into a passion for self-sufficiency. “One thing led to another,” Rynell says. “From getting the chickens, I then started cooking with all the fresh eggs, then I began the kitchen garden, then I started writing a blog about it all. The homesteading life really is contagious and I love being able to provide for my family through it!”

Now, her family’s meals are a reflection of this lifestyle—homegrown, homemade, and deeply connected to the land.  “The eggs have completely changed my cooking. We grow our own potatoes too and with some bacon, the fresh eggs, you just can’t go wrong, the eggs are just the best. My kids love hard-boiled eggs; it’s one of their favourite snacks. Then, I have this tree right here with our own apples growing. One of my favourite recipes is for apple pancakes. That’s one of our family favourites from the garden.”

Chickens have brought the family closer to their neighbours too, deepening their sense of community. “People find out we have chickens, and then their kids want to come over and see them—even the adults,” Rynell laughs. “Some of our friends have now got chickens, too. It’s so fun connecting with the community through all of it.”

And in this small, yet powerful way, chickens remind us of something essential: they gather together. They create circles. They turn neighbours into friends.

Chicken Therapy: The Unexpected Power of a Flock

Beyond fresh eggs, beyond composted manure and recycling kitchen left overs, chickens provide something even greater—peace.

“Chicken therapy. That’s my term for it,” Rynell says. “At the end of a hard day, just sitting outside, listening to their noises, watching their interactions—it’s an anxiety reducer.”

There is something grounding about their presence. The way they peck at the earth without hurry. The way they follow the setting sun to roost, reminding us that rest is necessary. The way each chicken, carries a distinct personality.

One of Rynell’s favourites, Peanut, was the smallest chick but is now the leader of the flock. Another, a Cream Legbar, prefers to perch on her shoulder while she gardens—“She’s like a parrot,” she jokes. And then there’s the one who insists on sneaking into the house to lay her eggs indoors, leaving the family to stumble across them like little treasures.

It is in these small, ordinary moments that we realize: chickens do more than provide. They transform.

Rynell’s recommendation: The perfect family flock set up 

Like many chicken keepers, what started out as a flock of 6 has expanded into a total of 14 chickens, a phenomenon known as Chicken Maths. As Rynell explains, “You know, there’s no point counting them, because I’m always going to get another. We have some beautiful Marans and Olive Eggers and some Ameraucanas and Cream Legbars.”

The family has two coops, an Eglu Pro and a wooden coop.  For Rynell the Eglu Pro, which is fitted with an automatic door, has been a revelation allowing her to keep chickens without it adding to her already incredibly busy life.  She says “ In general, it’s a much more user-friendly coop than our old big wooden one. And I find that every year we get trouble with mites in the wood – in the Omlet, we haven’t seen any at all.  Now I’ve got to live with an Omlet coop, I don’t see it as expensive for what it is. All that scrubbing you no longer have to do. Getting rid of the mite problem. Being able to move it easily. I now look at it and think it’s pretty reasonable!

And the children help out too, naturally going out and collecting the eggs is the chore that the kids fight over, because it’s the most fun but everyone helps out cleaning too. 

A Message to Those Considering Chickens: Take the Jump

For families thinking about keeping chickens, Rynell has one message:

“Take the jump. It’s worth every second. It has brought so much joy to our lives, affected our happiness, and even improved our health. It’s been life-changing.”

Because chickens are more than eggs.  They build connections, ground us and are a reminder of what’s important. They fix us, in ways we never expected.

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How much space do chickens need?

How much space do chickens need? This is a common question among potential and seasoned flock-raisers alike. The number of chickens you keep, their breed, and even their personalities determine how much space they require. Learn how to keep a backyard flock in spaces large and small, and how to make the most of the space you have. 

Girl sat in the yard with free ranging chickens by Omlet Eglu Cube

Do I have space for chickens? 

Like most animals, chickens appreciate as much space as possible. Chickens are curious foragers by nature, and their space should support this behaviour. But you can keep a small flock of hens healthy and happy in less space than you may think. Here are the general guidelines for chicken space requirements: 

  • Coop space: 2 square feet per chicken
  • Roost space: 12 linear inches per chicken
  • Run space: at least 4 square feet per chicken 

This loose guideline will help you set expectations for how many chickens you can keep in your backyard or other designated area.  The measurements above are for average sized chickens, so depending on the breeds of chickens you keep, you may need to adjust accordingly. Larger breeds will require more space, while bantam breeds can get by with less. Be sure to check with your city or state for chicken keeping laws that may outline additional space requirements or flock size restrictions. 

Setting up for your flock 

With an idea of how many hens you can keep, you’re ready to consider setting up their home. And just like your own home, arranging your chickens’ setup in a strategic way will help make the most of the available space. From housing to outdoor enrichment, here are the essentials to consider for your flock. 

The chicken coop 

No matter how many chickens you intend to keep, every flock needs a chicken coop. While there are countless styles and sizes of chicken coops, it’s important to keep in mind that your flock’s coop serves specific purposes. Your hens’ house should: 

  • Be a safe place to roost at night 
  • Offer shelter from the weather 
  • Provide a quiet place to lay their eggs 

Chicken coops can also be too large. The problem with oversized chicken coops is two-fold. The first issue is insulation. In colder weather, hens will huddle together and use each other’s body heat to keep warm — but this heat is easily lost in a too-large coop. The second issue is that chicken coops designed for people to be able to enter utilise aerial space for roosting bars. This design makes it difficult for older or heavier hens and chickens with special feathers like Silkies to reach. 

Aim for a cozy, comfortable chicken coop rather than a cavernous creation. This way, you’ll be able to dedicate more space where it’s really needed — in their run. 

The chicken run 

Chickens love to explore and forage, which is why you should aim to dedicate most of their space to the area outside of their coop. Their chicken run should be secure and attached to the coop for easy access. A sturdy chicken run will protect your hens from predators, keep them in their designated area, and provide plenty of enriching activities for your flock. 

Adding chicken toys and perches to the run will utilize available space, and get your hens’ minds and bodies working. These elements are essential for keeping your flock entertained and fit — both of which are necessary for healthy, happy hens. Toss in additional enriching elements like leaves, hay, or grass clippings for extra foraging opportunities, and make sure your flock has a space dedicated to a chicken dust bath to keep their feathers in good condition. 

If you have a larger space, consider chicken fencing to give your flock even more room to roam. While chicken fencing shouldn’t replace a secure run, it does open up more possibilities for your hens. And, it can be repositioned as often as needed to give your chickens new earth to scratch and insects to chase. 

Bringing it all together 

At Omlet, we’ve made it easy to determine what size chicken coop and run your flock needs. Our coops come in 3 different sizes: 

With twin-wall insulation, ample ventilation, and comfortable roosting racks instead of bars, your flock will feel fully supported in hen houses that are just the right size. 

Our coops have attached runs ranging from 3-12 ft, and can be attached to our Walk In Chicken Run. The Walk In Runs are fully enclosed and feature anti-dig skirting to thwart predators, and can be added onto at any time to increase space as needed. And with added weather protection covers, your flock will be ready for anything the elements have to offer. 

These configurations make it possible for backyards of any shape and size to comfortably house a flock of chickens. Whether you’re keeping 3 hens or 13 — our setups support chickens and their keepers. 

Omlet and your flock 

We’ve studied chickens for over 20 years to invent chicken coops and chicken runs that revolutionise chicken keeping. And with ingenious additions like the Smart Autodoor, keeping a flock of chickens has never been easier. So take the plunge into poultry with Omlet, and discover why thousands of chicken keepers trust our products to keep their flocks safe and supported. 

Omlet Eglu Cube Chicken Coop in Omlet Walk In Chicken Run with weather protection cover


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Essentials for every chicken keeper

Whether you’re just starting out, or looking to spruce up your setup for spring, there are essentials for every chicken keeper that you should never be without. From flock safety and entertainment to ease of cleaning and maintaining, these chicken keeping must-haves make caring for your hens easy and enjoyable. Here’s everything you need to maintain a healthy, happy flock. 

Omlet Walk In Chicken run with Eglu Cube and chicken perch in a yard.

Your chicken-keeping checklist 

Keeping chickens is rewarding, fun, and enjoyable. And, with many cities allowing a small backyard flock, chickens are becoming more and more popular in urban areas. These pets pack lots of personality, and lay one of the tastiest superfoods for their humans to enjoy. 

Chickens are relatively easy to care for, making them a popular pet choice for keepers of all ages. But to keep them healthy and happy, there are some essentials you must have for your hens. Here’s a checklist of everything you need to keep chickens: 

  • A chicken coop 
  • A chicken run or chicken fencing 
  • Feeder and waterer 
  • Quality laying feed 
  • Area for dust bathing 
  • Bedding for the coop 

There are many options when it comes to these items, but there are standout products that turn chicken chores into fun with your flock. 

Choosing a chicken coop 

If you’re looking for your first chicken coop, or are wanting to upgrade your wooden coop, you’ll want to choose a lasting solution. Eglu Chicken Coops are made of heavy-duty plastic, and never require annual maintenance. And, they can be thoroughly cleaned in just minutes — a feat that wooden chicken coops can’t come close to. 

In addition to making chicken-keeping chores a breeze, Eglu coops also keep your flock safe and comfortable. The twin-wall insulation, ventilation methods, and secure construction keep your hens healthy, happy, and protected from chicken predators. And, with their smooth plastic construction, you won’t have to worry about red mites

Your chicken coop should also have designated areas for laying eggs and sleeping. Nesting boxes should be quiet, and separate from their roosting area, where they will sleep overnight. Provide soft bedding like straw, hay, hemp, or pine shavings in the nesting boxes for your hens to fluff into a suitable spot to lay their eggs. 

Free-ranging safely 

Your chickens need a safe space to forage and explore during the day. This space can be in a chicken run or in a designated area by using chicken fencing. It’s important to have some boundaries for your flock, even if you choose to let them free range. This will prevent them from sampling plants that may be toxic to chickens, or your prized garden plants. It will also keep them closer to home and help prevent surprise attacks from predators. 

Walk in Chicken Runs are fully enclosed, and provide the most protection to your hens. They also give you enough space to walk with your flock, and can be expanded as often as you need. This option is best to protect your chickens against aerial predators like hawks and owls, and to keep bigger predators from digging or pushing into their run. 

You can also add an Autodoor to your flock’s coop or run to control how much free-time your hens have. Keep them safe inside their setup during peak predator hours — dawn and dusk. And, with the Smart Control panel, you can control your coop right from your couch or from anywhere in the world. 

Feeding your flock 

Your chickens rely on you for the bulk of their nutrition. While they get some nutrients from vegetation and insects during foraging, hens need free-choice access to quality laying feed and fresh water. Their feed should contain 16-18% protein, with additional protein of up to 20% offered to support new feather growth during their annual molt. Place your chicken feeders and waterers in an area that’s out of direct sunlight and where it won’t get wet in the rain. 

In addition to layer feed, you can offer your flock fresh fruits and vegetables in a chicken treat holder, and scratch grains in chicken peck toys. Treats should only supplement your flock’s regular diet, but you’ll quickly win the hearts of your hens when you offer these delicacies up. Choose protein-packed treats like dried insects, or leafy greens and fresh herbs for the biggest nutritional boost. 

Have oyster shells or another calcium supplement available for your hens to access as needed. A lack of calcium in your hens’ diet can cause egg abnormalities like soft or missing shells. If your flock doesn’t have access to fresh earth, you may also need to supplement their diet with grit, which resembles ground up rocks. Chickens don’t have teeth, and grit stays in their gizzard — part of their digestive tract — to help grind up their food for digestion. Chickens normally get adequate substances to replicate this from scratching around in the earth, but flocks in smaller runs or those with substrates in their run need this element to maintain digestive health. 

The bathing area 

Chickens don’t need water to bathe — in fact, they need dirt to keep themselves clean. Flocks will find loose earth as part of their free-ranging festivities to flop down in and toss dirt all over their feathers. They’ll then pop up, shake off, and preen their feathers. This unconventional style of bathing removes parasites, loose feathers, and other impurities from their skin and plumage. 

If your hens don’t free range, you’ll need to provide them with a chicken dust bath. Choose a container large enough to accommodate two hens at once, as this is usually a social event as well a practical one. The container should be deep enough to give your chickens enough space to nestle down in and the sides high enough to contain what they toss into the air. 

The base for your chickens’ dust bath can be top soil, untreated contractor sand, or soil from your garden. Other add-ins that create a hen-healthy dust bath include: 

  • Wood ash from burn piles or fireplaces 
  • Diatomaceous earth (DE) 
  • Herbs  

Extra items for enrichment 

Along with the essentials, there are things that add enrichment and fun to your flock and your chicken-keeping experience. Chicken toys and perches help keep your hens active, and provide you with endless entertainment as you watch them keep their minds and bodies fit. 

Weather protection for your chickens’ run will help keep the elements off of them. Chicken run covers offer shade from the sun, and protection from rain and snow. These will also keep their run from becoming a muddy mess in wet seasons. 

Consider adding chicken coop wheels and handles to make your coop mobile. A mobile chicken coop can be moved easily to new grass, or in the event of storms or other dangerous conditions. Making your coop mobile also lets you position your hens’ home in the shade or sun for optimal seasonal support. 

Omlet and your flock 

Maintaining your flock is an enjoyable pastime when you have all the right essentials. Supportive chicken coops, innovative automatic chicken coop doors, and spacious chicken runs and fencing, you’ll be able to create the perfect environment to enjoy with your hens. Create the chicken keeping experience you’ve always wanted when you choose Omlet’s chicken keeping products


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Why a plastic chicken coop is better than a wooden one

There are several reasons why a plastic chicken coop is better than a wooden one. From performance to practicality, plastic excels above wood in every aspect. Discover why chicken keepers are ditching their traditional wooden coops in favour of low-maintenance plastic chicken coops. 

Man and girl cleaning the Omlet Eglu Pro roosting tray with hose

Why is plastic better than wood? 

Chicken coops are traditionally made from wood. Why is this? It’s because wood is readily available, and is relatively inexpensive as a material. DIYers and homesteading families can make a chicken coop from wood in anywhere from a few hours to a few days. But that’s about where the pros list ends. Reasons to avoid a wooden chicken coop are numerous, with the main drawbacks to wood being: 

  • Rot and mould or mildew  
  • Difficult to clean 
  • Costly and routine maintenance  
  • Vulnerability to predators 
  • Not waterproof 
  • Short lifespan 
  • Ideal environment for mites 
  • Difficult to move 
  • Flimsy 

Plastic on the other hand, poses opposite benefits where wood finds itself falling short. Plastic chicken coops:

  • Won’t rot or warp 
  • Are easy to clean  
  • Don’t require regular maintenance
  • Provide superior protection against predators 
  • Are waterproof 
  • Have a lifespan of 20+ years 
  • Won’t harbour mites 
  • Can be moved easily 
  • Hold up in the elements 

But among these, there are a few standout reasons that reveal a clear winner when comparing plastic vs wooden chicken coops


When you keep chickens, protecting them against the elements will be unavoidable — and insulation plays a vital role in keeping your chickens healthy and comfortable in all conditions. Insulation helps keep the inside of the coop at a comfortable temperature by trapping a pocket of air between the coop walls. In the wintertime, this means your hens’ body heat will be kept inside, while the cold outdoor air is kept out. And in the summer months, insulation protects against the outdoor heat, preventing the coop from becoming a hot box. 

Wooden chicken coops can’t be insulated properly, unless they’re built in a fashion similar to modern homes. But wooden coops readily available for purchase will not be insulated, and carry a high likelihood of developing dangerous drafts. Omlet’s chicken coops are insulated and draft-free, while providing ample ventilation to promote healthy respiratory function within your flock.  

Predator protection 

Aside from the elements, another challenge flock raisers face are chicken predators. Even backyard flocks aren’t immune to threats. Wooden chicken coops warp and weaken in the elements, making them susceptible to predator invasions. 

Omlet’s plastic chicken coops are strong enough to withstand predators as large as bears and as lithe as weasels. Our raccoon-proof chicken coop door handles and tight run wire spacing keeps predatory paws at bay, while the added security of an automatic chicken coop door makes it nearly impossible for opponents to open. And, the anti-tunnel skirting of the attached run will foil foxes and deter dogs from digging into your hens’ home. 

Cost of maintaining 

If the idea of re-roofing, sealing, and painting a chicken coop every year sounds appealing to you, then a wooden coop will gladly demand your time and resources. But if you’re like the majority of other chicken keepers, you’ll find the prospect of this necessary wooden coop upkeep a dreaded task. While acquiring a wooden coop requires less initial investment than a plastic coop, the ongoing expenses of maintaining it each year make it a costly endeavour. 

Plastic chicken coops don’t require regular maintenance, and will never need re-roofing, painting, or sealing. They’re waterproof, weatherproof, and maintain their appearance and performance throughout the years. 

Ease of cleaning 

Cleaning a wooden chicken coop is a chore, and an unpleasant one at that. But thanks to plastic, chicken coops can be cleaned in a fraction of the time and elbow grease. No more scraping roosting bars and coop floors or dusting surfaces with coop refreshers or mite repellents — with a plastic coop, you can keep your hens’ home hygienic and healthy with minimal effort.  

Cleaning an Omlet chicken coop is fun, efficient, and yields a sparkling clean coop for your flock in just minutes. Simply slide out the droppings tray, dump the soiled bedding, and use a pressure washer or garden hose to spray any debris away on the inside of the coop. Dry with a clean towel, refill the tray with bedding, and reassemble the coop. And just like that, your chicken coop is clean. 

Omlet and your flock 

We aren’t just biased in our belief in the super powers of plastic — thousands of real-life testimonials all agree that Eglu Chicken Coops are the future of chicken keeping. And with smart accessories like the Autodoor and Coop Light, you can future-proof your flock and revolutionize your routine. So, if you’re ready to break up with your wooden coop and embark on the path of plastic — we’re here for it. 

Woman and child opening the nesting box door of the Omlet Eglu Pro

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Holiday baking inspiration with your chickens’ eggs

The holidays are here, and what better way to celebrate than with some festive baking? And, with a backyard flock of chickens, fresh eggs can take your holiday recipes to the next level, adding richness, flavour, and a golden-hue that store-bought eggs can’t compete with. Add in some homegrown herbs and vegetables, and your holiday table will showcase the best of your backyard. Here is some holiday baking inspiration with your chickens’ eggs, sure to delight your guests and nourish your family. 

Boy collecting eggs from Eglu nesting box

Why are fresh eggs better for holiday baking? 

Eggs from your chicken coop are healthier and much fresher than store-bought eggs. This is because you dictate your flock’s diet, ensuring that quality feed is converted into nutritious eggs, and due to the fact that by the time commercially available eggs hit the market shelves, they’re already several weeks old. When you crack open to compare a store-bought egg to a fresh egg, you’ll notice the differences right away. Fresh eggs have a deeper, richer yellow to their yolks, thicker whites, and healthier shells. Higher in omega-3s and other nutrients, fresh eggs are the perfect foundation for a season of holiday baking. 

Savoury dishes 

Not all holiday baking is sugary sweets for Santa. Some of the best ways to showcase your hens’ nutritious eggs are through brunch or breakfast recipes. Savoury egg recipes complement the nature of this superfood, creating visually stunning and nutritionally unparalleled dishes.  

Perfectly fluffy quiche 

Quiche is a holiday brunch favourite, combining the flakiness of crust with the creaminess of an egg filling. Fresh eggs really shine in this dish, making each slice a celebration of flavour. 


  • 6 fresh eggs
  • 1 ½ cups heavy cream or whole milk 
  • 1 cup shredded cheese (cheddar, Gruyère, or Swiss work well) 
  • 1 cup cooked vegetables (spinach, mushrooms, or onions)
  • 1 prepared pie crust (uncooked)
  • Salt and pepper to taste 
  • Optional: fresh garden herbs like thyme, parsley, or chives 


  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F/200°C.
  2. Place the pie crust into a 9-inch pie plate and crimp the edges. 
  3. Whisk the eggs, cream, salt, and pepper until smooth. 
  4. Layer the vegetables and cheese in the crust, then pour the egg mixture over the top. 
  5. Sprinkle fresh herbs on top for extra flavour. 
  6. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until the centre is set and the top is golden. 

Serve warm, and enjoy the creamy richness your flocks’ eggs bring to the table. 

Festive vegetable frittata 

A frittata is essentially a crustless quiche, perfect for showcasing fresh eggs and seasonal vegetables. It’s versatile and easy-to-make —  great for holiday breakfasts or light lunches. And because it’s crustless, your hens’ eggs are the metaphorical bread and butter of this dish. 


  • 8 fresh eggs 
  • ¼ cup milk
  • 1 ½ cups diced vegetables (zucchini, bell peppers, or tomatoes) 
  • ½ cup cheese (feta or goat cheese add even more flavour) 
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil 
  • Salt, pepper, and fresh herbs like basil or dill 


  • Preheat your oven to 350°F/180°C
  • Heat an oven-safe skillet over medium heat. Saute the vegetables until tender. 
  • Whisk together the eggs, milk, salt, and pepper. Pour the mixture over the vegetables. 
  • Cook on the stovetop for 2-3 minutes, then sprinkle the cheese on top. 
  • Transfer the skillet to the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the frittata is slightly golden. 

Slice into wedges and garnish with fresh herbs for a colourful, festive finish. 

Sweets: a holiday staple 

No Christmas is complete without cookies. And while culture and geographical locations influence what is common or standard for cookies this time of year, some of the most popular and recognisable cookies are traditional sugar and gingerbread. And, as you may have guessed, your chickens play a vital role in providing the ingredients for the festive classics. 

Simple sugar cookies with royal icing 

Sugar cookies are a must during the holidays, especially when decorated with vibrant royal icing. Fresh eggs ensure your cookies are soft and tender, while the egg whites provide the base for the icing. 

Ingredients for the cookies: 

  • 2 ½ cups all-purpose flour 
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder 
  • ¼ teaspoon salt 
  • ¾ cup unsalted butter, softened 
  • 1 cup sugar 
  • 1 fresh egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Ingredients for the royal icing: 

  • 2 fresh egg whites 
  • 3 cups powdered sugar
  • Food coloring
  • Sprinkles for decorating 


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°/180°C.
  2. In a bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt. 
  3. In another bowl, cream the butter and sugar until fluffy. Add the egg and vanilla, mixing until combined. 
  4. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture, forming a soft dough. Chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. 
  5. Roll out the dough, cut into shapes, and bake for 8-10 minutes. Let cool completely. 
  6. For the icing, beat the egg whites until frothy, then gradually mix in the powdered sugar until thick and glossy. Divide and colour as desired. 

Decorate your cookies with your family and enjoy as a festive, flavorful treat that pairs perfectly with your favorite holiday movie. 

Spiced gingerbread cookies 

Nothing says the holidays like gingerbread cookies. Fresh eggs help these cookies achieve the perfect chewy texture, while the blend of spices fills your home with distinctive, warm and festive aroma. 


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda 
  • 2 teaspoons ground ginger 
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground cloves 
  • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg 
  • ½ teaspoon salt 
  • ¾ cup unsalted butter, softened 
  • ¾ brown sugar 
  • ½ cup molasses 
  • 1 fresh egg 


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F/180°C.
  2. In a bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, and spices. 
  3. In another bowl, cream the butter and the brown sugar. Mix in the molasses and egg until smooth. 
  4. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture. Chill the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour. 
  5. Roll out the dough, cut into shapes, and bake for 8-10 minutes. Let cool completely before decorating. 

These cookies are perfect for gifting, or for constructing a gingerbread house with the family. 

Omlet and your chickens 

Using fresh eggs from your flock isn’t just practical — it’s a celebration of a lifestyle. Vibrant yolks and unbeatable flavour elevate every recipe, from sweet to savoury. So, get ready to gather eggs from your chicken coop, don your apron, and whip up some amazing festive treats, courtesy of your hens. Don’t forget to offer them some kitchen scraps in their chicken treat holder or decorate their walk in chicken run to let them share in the festivities of the season. 

Woman collecting eggs from the Omlet Eglu Pro


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Everything you need for successful chicken keeping

Whether you’re considering chickens as pets, or are a seasoned chicken-keeper, everything you need for successful chicken keeping comes down to a list of essential elements. With these chicken keeping staples on hand, you’ll ensure your flock stays healthy and happy all year round. Find out which items should be on your must-have list, along with some “nice-to-have” elements that will elevate your chicken keeping experience from ordinary to extraordinary. 

Woman and child looking at chicken in the Eglu Pro nesting box

The ultimate chicken-keeping checklist

It’s helpful to have a chicken-keeping checklist on hand during all phases of your flock-raising career. When you’re just getting started, these are must-have items that will ensure the health and safety of your hens. As a seasoned chicken keeper, this list will help you keep stock of any items that need maintaining, or serve as inspiration for adjustments or additions to your current setup. Here’s a list of must-haves for successful chicken keeping: 

  • A strong, secure chicken coop for your chickens to roost and lay their eggs in. Insulated chicken coops are the best, as they will keep your flock warm in the winter and cool in the summer. 
  • Chicken run or chicken fencing to keep your chickens out of harm’s way. A walk in chicken run gives you room to interact with your flock, while chicken fencing allows for more of a free-range feeling. 
  • Feeders and waterers to provide food and water at all times. Chickens don’t overeat, so keeping their feed out and topped off will ensure they’re getting enough nutrients. Run-mounted chicken feeders and waterers allow for easy access. 
  • Weather protection to shelter your flock from adverse weather. Chicken run covers should be waterproof and UV resistant to offer year round protection. 
  • Bedding to absorb droppings, and to line chicken nesting boxes. Absorbent bedding will minimize the smell of droppings, and will give your hens a comfortable place to nestle in and lay their eggs. 
  • Quality laying feed provides your flock with the essential nutrients needed to stay healthy and to produce eggs. Layer feed can be purchased in pellets or crumbles, depending on your flock’s needs — aim to feed between 16-18% protein, increasing to as much as 20-22% during moulting season. 
  • Designated dust bathing area for your hens to dust off and socialize in. This could be a deep basin or an area of loose earth where your flock can scratch around, lay down, and fling dirt on themselves to remove insects and debris from their plumage. Dust baths are essential for the overall health and well-being of chickens. 

These elements are all important to keeping your flock protected and healthy. When you choose chicken products that are easy to clean and withstand the testing of the elements, it will make your chicken-keeping experience much more enjoyable. But to really strengthen the bond between you and your flock, there are some non-essential items to add to your chicken-keeping checklist that will elevate your chicken-keeping experience. 

The “non-essentials” 

While these items might not be essential to successful chicken keeping, they certainly make it more enjoyable for you and your flock. From whimsical to practical, here are some additional elements to help you get the most from your chicken keeping journey: 

  • Chicken perches offer your hens a place to kick their feet up while they’re out and about. Freestanding chicken perches can be moved around your flock’s designated area, and customisable chicken perches can be adjusted and added onto to make use of aerial space in your chickens’ run.  
  • An automatic chicken coop door provides additional security for your hens and peace of mind for you. A smart automatic chicken coop door allows you to control your coop and your flock’s schedule through a mobile app from anywhere in the world.  
  • Chicken toys stimulate your hens’ minds and bodies. Peck toys get your flock engaged in foraging and problem solving, and chicken swings appeal to your your hens’ balance and strength.
  • Chicken coop wheels and handles convert a stationary coop to a mobile chicken tractor. Wheels and handles allow you to move your chickens’ coop quickly and easily, which is particularly beneficial for chicken keepers living in areas that experience frequent severe weather events. 

When combined with the essentials, these companion pieces provide countless hours of fun and peace of mind while providing practical value. 

Other chicken-keeping considerations 

Now that you have a list of essentials and add-ons, it’s time to compile a list dedicated to other chicken-keeping considerations. They might not be tangible items to purchase, but they are nonetheless helpful for successfully keeping chickens. Think about these when keeping or considering keeping a flock of chickens: 

  • A veterinarian who treats chickens for when unexpected illness or injuries occur. Be sure to call and verify that the veterinarian you choose treats poultry, and have their information saved in your phone or posted close to your flock for quick reference. 
  • Line up someone to watch your chickens when you go out of town. Chickens are fairly self-sufficient, but if you’re going to be away for more than a couple of days, it’s best to have a chicken sitter lined up. Keep an updated list of your chickens’ names and their routine to share with your chicken sitter while you’re away. 
  • Set clear expectations for family members, other pets, and yourself. Decide who the primary caretaker of your chickens will be, delegate chores between family members, and set aside some time each day to check-in and interact with your flock. Work with your other pets to help them become more familiar with your flock, and always keep dogs, cats, or other animals with a prey drive a safe distance from your chickens. 

By taking these proactive steps, you’ll prepare yourself for having chickens as part of your routine and your family. 

Omlet and your flock 

See why chicken-keepers around the world entrust their flock to our chicken products. Our ingenious designs have won the hearts and seals of approval from thousands of chicken-keepers of all ages and stages. From easy to clean chicken coops to state-of-the-art smart automatic chicken coop doors, when you choose Omlet for your chicken-keeping needs, you’re setting yourself and your hens up for success during every season and activity. 

Chickens safe in their Omlet Eglu Cube Chicken Coop as night time arrives

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Preparing your chicken coop for the changing seasons

It’s the most pivotal time of the year again — chickens are soaking in the last rays of summer sunshine while brisk evenings become more common. With this transitional time taking place over the course of several weeks, it’s the perfect time to begin preparing your chicken coop for the changing seasons. Learn how to help your flock acclimate to the weather and temperature changes by making some adjustments to their coop and run.

Eglu pro setup in backyard with chickens in attached run

Coop considerations

To help prepare your hens for the cooler temperatures, there are a few things you can do to their chicken coop and run to support them through this season of change. From special cleaning sessions to preparing for wild weather, here’s your fall chicken-keeping checklist. 

Deep cleaning 

You should give your chicken coop a thorough cleaning at least twice a year: in the spring, and in the fall. By giving your coop a deep clean, you’ll ensure that your flock goes into the new season with a crisp, clean home to support a healthy immune system. Spot cleanings and bedding changes should be carried out weekly, but this seasonal deep cleaning should involve taking out all removable components of your coop to thoroughly pressure wash or scrub clean.  

Bedding refresh   

To prepare for the chillier evenings and soon to be frigid nights, you’ll want to change your flock’s bedding from pellets or recycled paper to wood shavings or straw. Shavings and straw have better insulating properties, which helps retain heat within the coop. Omlet’s Eglu Chicken Coops have twin-wall insulation to help retain heat, with ample ventilation to prevent moisture buildup. The Eglu Pro has the added benefit of adjustable vents to allow less air in during the colder months.  

Change your clocks — and batteries 

Changing your clocks soon? Then it’s time to check the batteries in your Smart Autodoor and adjust the time settings. Change the batteries if needed, and adjust the schedule accordingly to accommodate for the shorter days, If your Smart Autodoor is programmed to open and close with the amount of daylight, then you’re all set for the coming season. 

Cover those feathers 

Weather covers for chicken runs will help keep cold condensation off of your chickens. Chickens handle the cold quite well, but only as long as they’re able to stay dry. Wet feathers can quickly spell hypothermia during cold weather, and muddy runs can cause bumblefoot or other bacterial infections in your flock. Opt for transparent run covers during the frigid weather to allow sunlight to warm your flock while protecting them from the wetter weather. 

Weather the storms  

Fall is notorious for its wild weather patterns. Depending on where you live, the only predictable part of fall weather is that it’s unpredictable. Make sure your chicken coop is outfitted with wheels and handles for quick, easy movement in preparation for severe weather events. You’ll also need to check your coop after each storm to assess it for damage. Eglu chicken coops are designed to be weatherproof, giving you a warp and worry-free outlook on severe weather. 

Warm up the water 

Once the weather dips below freezing, your chickens’ water will begin to freeze. Keep your chicken waterers in sunlight to help them stay thawed during the day, and break the ice as needed. Bird bath heaters can be submerged in chicken waterers to keep them thawed, or you can keep your flock’s water from freezing over by adding boiling water to their container several times a day. 

Seasonal specifics 

As fall settles in, your flock will start experience natural, biological changes. The dwindling daylight hours is a signal for them to shed their old feathers in favour of new ones, and egg laying will become less frequent. See what other fall-specific activities your flock will be up to this season. 

The messy business of moulting 

Chickens moult annually during the fall. This process involves your chickens shedding all of their feathers in order to regrow them in preparation for the winter. Because this event takes immense amounts of energy, your hens will lay fewer eggs or stop laying altogether. Chickens will usually complete a moult within 4-12 weeks. To help your hens through a moult, offer them plenty of protein in the form of dried insects, or rich hay like alfalfa. 

Wood ash for better dust baths 

One of the best additions to your chickens’ dust bath is ash from burned wood or leaves. Utilise the remnants of your autumn bonfires in your chickens’ dust bathing area by sprinkling or pouring them directly into the basin or designated spot. Make sure the ash isn’t from fires that contained treated wood or other chemicals, as this can cause harm to your chickens. Natural tree branches, leaves, or untreated logs for a fire make perfect ashes that your hens will revel in. 

Omlet and your flock 

Fall is an incredible time to spend with your flock. Make sure they’re fully supported throughout this season and the ones to come with insulated chicken coops, a Smart Autodoor, and chicken run covers. With Omlet, you and your flock can approach the changing seasons with anticipation rather than apprehension. 

Omlet Eglu Cube Chicken Coop in Omlet Walk In Chicken Run with weather protection cover

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Do chickens get bored?

From children to adults, we’re all familiar with the feeling of boredom — but do chickens get bored? Indeed they do, and a bored chicken is an unhappy one. Discover why chickens get bored, and how to bust boredom before it manifests in behavioural displays within your flock. 

Chickens playing on the Omlet PoleTree inside the Walk In Run

Why do chickens get bored? 

Chickens are naturally inquisitive, with an innate instinct to forage throughout the day. Flocks that free-range find enrichment in their environment, from bugs and plants to dust bathing spots and perching opportunities. But hens that are kept in runs or small areas miss out on many of these naturally occurring boredom-busters. 

Signs that your chickens are bored 

When chickens are bored, there will be observable clues. Bored chickens will typically: 

  • Act lethargic or listless 
  • Display aggression toward their owners or flock mates 
  • Have feather loss from over preening or hen-pecking 
  • Pace along the edges of the run 
  • Peck at the coop 
  • Eat their own eggs, or those of other hens 

These behaviours can range from mild to severe, with some chickens causing serious injury to themselves or others. But you can mitigate the risk of these destructive behaviours by providing your flock with plenty of enrichment. 

Flock boredom busters 

To keep your chickens’ minds and bodies active and engaged, they’ll need elements to support a healthy lifestyle. These range from toys and accessories to activities that you help provide. Here’s how to keep boredom at bay among your flock. 

Chicken toys 

Chickens enjoy interacting with various elements, and toys are among their favourites, delighting hens and their keepers alike. Some chicken toys include: 

These toys reward your chickens with food or sounds for their interactions. This type of feedback engages their minds and bodies and helps to prevent them from becoming bored. Toys can be mounted in your chickens’ run, providing hours of daily entertainment.  

Chicken perches 

One of the best ways to prevent your flock from becoming bored is to give them a variety of perches in their area. Chicken perches can be mounted to the wire of your chicken run, or Freestanding Chicken Perches can be added to open areas and moved as needed to provide plenty of perching opportunities. If your flock spends all or most of their time inside of a chicken run, a customizable PoleTree transforms their home into the ultimate play space while making use of the aerial space of a tall run. 

For an unconventional perch, Chicken Swings make for excellent flock entertainment. Like a porch swing for your hens, these swings provide a relaxing place to unwind and enjoy a gentle sway of a suspended seat. 

Activities for your chickens

While toys and perches are essential for flock enrichment, your hens will also benefit from activities. These can be with you or amongst themselves, but the goal remains the same — to appeal to their natural behaviours in order to maintain a healthy mind and body. 

Dust baths 

A chicken dust bath is another essential element for your flock to keep their feathers and skin healthy. This is also a social activity, where two or more hens will congregate at a time. They’ll happily roll and toss dust on themselves to remove parasites or debris from their plumage, and to catch up with each other. Chickens in runs should always be provided with a dust bathing area, while free-ranging chickens will likely find their own favourite dust bathing spots among bushes, sandboxes, or other loose soil. 


Even if your flock can’t truly free-range, you can simulate this experience by creating activities that encourage them to forage. In the fall, gather leaf piles to add to their run, and toss in their favourite treats for them to scratch and scavenge for. In the spring and summer months, add fresh grass clippings or grass hay for the same effect. Alfalfa hay can be offered in the winter for a boost of warming protein, along with warm mash at multiple intervals throughout the day. 

Human interaction 

Interacting with your chickens is rewarding for them and for you as their keeper. If you’ve had your flock for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed that they’ll come running to you in anticipation of food. This reaction isn’t just endearing, it’s also a sign of trust and familiarity from your flock. Reward them with chicken-safe treats like fresh produce or dried insects to reinforce your bond. Spending time talking with your chickens or just enjoying their company is soothing for you, and helps prevent boredom for them. 

Omlet and your flock 

Your flock’s most valuable asset is you. By providing them with supportive and enriching elements, you’ll stave off boredom and deepen the bond built between you and your chickens. A safe chicken coop that can be easily customized makes a perfect canvas for creating an environment to keep boredom at bay. Adding chicken toys and perches and providing as much space as possible with chicken fencing or a walk in chicken run will go a long way in entertaining them. But the most important aspect of keeping your flock healthy and happy is you — caring for your flock, spending time with them, and seeing to their happiness is the best way to eliminate boredom from your chickens’ lives. 

Freestanding chicken perch next the Eglu Cube inside chicken fencing


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Everything you need to know about chicken eggs

Everything you need to know about chicken eggs is this: they’re amazingly healthy for humans, are laid regularly by endearing backyard birds, and are a culinary staple in virtually every type of cuisine. But while all chicken eggs are healthy, they aren’t all identical. Your chickens’ eggs can even tell you about the health of your hens and their genetics. Dive into the wonderful world of chicken eggs, and discover fascinating facts about the world’s favourite breakfast staple. 

Child holding a chicken egg inside the Omlet Walk In Run

Eggs are healthy for humans

Collecting eggs is one of the best parts of being a chicken keeper. Not only are they delicious and look spectacular when displayed on your kitchen counter, they’re also super nutritious. In fact, chicken eggs contain small amounts of nearly every vitamin and mineral that humans require. They’re rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids and folate, as well as vitamin D and choline.

How do chickens lay eggs? 

Contrary to popular belief, hens do not need the rooster in order to produce eggs. So how do chickens know when to lay eggs? The answer lies with the sun. Hens have a special receptor in their eye called the pineal gland, which communicates to the rest of their body that it’s time to ovulate, or produce an egg. This sensitivity to light is one of the reasons why hens lay fewer eggs during the winter months — there’s less daylight to prompt ovulation. 

Once light enters the pineal gland, an oocyte (the egg yolk) is released from a hens’ ovary.  The yolk begins its journey through a hen via the oviduct. If you have a rooster in your flock, it is at this point that a yolk could become fertilized. But, regardless of a rooster being present, the yolk will continue its journey through the oviduct, where it will be wrapped in the egg white, known as albumen. 

The final stop for an egg is a hens’ uterus, which is called the shell gland. Over the course of about 20 hours, the shell gland will encase the albumen-wrapped yolk in the characteristic shell that we know and admire. If your hen lays coloured eggs, it’s here where the pigment is applied. Once done, a hen’s uterus personally deposits the egg through the cloaca and into the nest to keep it clean and protected from feces, which share the same exit route. Shortly after an egg has been laid, hens will start the process all over again, with most laying breeds producing an egg 26-36 hours.  

Not all chickens lay brown eggs 

You’ve seen brown eggs, and you’ve probably even seen white eggs. But did you know that chickens can also lay eggs in hues of blue, green, and even pink? Technically speaking, all egg shells start out white, thanks to calcium being their primary substance. But chickens with certain genetics have a pigment that is applied to eggs within the shell gland. This pigment is what gives these eggs their colour. 

Here are some breeds that lay coloured eggs: 

Blue eggs 

  • Easter Egger
  • Ameraucana
  • Cream Legbar

Green eggs

  • Easter Egger
  • Whiting True Green
  • Olive Egger (Maran/Ameraucana crosses) 

Pink or cream eggs 

Eggs can also be speckled, but this is more from an individual hen’s distinct laying habits rather than genetics. There are some breeds that are more prone to laying speckled eggs, but the freckled appearance is from calcium deposits during the shell formation. Any hen can potentially lay speckled eggs, but even those that do may not continue to do so throughout their lifetime. 

What eggs tell you about hen health 

A hen’s eggs can tell you a lot about their overall health. Chickens that lay misshapen eggs or those without shells may be experiencing stress or illness. And, if hens stop laying altogether for any reason other than their annual chicken moult, this can also spell trouble. 

Isolated events of strange eggs in the nesting box usually isn’t a cause for concern. And, pullets that are just beginning to lay will often produce elongated, pointed eggs their first couple of months. This is normal, and their eggs will slowly transition into the traditional shape. 

If your mature hens suddenly stop laying eggs, or produce eggs that are elongated, misshapen, bumpy, or missing their shells, there are a few things to consider to get to the bottom of the cause: 

  • Bumpy shells are small calcium deposits on the egg. Decreasing your flock’s calcium intake will help resolve bumpy eggs. 
  • Eggs that have extremely soft shells or no shells at all are due to a lack of calcium in your hens’ diet. While startling to find, offering a calcium supplement free-choice to help prevent or correct soft-shelled eggs. 
  • Elongated or misshapen eggs are usually a sign of illness or stress in adult chickens. Call your veterinarian if you notice more than one elongated egg in the nesting box from mature hens. 

Fun facts about chicken eggs 

Here are some fun or lesser-known facts about chickens and their eggs: 

  • Hens have two ovaries, but their right ovary becomes dormant shortly after they hatch. This means that throughout a hen’s life, eggs will only be released from the left ovary. 
  • An egg’s colour, shape, and size have no effect on its taste or nutritional value. 
  • On average, a single hen will lay between 260-325 eggs each year. The world record was set by a White Leghorn hen in 1970, with a total of 371 eggs in a single year. 
  • Eggs are one of the most complete sources of protein. 
  • One egg contains 6 grams of protein and 70 calories. 

Omlet and your flock 

Your backyard flock provides you and your family with nutritious and delicious eggs year-round. Provide them with the best living quarters to assist them in their amazing endeavour. Safe, insulated chicken coops, fully enclosed chicken runs and smart automatic chicken coop doors all promote and support healthy egg laying habits. Just just wonder what it’s like to have chickens, we’re here to tell you — it’s wondrous.  

Boy collecting eggs from the Eglu Cube


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What is a chicken dust bath?

What is a chicken dust bath? It sounds messy, and to an extent that’s true, but dust baths serve an important purpose in your flock. Find out exactly what a dust bath is, why dust bathing is important to your chickens, and how to make sure that your flock has access to this element of their self-care. 

The Omlet Eglu Pro with chickens roaming and girl feeding

What is a chicken dust bath? 

A chicken dust bath is exactly what it sounds like: a chicken bathing in the dirt. But your hens won’t be grabbing a robe and loofah — instead, they’ll plop down in the loosest earth they can find, and roll from side-to-side while tossing dirt over their bodies with their wings and feet. This strange act of bathing may seem like it’s getting your chickens dingier than they were before, but once a chicken is done with a dust bath, they’ll shake off the loose dirt and preen their feathers. Sometimes you’ll see your hens scratching around in the dirt to loosen the substrate enough to take a dust bath in, but you can also make and maintain a designated dust bathing area for your flock in their chicken run

Why do chickens dust bathe? 

Chickens don’t like being wet, so instead they dust bathe to remove parasites, insects, and impurities from their skin and feathers. Dust baths are an important part of chicken health, and also aids in keeping your flock cool during the summer. This routine “dusting off” helps keep your chickens’ feathers bright and full, and keeps their skin in good condition. It’s also a social activity that hens in particular enjoy in pairs or groups. It’s common to see best friends or sibling hens taking dust baths together if the area is large enough. 

Dust baths are especially important for helping your hens through the heat of the summer and to aid your flock during their annual moulting cycle. The dirt that your hens toss onto their plumage helps to separate individual feathers from each other. In the summer, separated feathers helps circulate more air to their body to support their natural insulating system. During their moulting cycle, chickens will need to shake out loose feathers and promote new feather growth — both of which are accomplished by dust bathing. 

What is the best dirt for a chicken dust bath? 

If your flock free-ranges, they’ll find their favourite dust bathing spots throughout their territory. Common areas that chickens will choose to dust bathe in are: 

  • Garden beds with loose topsoil
  • Shaded areas under trees or shrubs  
  • Sandboxes or other areas with loose dirt 
  • Ash from outdoor fire pits or burned brush piles 

Chickens will happily dust bathe in any substrate that is dry and loose enough to cover their feathers. Your flock won’t want to dust bathe in areas with grass, gravel, or mulch. 

You can tell where your chickens have chosen to dust bathe by the nest-shaped indentations they leave behind. Feathers are another common sighting around dust bathing areas, especially during chicken molting season. Your chickens will also choose a dust bathing area that doesn’t get saturated in the rain. If you’re making your own chicken dust bath, make sure it’s in a place protected from precipitation, and away from any chicken waterers to avoid dirt being tossed into their drinking water. 

Can I make a dust bath for my chickens? 

You can make a dust bath for your chickens so that they have a designated place dedicated to this self-care activity. To make a chicken dust bath, you’ll need a container or basin with high sides, such as a: 

  • Utility tote
  • Tyre 
  • Kiddie pool
  • Livestock feeding or watering troughs 

The high sides will help keep the contents of the dust bath contained, but make sure the sides are low enough for your hens to hop in and out of. If your space allows for it, aim for the diameter of the container to be large enough to accommodate at least two hens, as many chickens enjoy dust bathing together. 

You can make a quality chicken dust bath with a few simple ingredients. Choose a base, or combine multiple, then add other elements as desired. 


  • Topsoil  
  • Coarse sand like contractor’s or multipurpose (not play sand, as it’s often chemically treated) 
  • Dirt or dried soil gathered from your yard 

Additional ingredients: 

  • Diatomaceous earth (DE) 
  • Dried herbs 
  • Wood ash 
  • Peat moss 

These ingredients fortify the dirt with natural insect-fighting components and immune-boosting nutrients to help keep your hens healthy and happy. 

Omlet and your flock 

Dust bathing may be a messy affair, but it’s vital to your flock’s overall wellbeing. But with an extra large chicken coop and run, your hens will have plenty of space to stretch out for a luxurious herbal dust bath. Hold the candles and glass of wine — opt for scratch grains in a chicken peck toy, or fresh vegetables in a Caddi Chicken Treat Holder near their dust bathing area for an ultra relaxing experience. Give your chickens a side of comfort and safety of Omlet along with their dirt, and they’ll be able to take the best dust baths any flock could hope for. 

Inside the Omlet Walk In Run with the Eglu Cube


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Everything you need to know about Eglu coops in summer 

Considering an Eglu Chicken Coop for your flock? These modern feats of engineering take chicken keeping to a whole new level – especially during extreme weather. Here’s everything you need to know about Eglu coops in summer, one of the most trying seasons as a flock raiser. 

Eglu pro in the yard with two girls

Made for all weather 

All of the Eglu Chicken Coops by Omlet are engineered for extremes. With twin-wall insulation, ample ventilation, and rugged composition, Eglus are designed to withstand everything mother nature doles out. Here’s how to determine which coop is best for your flock, depending on size, chicken breeds, and your space. 

Eglu Pro 

Our largest chicken coop yet, the Eglu Pro can comfortably house up to 10 large breed chickens. Adjustable vents allow for more cross flow ventilation during the summer, while helping to circulate fresh air. The large interior of the Eglu Pro allows hens to spread out when roosting overnight to help keep them cool, and the elevated design allows for ample shade beneath the coop during the day. 

Eglu Cube 

Similar in design, the Eglu Cube is a large, elevated chicken coop. The versatile size can accommodate up to 6 large breed hens, or up to 10 bantam breeds. Shade can be found under the coop, and the droppings tray can be removed for even more ventilation during the day. The Eglu Cube can be repositioned easily with the help of optional wheels and handles, enabling you to move it to shadier spots around your yard as needed. 

Eglu Go Up and Eglu Go 

Both the Eglu Go Up and Eglu Go can house 3 hens comfortably. These smaller coops still feature the same twin-wall insulation as their larger counterparts, but their compact size makes them easy to maneuver. The Eglu Go in particular is perfect for broody hens needing an undisturbed place to sit on a clutch of eggs, which is a common occurrence during the warm summer months. 

Summertime advantages 

In addition to their insulating and ventilating properties, Eglu Chicken Coops offer additional solutions for chicken keepers trying to keep their flock cool. These features are made possible by plastic chicken coops, which outperform wooden chicken coops in every aspect. Here are some of the greatest advantages that our plastic Eglu Chicken Coops have to offer during the summer. 

Parasite prevention  

Red mites are a chicken keeper’s worst nightmare, and are most active during the warmer weather that summer brings. They’re hard to treat, wreak havoc on your flock, and can cost countless hours of work to fully eradicate them. Thankfully, preventing red mites in your flock is much easier than treating them. These parasites live in nooks and crannies of wooden chicken coops, but plastic chicken coops offer nowhere for these opportunistic pests to hide. With routine coop cleanings and bedding changes, Eglu Chicken Coops can prevent red mites and other parasites from pestering your flock during the summer. 

Cool construction 

Our Eglu Chicken Coops offer insulation to combat the warm ambient temperature. But if you live in an area that experiences intense heat and humidity, there are additional measures you can take to help bring the temperature inside of the coop down even more. For extremely hot temperatures, consider using all three of these methods:


Place your Eglu Chicken Coop in a shady area. By keeping it out of direct sunlight, the exterior of the coop will stay cooler, which will in turn lower the temperature inside. For maximum effect, keep your coop in a place that is shaded the majority of the day to help maintain its temperature. 


Placing a small fan inside of your Eglu Chicken Coop can help circulate even more air through the vents. Make sure that your chickens can’t reach any of the power cords (battery operated fans are ideal), and angle the fan so that the air is blown out through the coop door. You can also position a large fan on the outside of the run facing the underside of the coop to give your flock a breeze along with their shade. 


Turn an Eglu into an igloo. Frozen water bottles or plastic ice packs placed in the droppings tray or directly on the roosting rack can help lower the temperature of your Eglu Chicken Coop quickly. Your hens will appreciate the cool object to nestle up on, and the bottles can be poured into your chicken waterer once thawed. 

Simple sanitation  

Let’s not forget the labors of love that chicken keepers endure during the summer. It’s no small feat to clean a chicken coop in sweltering heat, but Eglu Chicken Coops make summer cleaning a breeze. Our easy to clean chicken coops can be fully sanitized in just a few minutes with the help of a pressure washer or water hose. No more scrubbing roosting bars in a stuffy wooden chicken coop, your Eglu Chicken Coop components can be removed, hosed down, dried, and reassembled before you break a sweat. 

Beat the heat with accessories 

Add some accessories to your Eglu Chicken Coop to assist you in your battle against the summer heat. Eglu Run Covers add more shade to your flock’s area, and a Caddi Chicken Treat Holder can hold your flock’s favorite summertime snacks. Add Chicken Perches or a Chicken Swing to your hens’ run to give them a breezy place to perch during the heat of the day. And don’t forget to make a dust bath for your chickens to help keep their feathers, which act as their natural insulation, in prime condition. 

Omlet and your flock 

Through thoughtful and purposeful design, our Eglu Chicken Coops bring peace of mind and comfort to flocks and their raisers all over the globe. From extra large chicken coops to small backup chicken coops, you and your hens can rest easy this summer knowing that their home is keeping them safe and cool in the heat. Add a Smart Autodoor to automate your flock’s schedule to complete the ultimate summer setup, and never worry about setting an alarm to let your chickens out in the morning. It’s time to enjoy your summer, the Omlet way. 

Woman looking inside the Eglu cube in the yard


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Can TECH bring us closer to our chickens?

We never stop asking the questions that help us invent better. And because Omlet’s the sum of many parts, those questions are never asked in isolation, but by different people with different expertise and passions. It’s by bringing this bold thinking together that we can create truly innovative designs that bring us closer to our pets every day, such as the new Omlet Smart Autodoor. 

Person using the Omlet Smart Autodoor app

Wonder this way

Our designs begin with conversations over coffee and ideas that go ping in the night. With the Smart Autodoor, a shift in the type of person keeping chickens has driven a change in approach to chicken keeping itself. Over to Omlet Head of Wonder, Rebecca, who leads our new product research and strategy from the front, travelling the world to meet Omlet customers and chicken enthusiasts, gathering the unique insights that help us invent new and better ways to care for chickens. She does this in the context of market trends and analysis that give her a broad understanding of what our customers need, and why. 

“We’re seeing a broad swathe of millennials entering the chicken keeping market. Their lifestyles and other demands on their time make this hard – they’re often full time workers in a suburban or urban context, they often have young families – they already have lots going on and time is a scarce and precious commodity. That’s where the Smart Autodoor comes in. This is a generation that has grown up with the convenience of technology, and they want to be able to apply its potential to facilitate integrating chicken keeping into their lives.“

Rebecca Wagstaff 

So, at this first stage, we will establish the demand for a product and hold it against our brand philosophies – in essence, asking, why should we design an Omlet Smart Autodoor? 

“This comes back to one of our core values at Omlet, which is at the heart of our purpose: enabling more people to keep chickens. Our designs are based on the belief that more people should be able to keep and have the benefits of keeping chickens, even if they don’t have lots of land or lots of time. So we want to design products that enable them to do this, and in a really efficient way.”

Rebecca Wagstaff 

This evaluation and analysis is a key part of the journey before we get into the workshop. We need to be sure that any product we design will capture the spirit of Omlet and our purpose – bringing people and pets closer. 

“There is a lot of noise when it comes to technology and connection. Because there is of course some argument and concern that technology reduces connection and interaction. But when it works in the right way, to support our bonds rather than replacing them, then it actually enables you to be more connected. 

And this is the purpose of the Smart Autodoor – by being able to check in with and control your coop door from your phone efficiently, via the Omlet app, you can have peace of mind even if you are not at home. You can see the status of your coop door in real time. It is about staying connected, wherever you are.”

Rebecca Wagstaff 

The Omlet what?

In case you missed it, that was the Omlet app – developed alongside our Smart Autodoor to enable its potential, and opening up a new world of tech-facilitated chicken keeping. Enter Dave, Head of Technology here at Omlet HQ. 

“Technology and product design are natural partners, increasingly so. Look at light bulbs, doorbells, fridges, washing machines – all these appliances can be started from your phone. So why not your chicken setups? It’s a functionality a lot of our customers want. They want to be able to connect with and control their coop when they’re not home.”

Dave Legg

Having established that the Omlet Smart Autodoor was a product our customers wanted and that would build on our brand values of chicken keeping for all and closer connections with our flock, it was time to rope in Dave and the team and get their formidable but enigmatic brains whirring. 

“As a process, designing the app was fairly straightforward, as we were able to use tools similar to building our website. We did, however, have to write new firmware for the control panel itself, to enable the new functionality. Firmware is like software, but built into the hardware itself – so a bit less soft if you like.

We have kept all of the logic that makes the door work in the hardware of the door itself, which means you can still program your door settings using the control panel on your coop – and it will function just fine without needing to communicate with your phone, or with the Wi-Fi. 

So we’ve kept all of the current functionality – including the control panel – but improved it by connecting it to the internet. This allows customers to check their chickens are safely shut away from wherever they are in the world. We could have removed the control panel, and built all of the smart electronics directly into the door itself, but we know that the smart functionality is not for everyone. Retaining the control panel allows the product to work for all of our customers – and it means that anyone with our current Autodoor who wants to upgrade it to a Smart Autodoor needs only replace the control panel, rather than the door itself.”

Dave Legg

Dave Legg one of the designers of the Smart Autodoor

The Omlet Perfection Process

Another cornerstone of Omlet design is to test, refine, and test again. We call it the Omlet Perfection Process, and no app, coop or Smart Autodoor is exempt.   

“This process of test, refine, repeat is a huge hallmark of Omlet product design. And it’s really valuable working with our customers along the way – they have really enjoyed the trials – we get really high engagement, our audience is very switched on. It’s brilliant for us to get their unique experience and perspectives on what they need the product to do, it helps us go further. It is so powerful. One customer, one word, can make the difference between a good product and a great one.”

Rebecca Wagstaff 

Back to Dave, who was also heavily involved in the testing process, running the program alongside Rebecca with the interdepartmental pizzazz we pride ourselves on. 

“Because our process is driven heavily by testing, we’ve been able to run a lot of diagnostics and troubleshoot ahead of launch. Working with our testers in the program, we’ve been able to see details from the device, which we normally wouldn’t be able to see. 

So, the doors being tested have sent data to us, like battery levels, the time it takes for the door to open and close, which has been really useful for analysing and refining. We’ve had access to a lot of data, and because it’s connected to the internet, we can do that remotely. The doors check for software updates every 24 hours, which means that within 24 hours any updates we make can be rolled out globally.”  

Dave Legg

In layman’s terms, we connected to lots of Smart Autodoors out in the wild, and combined humans communicating (Rebecca) and machines communicating (Dave) to make sure everything and everyone was talking perfect sense: so, if the Omlet app tells you your Smart Autodoor is closed, then you can rest assured in the sweet knowledge that it is. 

Meanwhile, in the workshop…

For an article about design, it says much about this product that we’ve yet to talk to anyone in the Design team. Time to introduce Design Manager Josh, whose role was to bring electronics and product design into the equation and transform our existing Autodoor into its new, smart incarnation.  

“My responsibility was ensuring that the physical design and the electronics development were running smoothly together, and working closely with our Technology team, who were developing the app that will let you operate the Smart Autodoor from your phone.

So, we had the Technology team writing the code and our Electronics Engineer designing the PCB. The PCB is the electrical board, housed inside the control panel, which programs the Autodoor and communicates with the app. I was overseeing the design on the panel itself.”

Josh Davies 

An interesting part of this project is that the physical design of the Autodoor itself has changed very little, with good reason. It stems from another central Omlet design principle: longevity. We design for life, not landfill. Our Autodoor is already smoothly running schedules in backyards around the world. We wanted to make our existing Autodoor more valuable to our customers, not necessitate its replacement. 

Same, same but different 

“The Autodoor was already a fantastic product, so it was important not to fix what wasn’t broken – but this was a chance to step back and look at it and see if and where improvements could be made, and the control panel was an opportunity. So we redesigned it, for aesthetics but also for functionality, based on customer feedback that we get from our customer experience team and from observations we’ve made ourselves, when using it in the design garden.  

Something that comes up is the difficulty of opening the panel on cold mornings, when your fingers aren’t so deft or perhaps you’re wearing gloves. We added a little catch, so it’s easier to open. We also swapped the screws from front to rear facing, making it easier to lift them out. 

But as for the door itself, we didn’t need to reinvent the wheel; our Autodoor works brilliantly.”  

Josh Davies 

So, this is the same tried, trusted and adored Omlet Autodoor. But with a new Smart Control Panel. And a sparkly new app. Sounds good to us.

“We’ve been designing chicken coops and inventing products to help people care for their chickens for 20 years, and our approach is to always keep building on what we know, with what we learn. So the Smart Autodoor is a new, exciting product, but it has two decades of Omlet attention to detail and design experience built into it. 

Our Autodoor already stands out – and we’ve kept everything that made it unique. I think the main factor is its reliability – the testing we do here is so extensive,  even down to the detail of the grease of the gears. We use a particular formula that has been specified to work in low temperatures, and tested in extreme weather conditions, so in freezing cold weather, snow, ice, rain – we know our Autodoor won’t be affected. 

Sustainability is at the core of how we approach product design. Everything we invent is built to last and consciously designed with purpose and longevity in mind. So we were never inventing a new product that makes our existing Autodoor obsolete – everyone who already has an Autodoor can easily upgrade it to have the same smart functionality, just by buying the new Smart Control Panel and downloading the app. So yes, it’s the same Autodoor. Only now, it’s smart. Really smart.” 

Josh Davies 

So there we have it. After a lot of wondering, communicating, connecting, testing, refining, repeating, the Omlet Autodoor is reborn as the Omlet Smart Autodoor – all set to open up fresh new ways to connect with your flock. 

Smart Autodoor on the Eglu Pro

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Omlet meets: Jeremy, engineer turned chicken enthusiast

One of the pioneers of the Omlet Ambassador Program, Jeremy discovered an unexpected synergy with his professional expertise on his chicken keeping journey. A Florida based building design engineer, we first connected with Jeremy when Omlet Co Founder James was traveling around America meeting customers. James found Jeremy data logging the Eglu Cube’s internal environment. Unsurprisingly, they hit it off. 

Jeremy Gary Omlet Ambassador holding a chicken in front of the Eglu Pro

Omlet Ambassador Jeremy Gary, from Florida, USA

So, Jeremy, tell me how you first got into chicken keeping?

Well, initially, it was my wife and son who wanted to keep chickens. I grew up with a farm behind me, and to my mind it sounded like a lot of work – and I already have enough of that! But I wasn’t set against it; I agreed and we started to look at options. 

You know, everything I saw was garbage, just overpriced for what it was. For starters, wood just does not do well in our environment. The humidity will claim it straight back. And I could see that these coops were flimsy: they just weren’t going to stand up to predators. But we had already got these chicks and we were racing against time. 

I finally came across an image of the Eglu Cube online. I began to do the research, to look into it. Back then, there was no Ambassador Program like there is now, so I had to go on what I could see online and to me, the design just looked like it would work. So we bought it, because I thought it would work.

And it did?

Well, I’ll tell you a story. I became more involved with Omlet after Hurricane Ian. Because we were hit. My entire backyard was destroyed. There were trees everywhere, fences gone. And I came out once it had passed, and there was this coop, just sitting there in the middle of it all. So, when you talk about the cost, about the investment, that to me is a big part of it. 

Of course, not every coop will have to deal with a hurricane. This thing took down 40 ft trees – it was as big as I’ve ever seen. It’s hard to communicate what that looks like and feels like. It was astonishing. So I took a picture of the wreckage with my Eglu Cube in the middle and I sent it to Omlet Customer Experience just to let them know, hey, my coop is still here, even though nothing else is!

Omlet Eglu Cube surviving Hurricane Ian

Jeremy’s Eglu Cube still standing after Hurricane Ian hit

Is that how you became an ambassador? 

Look, if someone is going to invest, it’s great to be able to come and see it for real. So that’s why I think the Ambassador Program is so important. Because you can really communicate that value. It might be hard to understand that just by looking at it online. Right now, a lot more people are keeping chickens. There was the egg shortage during Covid, among other factors. Local interest is climbing, and for a first time customer, visiting an ambassador like me can really be a link with Omlet, a tangible connection, and I think that’s important with a big purchase. 

So… hang on… you’ve gone from going along with getting chickens because it was what the family wanted – to being an Omlet Ambassador?

Yep. I came into this indifferent – I was going to be a bystander. I went from “Sure, OK, whatever you want to do,” to where we are today: I’m an Omlet Ambassador, and we currently have two Eglu Cubes, a Walk In Run, now an Eglu Pro – and we’re expanding our flock. I call it the chicken campus. 

Sounds like a classic case of chicken math! 

We started with three, an Ameraucana and two Easter Eggers. We were very selective and got them on a local farm. It was for animal welfare of course but also the human side – the hygiene factor of raising chickens is of utmost importance. So we found a farm that we were really impressed with. 

Then, we got three Rhode Island Red refugees from another keeper nearby, whose setup was destroyed by the hurricane. They’ve since got another wooden coop, and within a couple of years, it’s already falling apart. We’re actually going to give them our original Eglu Cube now we have the Eglu Pro, because we don’t need three coops, even with our new arrivals, we have plenty of space. 

So, we have the new chicks coming from a hatchery in five weeks. We tried very very hard to find someone locally, but it was tough. I couldn’t find anyone this time around that I was happy with. I looked carefully and chose a hatchery with a good reputation. It sounded strange to me at first, the idea of buying chicks in the post, but now I understand it, I understand it is fine. And there was quite a demand – we had to get in line! We have a Blue Copper Maran, a Wheaten Maran, a Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte and a Buff Brahma. My wife chose – she’s the one who cares what breeds we get. For me, we just need to look at ones which are hardy. So we will have 10 when they arrive. We may go to eleven or 12, we’ll see. I felt like with the Eglu Cube, six was comfortable, but that is because our Rhode Island Reds are big.  

Do they have names?

With the first three, we each named one. I named the matriarch, Chicken Nugget. Because she looked like a nugget when she first hatched. Then there’s Fluffy, our second in command, the queen of broodiness, she has like four/five/six broody cycles a year. But she’s the sweetest too. Then Lila is third in command. She is the feistiest of them all – she’s the one that keeps the separation with the newer three – who all look pretty much identical. One of them’s called Runner, for obvious reasons. And actually she’s more strawberry blond since the moult. The other two, I’d have to ask my son. Only he can tell them apart. They are very much household pets, which is another reason why I would always recommend Omlet coops, for the security they provide. 

Jeremy Gary with his chickens in the Omlet Walk In Run

Jeremy feeding his chickens inside the Walk In Run

Yes, indeed, the predator problem…

We’ve experienced it with the Eglu Cube and now already with the Eglu Pro, we come out and we see scratch marks around where predators have tried and tried to get in the coop overnight. Here in Florida, we have racoons, coyotes, bobcats. We’re in an area right along the coast, and there are predators everywhere. Where we are is a hotspot of development. Everyone is moving here, and the effect on these predators is that it condenses them. They’re more brazen, more desperate, which makes the chickens subject to some really determined attacks. 

I saw a bobcat get a rabbit when I was taking a walk one night. It moved with total silence. I didn’t know it was there until it grabbed the rabbit and then it was gone. Coyotes aren’t scared any more. The coop will be literally covered in muddy pawprints in the morning. So keeping the flock safe is a huge piece of the puzzle. Most other coops I see, well, I couldn’t see them stopping a determined raccoon. 

Then you have aerial attacks, which is probably an even bigger threat. I went out one morning, and I couldn’t hear them. Not a sound, and I thought, why aren’t they making any noise? Then I saw them, and they were all standing there, completely silent. I looked up, and there were seven hawks in the tree above their run, just looking down at them. The chickens were frozen. So, yes, it would be lovely to let them roam completely free – but not for long. The predator proofing that you get with an Eglu, that is invaluable. I talk about layers of security. An Omlet coop has layers of security. Because a determined predator will keep coming back. The evidence is there that they’re trying, but they don’t succeed. They can’t defeat it – and when you consider your chickens as pets, you try to protect them as such.

Yes, it means a lot to know they’re safe. 

It’s not just predators – there’s the climate too. The coop is insulated and it’s great for the elements – but you still have to pick a spot with shade. It’s important to think about the local climate, and that’s where the Ambassador Program is helpful. Florida is basically a swamp. So a wooden coop just is not going to stand up. Then, because we’re in a hurricane zone, we can’t have any fixed structures. So both the Eglu Cube and the Eglu Pro comply with that. We can move it. We don’t – but we could. Local experience with chicken keeping helps. 

So these are the kind of conversations we’ll have when people come to see our setup, which might begin by talking about a product, but are more the lifestyle. For example, the unsung hero of Omlet inventions is the Autodoor. I don’t mind telling you I laughed at first – I don’t know how I got talked into buying it. Well, it’s a game changer, truly. Unless you want to be up at the crack of dawn, every day, and be there to put them away every evening, you NEED this door. And when you go away, having the Autodoor means you can ask your neighbours to watch the chickens. Because it’s no big deal. It’s extremely reliable too. So, when someone is starting out, they might think, “Oh I don’t need that, I don’t want to spend that extra money,” but actually you need to hear it from someone who knows, who has been doing this for a while. 

So to go back to your earlier question – that’s why I became an ambassador I guess. I do it because I want to be the resource for people that I would have wanted, when I started out. 

It sounds like it’s been quite a journey – when did it really get under your skin?

I remember, we had the first chicks and I was racing against time because it took longer than I thought it would to find the right coop, and then I was building and assembling it, and by then they were roaming around me. They just walked around me and right from the start, they endeared themselves to me, because just by being with them and being around them, you realize they each have their own personality. They’re very soothing and comforting – they’re therapeutic. I run my own business and that gives me all the stress I need. There’s something very simple and basic about keeping chickens. You go out there, you feed them, you interact, they have their personalities and their quirks. 

Jeremy's setup for chickens with Walk In Run and Eglu Pro and PoleTree

Jeremy Gary’s chicken keeping setup

Yes, every chicken keeper says this and it’s so true – they have so much character.

We did a photoshoot after I’d finished assembling the Eglu Pro, and their personalities really came out when I was photographing them. Some really wanted the limelight, some were really intrigued by the coop. I began this journey as a bystander. Now, when we’re done talking – I’ll be heading straight out there with the bananas, the treats. I’m the chef, I’m the one who always comes out with the treats, and they know it. When they see me, they rush outside and make a real hue and cry over it. It never fails to amaze me. I bring out tons and tons of food – and they still jostle and bicker like it’s the last scraps on earth. They’ve all got something to say! They’re part of my daily routine. 

When the hurricane hit, well, my wife, she works for the Department of Health. So she was at the hurricane shelter, but I stayed because the chickens were here. It got scary really fast, so I put them in the garage. Afterwards, the first thing I did was go to the chickens. Because they are absolutely pet family members. I’ve become so fond of them, and I can’t wait to raise our chicks. It’s so fun. I’m so passionate about the products, because they are a big part of what makes chicken keeping enjoyable.

It starts as a hobby, and becomes a passion. I think a lot of people experience that.

I think for me, I think it is particularly exciting because my passion is twofold – as an engineer and a pet lover. The Eglu is this little house! It has insulation, ventilation, and security. I’m a residential and commercial design engineer, which means really understanding how buildings work and when or why they’re not functioning properly. So I approach the Eglu with the same mentality: to understand what the occupants need in terms of comfort. I guess that what I do professionally makes me a perfect customer to appreciate what goes into this. There’s a real synergy. 

I understand it was because of that synergy that you got more involved with Omlet in the first place?

Yes, well, James (Omlet Co Founder) was doing visits in the US to really understand the US market and customer base, and he turns up at our house and we get chatting, and I tell him about the data logging I’m running on the Eglu Cube. Suddenly we’re deep in conversation and that’s how we began to forge this relationship. 

I share the conviction that it’s about representing the chickens’ best interests, and telling people, if you want to raise chickens, this is the product you need and this is the reason why. You know whether you’re being sold a product or whether someone truly believes in what they’re saying. Yeah, I get commission – but that’s not why I do it. When I got commission, I used it to buy an Omlet PoleTree

Ha! Great. Do you have any other Omlet products? 

Well, I have a funny story. I have a dog. I mentioned the dog to someone at Omlet, and she said, well, you need to try this dog bed. But my dog is not a dog bed dog. We had dog beds, he never even looked at them. So I said no, there’s no point. But she sent me this dog bed anyway. And the dog loves that bed. I had to eat my words. Not only does the dog use that bed, he uses it constantly. He absolutely loves it, because of the bolster design and the quality of the mattress. I wanted to rubbish it! I told my wife, the dog will not use it, the dog doesn’t use beds. Now, where’s the dog? 99% of the time, he’s in his Omlet bed. It’s the design. 

Jeremy standing with his Omlet Eglu Pro


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How many chickens should I get?

Chickens make great backyard pets for families of all ages and locations. While traditionally thought of as farm animals, flocks of chickens are now frequently gracing the backyards of urban and rural dwellers alike. A common question among aspiring or new chicken keepers is: how many chickens should I get? Here’s a guide to choosing the right size flock for your family, and how to comfortably house them. 

Girl looking inside the Eglu Pro at chickens

What’s your current setup?

If you’re looking to expand your flock, think about your current setup. Chicken math is the phenomenon that occurs when a chicken keeper sets out with the idea of keeping a predetermined number of chickens, but ends up with quite a few more. This inevitably happens to chicken keepers at some point — mostly because chickens are just so much fun to keep. 

With chicken math in mind, consider if your current setup can accommodate additional hens.  Chickens need as much space as possible outside of their coop to keep them fit and happy, and their coop should be large enough to allow everyone to have a safe and comfortable roost at night. Up to 4 or 5 hens can share the same nesting box, but growing flocks need more than one nesting area to maintain healthy laying habits. 

If you’re new to keeping chickens, consider how many eggs you’ll need for your family, and how involved you’d like for your children to be. Chickens make great pets for families with children, but some setups are easier than others for children to open, close, and collect eggs from. You can keep chickens with other pets, but they’ll need plenty of space to spread out, and their own respective areas for sleeping and eating. 

Chicken-keeping restrictions

In addition to your lifestyle, you’ll need to take into account any chicken-keeping restrictions that may apply to your property. There are laws about keeping chickens, usually at the city level, but your home may also be subject to local zoning or homeowners association (HOA) laws. Always contact your HOA (if applicable) along with your city’s zoning office to see if you’re allowed to keep chickens on your property. 

Most laws restrict: 

  • The number of chickens you can keep 
  • Owning a rooster 
  • The size and placement of chicken coops or runs

You may also need a permit in some cities in order to keep chickens. These are typically purchased annually. 

If the laws that your property is subject to limit the number of chickens you can have, you won’t have to worry about chicken math, as your flock limit will be set for you. For these situations, purchase the largest chicken coop that will comfortably house the number of hens you can keep. 

Space considerations

No matter the size of your flock, they’ll always be happiest when they have as much space as possible. For chicken keepers that don’t have restrictions on flock size, an extra large chicken coop is the best option. Omlet’s chicken coops are rated for various flock sizes, but the Eglu Pro Extra Large Chicken Coop is perfect for growing flocks and chicken math on the horizon. The Eglu Pro can house up to 15 small breed hens — but it’s not just for large flocks. Your smaller flocks will appreciate the additional space and nesting areas, and you’ll appreciate the option to add more chickens as you see fit without crowding being a concern. 

Benefits of a large flock

Chickens are easy and fun to keep, and unlike other types of pets, it doesn’t matter if you have 4 or 20 — their care and your routine remain the same. Thinking about keeping a large flock? Check out these benefits of having more chickens. 

Egg production

More hens means more eggs. If you’re looking to supply fresh eggs for your family, you’ll need a steady supply of eggs. A hen lays an egg roughly every day and a half, so if you eat eggs daily, each member of your family will need one and a half chickens. Practically speaking, you should aim to have 2 hens per member of your family if you want enough eggs to go around. 

Increased pest control

More chickens also means more pest control. Chickens eat all sorts of backyard pests, including:

  • Spiders 
  • Scorpions
  • Grubs and worms 
  • Grasshoppers 
  • Ants 
  • Fly larvae 

Your chickens can help you in your garden too. By using chicken fencing, or by strategically placing their chicken run next to your plants, you can let them control pests without damaging your garden. 

Flock diversity

Having more chickens gives you an opportunity to keep different breeds. You can incorporate ornamental breeds with your laying breeds of chickens to add a touch of whimsy to your flock without sacrificing egg production. Dual purpose chicken breeds can also add variety to your flock due to their various sizes and colours. 

Omlet and your flock

We’ve created the perfect chicken products to help you keep flocks of all sizes healthy and happy for years to come. Whether you’re new to chicken-keeping, or are a seasoned flock raiser, our Eglu Pro and Walk In Chicken Run are just the right size for small and large flocks alike. Give your chickens the space they crave, or give in to your impulse to bring home more hens — with the Eglu Pro, there’s always room for more. 

Chickens outside in the Eglu Pro chicken run


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Omlet meets: Madison, Connecticut keeper & “chicken guy”

With chicken season hatching all around, we checked in with Omlet Ambassador Madison, who was kind enough to feature in our film for the Eglu Cube – see if you can spot her!

Ambassador Madison sitting with family next to the Omlet Eglu Pro

I know you’ve already got your Eglu Pro – how did the chickens react? 

So, we put it together in the garage, and once we’d built it, we took the chickens in to show it to them, and it was so funny, because they made a beeline for it. They went straight to the nesting box and were having a real nose around. Instinctively, they just knew it was for them! You could tell they loved the LuxPanel too; they clustered around behind it, straight away. 

How did you come to be an Omlet Ambassador?

I’ve worked with Omlet as an Ambassador for about a year. We went with Omlet out of the gate – we did lots of research. So we were weighing up the options, whether to do prefab, or to construct something ourselves, or go second hand. Then I stumbled on an advert for the Eglu Cube and that was it – I said to Nick, “We have to save up and get this.” With the weather in New England, I was already worried about wood rotting and the upkeep that comes with wooden coops. I know how fast wood degrades – it’s just not worth it, especially somewhere like this, with a good deal of snow. Yes, as an upfront investment it’s more expensive to go with Omlet, but we’ve had our girls for four years now, and I’ve saved that money back – because there’s no upkeep needed, no degradation. 

So, money well spent?

Honestly, I absolutely love it! I’m so glad we did the research and then did the Ambassador program – going to see an Omlet coop up and running, and talking to a chicken keeper about their experience with Omlet, that really helped. It’s actually why I became an Ambassador in turn – I really believe in the products and I’m glad to pass that advice on to others in the same position as we were once. 

What put you on the path to chicken keeping?

Well, we moved from the south, where we were really boxed in; there was no farming zoning. So we came to New England and we were lucky – we found this house with two acres, in a really farming positive area. Most states or areas have some regulations but there are no stipulations here – we could probably get goats and alpacas or whatever if we chose to – but we’re happy with chickens for now! 

We started with five – we got them when they were a few months old. We bought our Eglu Cube with a run, and initially the plan was to let them out to free range by day. But it just didn’t work – we have so many predators. Just nearby, we have four bald eagles, cooper hawks, and foxes. We thought that with enough trees around, they might be OK, but a hawk flew low, through the trees and landed. So we realized we had to go a different way. We added a Walk In Run to our 6ft attached run, and we kept our set up stationary from that point. We started off with a 9×9 Walk In Run, but we’ve added an additional 6 feet. The modular design is great for that – you can keep improving and adapting your set up. Our flock has a great space and they’re safe from predators, which gives us peace of mind.  

Tell me about your flock – what breeds do you have, and what are they like?

We have nine chickens in total, we have six Rhode Island Reds, one Golden Comet, one Welsummer and a Silver Laced Wyandotte. She is by far the fussiest. She’s just too pretty! The others are so friendly, but she’s a diva – you can’t catch her. The Rhode Island Reds are super – big, hardy, friendly. They’re not fancy but they’re lovely and good layers. 

Our initial five were a mixed bunch we got from a farm – we just went in, caught what we could and took them home! There are three left – one passed naturally, and one we sadly lost to the hawk when we were still trying to free range. The three of the originals we still have are called Hennifer, Jebecki and Cher. 

Little girl with the Omlet Eglu Pro and free ranging chickens

So how did you get to nine?

Well, chicken math I guess. We weren’t planning on getting more, but then we saw a post on a local group, and that they were Rhode Island Reds. I had wanted to get some Rhode Island Reds for a while, so we went for it, and yeah, three became nine! Unlike the originals, their markings are identical and Nick and I can’t tell them apart – so they’re just the girls. Maybe our daughter will name them when she gets older. 

How do you feel life has changed since getting your flock?

It’s funny, but now, we’re known as the chicken guys – and we love it! Everyone knows, oh Madison and Nick have chickens. We’re the experts, people will come ask us about chicken keeping and we’ll always like talking about what we’ve learnt. We’re known for our fresh eggs too, we have so many – a lot of people come for them. It’s so lovely to give them away. But we’re actually going to start selling them, as we have so many we can’t give them away fast enough!

Then there’s the family side of the routine. We have a 2 year old, and now that she’s getting older she loves collecting the eggs and feeding the chickens – some will sit still and let her pet them, which is sweet. We’re really looking forward to teaching her to care for them. We love when we go to my in-laws, they always have a baggy of scraps for the chickens. The girls love that –  they go crazy. 

They like getting treats?

Absolutely! If they’re happy, or have some new variety in their life that they’re enjoying, we notice straight away that we get more eggs. So it could be a new toy – we made them a sand bath recently, they are so happy – it honestly makes them so happy. And when they’re really engaged and happy, they lay more. 

That’s lovely – what else can you tell me about their characters?

They play with our dog! He’ll run up and down alongside the run, and they run up and down with him – it’s hilarious. We have our alpha chicken, she’s grown rooster spurs – she’s in charge. If we could let them free range, she’d be our attack chicken. She’s very nosey – if she sees us out in the yard, she stays out watching us, keeping a beady eye on everything that’s going on. She has to be at the centre of the action! If the dog gets too close, she pecks his nose and he jumps back, but then they’ll keep doing it, and you see it’s a game. He gets all excited and the rest are squashed up to get away from him, because he’s big, like 50lbs, but she’ll keep playing with him and is totally fearless. 

What would you say to anyone considering starting out with chickens?

For starters, I would definitely gush about the Omlet products – I would say, you absolutely have to get an Eglu Cube or an Eglu Pro and you have to get a Walk In Run. Then, their life is good and yours is easy. I think my other top tip is to trust your gut. The chickens will let you know if something is wrong. As long as you have the right protection – from the breeze, from the sun, from the snow, the rain and from predators – then they are going to be great outdoors. Just make sure you have a set up that protects them, keep them watered and fed and off you go. You’ll find your way and you will love it. Oh and bless the creation of the Autodoor! We used to let them out of the coop and shut them in at night by hand and as soon as the Autodoor came out it was a “Forget everything else, we have to prioritize buying this!” situation. If you’re getting chickens, get an Autodoor!

Ha! Yes, we often hear that! So, Autodoor factored in, chicken life’s a good life?

Absolutely. I think it’s partly because it’s such a nice routine. It helps us stay grounded and connected to running our household. It’s nice to know we’ll always have fresh eggs – breakfast, quiche or whatever, but it’s having that sense of daily routine that brings you all together. It’s really fun to work on their area on the weekends, especially as it gets warmer – we love finding them things to do. We bring in old logs from the woods for them to climb on, or branches so they can peck through the dead leaves. It’s restorative. 

Ambassador Madison in the Walk In Run with her daughter and chickens


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10 things you should know before keeping chickens 

Girl tending to chickens in the Omlet Eglu Cube

Chickens are unique pets that bring their keepers a sense of peace and tranquillity. Ask anyone who has chickens, and they’ll tell you that there’s something about watching chickens scratch the ground that instantly relaxes them. But there are 10 things you should know before keeping chickens. We’ll explore these important points to consider before bringing home a flock, and how to ensure success from the start. 

10 things you should know before keeping chickens 

Chickens aren’t just found in barnyards now. All across the world, you’ll find both urban and rural families adding chickens to their family. From gardens to wide open spaces, here are some helpful things to know when keeping chickens. 

1. You’ll become obsessed with chickens 

Most people aren’t entirely prepared for the amount of love they’ll have for their flock. What starts as a hobby will soon become an obsession – but a healthy one. More time spent outside, fresh eggs, and the companionship that chickens offer helps to reduce stress and create a healthier lifestyle. Just don’t be too surprised when you start shopping for chicken-themed clothes and decor, and researching all the fun things you can do with your chickens.

2. Some chickens can fly 

Also not as much of a problem if you have a lot of space, but potentially problematic if you have neighbours. Some chickens are capable of scaling 6 foot fences and sailing straight into a neighboring yard. While chickens aren’t capable of sustained flight, a determined hen can certainly clear a fence when something piques their curiosity. To prevent flight, you can trim your chickens’ flight feathers, or choose breeds that can’t fly well. Silkies can’t fly due to the texture of their feathers, and large breeds like Brahmas or Orpingtons are too heavy to get far off of the ground. 

3. You can’t have just one 

Chickens are flock animals, and thrive in the company of others. A chicken kept alone is a lonely chicken, and will quickly become depressed. You’ll need to keep at least 2 chickens together, but ideally at least 3-4 in order for them to form a healthy chicken pecking order. This hierarchy is essential to the wellbeing of chickens, so keeping at least 3 chickens at a time is enough to satisfy this structure. 

4. Pick breeds appropriate for your climate 

Not all chickens are built for any climate. Ornamental breeds like Frizzles and Silkies are adorable to be sure, but they aren’t designed for extreme temperatures due to their unusual feathers. Breeds with large combs like Leghorns or Rhode Island Reds are more prone to frostbite in freezing temperatures and need to be watched closely in severe winter weather. Heavy breeds or those with small combs are usually not as heat tolerant, such as Wyandottes

5. Even hens can make noise 

This isn’t an issue for rural residents, but people living in neighbourhoods need to be careful when selecting their chickens. Roosters are usually not permitted within the city limits, but chicken sounds that hens make can reach a disruptive level. Some chicken breeds are more prone to calling out after laying an egg for example, which can get the entire flock going. It’s also a good idea (and sometimes a requirement of your neighbourhood) to get your neighbour’s consent before bringing hens home.

6. Check your local regulations

Always check to make sure that your property isn’t subject to rules and regulations about keeping chickens before getting your heart set on them. Most cities and homeowners associations (HOAs) welcome chickens, but some may not. It may also depend on the zone your property is located in, or how big your property is. You may also be limited on the number of chickens you keep, and whether or not roosters are allowed. 

7. Predators pose a problem 

No matter where you live, there will be chicken predators that will pose a threat to your flock. Keeping your chickens in a predator-resistant chicken coop is key to keeping them safe from harm. 

8. Be careful with other household pets

Similar to wild predators, your other household pets may also pose a threat to your flock. Keeping chickens with other pets can be done, but precautions must be in place. As prey animals, chickens startle easily and can incite a prey drive in dogs and cats. 

Always introduce your dogs and cats to your flock slowly, and through the safety of a secure chicken run. With a slow and steady approach, you’ll be able to evaluate the level of interest your other pets have in your flock. 

9. They’re excellent pest control 

When able to patrol the garden, or within a specified area of chicken fencing, your flock will exterminate insects from your property. Chickens will eat anything from grasshoppers and worms to earwigs and spiders – making your yard a much more enjoyable place for your family. When allowed near gardens, chickens can provide excellent assistance in keeping your plants bug-free. 

10. Take caring for them seriously 

Chickens are fairly self-sufficient – they stick to their routines, forage for their food, and can visit the feeder for their pellets when needed instead of gorging themselves all at once. It may be tempting to leave them to their own devices, but just like any pet, they are reliant on their humans in order to feel their best. Incorporate caring for your chickens into your daily routine, and get your family involved. And, when you go out of town for more than an overnight trip, be sure to find a chicken sitter to care for them while you’re gone. 

Omlet and your flock 

With our ingeniously designed chicken products, you’ll be able to keep chickens with confidence. Our chicken coops, chicken runs, and chicken toys and accessories make your experience as unique as the flock you keep. Preparing yourself by knowing what to expect before keeping chickens, along with our beginner-friendly products will ensure success from the start and ongoing enjoyment with your flock for years to come.  

Woman and child opening up the Omlet Eglu Pro

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