The Omlet Blog Category Archives: Dogs

Dog Collar vs. Harness – Which Is Better for Your Dog?

Puppy wearing a collar next to a Labrador in a harness

It can be tricky to decide whether or not your dog should wear a collar or a harness for walks. A lot of it depends on your dog himself, from the breed to his age and activity level. No matter what type of breed you have, one thing’s for sure, they all need to go out on walks! The main two types of leash attachments that you can use for your dog are harnesses or collars. 

Whether you just got a new dog and aren’t sure which to use, or you are looking to switch things up, it’s important to know the pros and cons for both dog harnesses and collars before making a decision. 



Dog collars are the best when it comes to controlling aggressive dogs, puppies or dogs who are in training. It gives confidence to the owners where they can let their dog walk without any fear. It comes with many direct benefits while providing better control to the handler. Dog training is one of the most important reasons for buying a dog training collar. It is one of the first dog training tools that an owner would need. It helps your dog to successfully overcome obstacles. It also helps to guide your dog and secure his attention if it has a short attention span.

Your dog may get a bit rowdy during the walking session. It’s the dog collar that can correct its behaviour when it is misbehaving. Dogs can go on jumping fences, playing in woods, or getting into mischief; so, you should consider durable dog collars with breakaway fasteners.

The main benefit of collars is that it’s more convenient than a harness. They can be left on at all times as opposed to a harness, which should only be worn during walks and it’s much easier to snap a collar on and off than a harness.

Another great benefit of wearing collars comes with the metal ring where you can attach your pet’s ID tag or name plates with your address, your phone number, veterinarian office phone number or the tag of the dog registration organisation where your dog is registered for identification in case he or she gets lost. 

Are you a fashionista or do you love to express individuality? You can even use a bow tie or bandana/scarf as an attachment for the collar.  


What can go wrong when you lead a dog by the neck? Quite a lot, it turns out.

The safety of your dog’s neck plays a vital role here. If dogs constantly pulls against their collar, they can injure themselves or reduce the airflow they are getting. Some smaller breeds, like miniature dachshund or poodle, are prone to collapsing tracheas, and a rough tug on the collar can quickly turn into an emergency situation.

Other dogs’ necks are as thick as their heads, e.g. pugs and whippets, so slipping out of a collar is effortless. Even if you have a tough mutt or working dog, repeated pulling on the neck can lead to thyroid damage or spinal injuries over time. Please avoid using collars to walk dogs with medical issues such as glaucoma, a history of proptosed eye, neck injuries, or spinal malformations.

Collars should also not be used on toy breeds and brachycephalic breeds, such as Chihuahuas, Chinese Crested, Italian Greyhound, Maltese, Toy Poodle, Yorkshire Terrier, Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Pugs and Boxers.



The main benefit for using a dog harness instead of a dog collar is the control you have over overly excited dogs. If it comes to safety and security, harnesses are generally better at preventing accidents because they fasten more securely around your dog’s body and are simply the most secure, and most comfortable way to hook your dog up to his leash. It covers your dog’s chest, shoulders, and upper back, which disperses pressure over a larger surface area whereas collars give you better control over your dog. While dogs can easily slip out of their collars and potentially run into traffic or another person’s yard, harnesses offer much more security and safety.

A good harness will reduce pulling, increase your control over your pup, and decrease stress on his neck and joints. Bonus points: because it secures closer to the dog’s centre of gravity, a harness gets tangled in the leash less and helps prevent jumping.

There are different kinds of harnesses, starting from cool, cute or practical, such as bags where you can put some treats or eco-friendly waste bags

When it comes to specific breeds or diseases, a harness has a better function for your dog:

  • Brachycephalic breed: These breed dogs typically have flatter faces, “shortened head” and refers to the short nose and flat face of dogs like Pugs, Shih Tzus, Chihuahuas, Chow Chows, Pekingese, French Bulldogs or Bulldogs. Respiratory issues may be better managed with a harness.
  • Tracheal collapse: This is a medical condition where the trachea will fold in on itself causing trouble breathing and a cough. Please avoid using a collar because it applies further pressure and can even worsen the condition.
  • Risk factors for spinal problems: A condition called intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) makes long-bodied breeds such as dachshunds very prone to slipped disks. By using a harness you can take pressure off the neck and back and help prevent further damage.
  • Orthopaedic disease: Dogs with orthopaedic disease can have a hard time getting up to walk so a harness can help you get them up and move around more easily.


Harnesses are just less convenient than collars for hoomans. A collar can just slip on, but harnesses take more time to fasten. 

Harnesses can be uncomfortable: Harnesses are bulkier than collars, so they can be more uncomfortable for your dog. Some dogs really don’t like wearing harnesses, so it can take some time for them to get used to it.

Harnesses may not have a place for carrying an ID tag. It’s best to get a harness with a ring for a tag—or use both a collar with a tag and a harness when out walking. 

If your dog wears weather protection or due to some illness needs to wear clothes, a harness might be a bit more of a disadvantage than a collar. The clothes might cover the harness ring(s), so that you’re unable to put a leash on. Alternatively you can attach the harness over the clothes but make sure -in general- it’s neither too tight nor too loose. 

Dog wearing collar on Topology dog bed with sheepskin topper


So, collar or harness – which one is now the better option for your dog? There is no general answer to this question as it always depends on the breed and health of your pooch and the use of the item. But please, always keep in mind:

  • Collars are less restrictive on movement, which is good for working dogs who are running around all day. Collars are also better for dogs that don’t pull and can calmly walk by your side.
  • Harnesses are better for overly excited dogs as you have more control over them.
  • Smaller dogs and brachycephalic breeds should avoid wearing a collar.
  • It is absolutely advisable to get your puppy used to both, collar and harness.
  • If you want to transition an older dog or even a pup from collar to harness be patient – the adjustment phase may take some time. Bring some treats along on your first few harness walks to distract your dog from that unfamiliar feeling, as well as associate the change with positive rewards.
  • It also depends on the use of the item. If you want to have a walk with your buddy or take a ride with him in your car (to fasten the seatbelt), it is recommendable to use a harness. If you just let him out in the garden or take him to your friends’ house, a collar is totally fine – same goes with dog kennels.

To sum up, harnesses are usually the best choice for walking dogs because they don’t put pressure on the neck. But collars are generally more comfortable and have a place to hold an ID tag. At best, let your buddy wear both: If you can’t attach a tag or name plate to the harness, use a collar for the ID tag and a harness for the leash.

If you’re looking for the perfect fit for your pooch, you can visit our page about collars or harnesses.

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Can I keep chickens with other pets?

Dog and chicken interacting with help from the Omlet Eglu Cube chicken coop

You can keep chickens with other pets when the proper preparations and precautions are in place. Some pets like cats and dogs may have an innate prey drive that chickens can trigger, so it’s important to take introductions slowly to ensure success. With these tips, you’ll be able to confidently introduce your current pets to your chickens, or introduce new pets to your existing flock with confidence. 

Keeping chickens with dogs

Dogs are the most common pets in the world, with millions kept as pets across the country. So, if you’re among the many dog owners, adding chickens to your family is possible once you consider your dog’s temperament and trainability. 

Assessing your dog 

If you’re a dog owner, the first thing to consider is their temperament. Different dog breeds may also react differently to birds as part of their nature. For example, breeds like Labrador Retrievers or German Shorthair Pointers may become easily excited around birds due to their natural hunting and retrieving drives. Other breeds that may have increased prey drives include: 

Regardless of their breed, if your dog becomes excited or overly curious around small animals, their behaviour will likely carry over to chickens. If your dog loses their mind over the birds at your backyard feeder, or drags you to investigate the park ducks on your evening walks, they’ll likely stress out your flock – and themselves.  

Dogs without a prey drive or with little interest in birds will likely not pose a problem to your chickens, but all dogs react differently when new pets enter their territory. Usually, most dogs will adjust to the new backyard occupants just fine after an acclimation period. You will likely see your dog expressing interest in your chickens at first – hanging around and sniffing the coop. They may even express a desire to interact with your chickens through playful postures and behaviours. Understanding your dog’s body language around your chickens will help you determine what their relationship will be like.

Chickens are prey animals, and can be hurt easily. Dogs cannot play with chickens as they would with other dogs or even other pets. It’s important to teach your pup that chickens are fragile friends – not toys or something to hunt. 

Teaching dogs to get along with chickens

Unless leashed walks make your dog overly excited, their first encounter with your chickens should be done with a dog collar and lead. Make sure their collar is tight enough that they don’t slip out, but not so tight that it’s uncomfortable. Walk your dog up to your chickens’ enclosure and let them sniff. Maintain a tight leash until you see your dog’s reaction, and allow the lead more slack slowly to reinforce good behaviour. 

Let your dog watch you spend time with your chickens. This should be done with your chickens in the safety of a strong walk in chicken run. If your dog does more than sniff or hang around the run, take a step back and approach their interaction from a different angle. 

It could take several weeks for your dog to fully accept your chickens. Some other ways to help your dogs adjust to your chickens include: 

  • Setting up chicken fencing around the outside of your flock’s run for your dog to observe them at a distance.
  • If your dog has a run or playpen, place it next to your chickens’ run and slowly decrease the distance over several days until they are side-by-side. 
  • Reward your dog with their favourite treats each time they are calm around your chickens. 

Make sure to never leave your dog unattended with your chickens – especially in the beginning. Even if they can’t get into the run with them, an excited dog’s barking can easily stress your flock out. 

Keeping chickens with cats

Cats are more difficult to train than their canine counterparts, and are decidedly less predictable in their behaviour. But the good news is that most cats don’t see a large hen as potential prey the same way a dog might. Most cat owners will agree that their cats show little to no interest in their chickens. In fact, cats and chickens have a somewhat symbiotic relationship. 

Birds and their feed attract rodents, which a cat would much prefer over your hens. So, when your cat is able to patrol your chickens’ surroundings, chances are good that any potential rodent problem will be nipped in the bud.

Some cats may show increased interest in your hens. This largely depends on your cat’s breed and temperament. Cats will pose a greater threat to chicks rather than grown hens, but by keeping your flock in a strong chicken coop and run, you’ll ensure they stay safe from your cat.  

Keeping chickens with guinea pigs

It may be tempting to keep some cute cavies in with your chickens, but in reality it’s not wise. Chickens will likely pick on them, and with their short legs, guinea pigs can’t get away from them quickly. Their dietary requirements are also very different, and your chickens may eat your guinea pigs’ food in favor of their own, which means neither animal will be getting the nutrients they need. If you have cavies and want to house them near your chickens, it’s best for them to have their own guinea pig hutch and run. 

Keeping chickens with rabbits

Rabbits on the other hand are fast enough to fend for themselves against chickens, and if raised together from a young age, can do well around chickens. Still, they require their own dietary needs and clean sleeping quarters. They don’t roost like chickens, so they’ll need their own burrowing space in the run or under the coop. 

The easiest way to achieve this is by adding walk in chicken run partitions. This will allow you to create “rooms” for each species to ensure they all get what they need. You can open the partition doors to allow everyone to be together whenever you’d like, or create a third space as a common area. 

Remember to try to give each species as much space as possible in their respective areas to make them feel safe and comfortable. 

Brown rabbit hopping behind chicken

Chickens and other pets

Chickens can also mix happily with goats, and with female ducks (males will tends to bully them). Ironically, they do not mix with birds in an aviary. They will eat anything that falls to the aviary floor, but they will also happily peck the other birds whenever they can and may attract rats and mice, which will cause problems for the smaller birds.

If you live in a rural setting, you can keep chickens with other barnyard animals. Chickens mix happily with: 

  • Goats
  • Sheep 
  • Cows
  • Alpacas or llamas
  • Pigs
  • Female ducks, guinea fowl, peacocks, geese, or pheasants 

Any other avian species kept with chickens should be docile and preferably female, as males can bully hens. Smaller birds like quail or pigeons will likely get pecked at by chickens, so it’s best to stick with larger birds as run-mates. Small pets like hamsters, gerbils, turtles, or frogs should never be kept with chickens – they will be pecked at and killed. 

Omlet and your pets 

Omlet has all of the pet products you need to keep your furry and feathered family members healthy and happy. Having multiple types of pets is exciting, and through our line of chicken coops, chicken runs, and walk in run partitions, you’ll be able to create a safe haven for all of your animals to enjoy. And, by knowing that Omlet products are protecting your flock, you can rest easy knowing that you’ve provided them with the best chicken housing solutions available. 

Dog watching chicken through Omlet Eglu Cube chicken coop

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Pride of Omlet: A Perfect Match

This article is a part of our Pride of Omlet series, a collection of amazing stories which shine the spotlight on extraordinary pets and share their selflessness, bravery, talent and compassion with the world.

-Written by Anneliese Paul

On paper, Kipper wasn’t exactly what Angela wanted. After years of behavioural challenges, he’s become the best-behaved blood donor and saved over forty dog’s lives. Kipper’s turned out to be Angela’s perfect match.

When Angela’s house was burgled, the first thing the police said was, “Get a dog.” Because a dog barks, and people are less likely to enter your home uninvited. But working as a teacher, Angela felt she couldn’t look after a dog, especially not an active breed like a collie. 

With fond memories of the collie she grew up with, she spent a long time talking to the Border Collie Trust, and they helped her find Kipper. He was an eighteen-month-old Irish stray and had been rehomed multiple times. Being a collie, Kipper had a lot of energy. On paper, he didn’t look right for Angela. 

But the Border Collie Trust thought he was the perfect match and persuaded her to meet him. So, she went to the rescue centre to get to know him. Angela could tell he was fantastic with humans, which was really important. So she took him for a walk and fell in love with him. A few weeks later, she brought him home to start their new adventure. 

Angela had prepared a lovely kennel and run in the garden for Kipper to spend half the day in. The plan was at lunchtime; he would be walked by a professional dog walker and then left in the house in the afternoon until she got home from school.

Kipper turned out to be hard work, boisterous and disruptive. He destroyed the house and was what Angela describes as ‘over the top’. In the evening, after a long day at work, Angela would go to tie up her shoes for a walk, and he would bite her hair, not in an aggressive way, just incredibly overexcited. It used to take them twenty minutes just to get to the front gate. It was exhausting.

But Angela had experience with Border Collies, she knew he had incredible intelligence, and he just needed things to do. Her teaching instincts kicked in, and with support from the Border Collie Trust, she began what would turn out to be life-changing behaviour training for both her and Kipper.

At first, it was simply stopping and waiting for him to calm down whenever he did something that was ‘over the top’. Then Angela needed to tackle the chewing at home. She started by leaving him for five minutes, going to the front gate, standing across the road, then coming back in and praising him for being good. Angela worked out Kipper’s motivations (toys and food) so that she could effectively train him.  

“He is so clever,” says Angela “, That he will work out. What am I being asked to do? What is the reward on offer, and is it worth it? And if it isn’t worth it, he won’t do it.”

Over time he made progress, and his behaviour slowly improved. Angela worked hard with him, and as his obedience improved, their bond grew, so did the trust between them.

Kipper lives on the edge of the countryside and occasionally chases livestock, so he has to wear a muzzle on long walks.  But incredibly, Angela can leave him alone, unmuzzled with the chickens in her garden. His behaviour at home has transformed so dramatically that Angela is confident Kipper will do whatever she asks him to. Angela has even watched a big bolshy chicken trying to steal Kipper’s bone!

“The chicken was getting closer and closer and closer, trying to peck at his bone. All Kipper did was pick up the bone and walk away.”


With good obedience at home, they started to have fun together. Kipper achieved Gold in the Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme and got to the Kennel Club Starters Cup Final in 2017, an agility competition for beginners. The activity and the mental work was fantastic for him, and they both made new friends, travelled to new places and shared memorable experiences.

But when Kipper had to have his dew claws removed, he couldn’t do his agility work, and the lack of exercise led to frustration.  Angela, always on the lookout for ways to develop Kipper’s potential, discovered CaniCross. Cani sports are a whole range of sports to nurture the bond between dogs and their owners and are particularly beneficial for dogs with behavioural issues. 

Taking part in cross country runs and triathlons, Angela and Kipper were getting fit together and making strong friendships with a whole community of like-minded dog lovers.

One of their friends introduced them to the pet blood bank. Angela was keen to give back to the dog community, but he was under the 25kg minimum weight. However, as he matured, his muscle development changed. As soon as he’d gained enough weight, Angela registered Kipper as a donor and proudly took him along to his first session. 

But Kipper was terrified. He had to have a little piece of fur shaved and couldn’t stand the sound of the clippers. Once again, Angela turned to training. The blood bank advised using an electric toothbrush to get him used to the vibrating sound. Over time, using his favourite soft cheese as a treat to reward good behaviour, Angela gently got him used to sound until she was sure he knew it wasn’t going to harm him. 


Finally, Kipper was ready to give blood, perfectly behaved. He’s now on his tenth donation, and with a rare negative blood type, his blood is a perfect match for any dog. With every donation providing blood for up to four other dogs survival, Kipper has helped save forty dog’s lives.


Kipper and Angela have experienced so much together. Pushing each other to do better,  they’re a winning team. Motivating each other to get on with life and do something good, to make friends together. As Angela says,


“Not every dog would suit me, and not every owner would suit him, but the Border Collie Trust got it right. We were meant to be.” 



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5 tricks to teach your dog

Teaching your dog tricks is not that difficult. Your pet is very intelligent and in fact, training a dog is much easier than training other animals! We know that sometimes it’s hard to find inspiration and ideas, so we’ve put together a list of 5 must-do tricks to teach your dog!

Dogs are very attentive to their environment, they are able to learn several commands and quickly assimilate what you tell them. However, you will need to be patient and rely on rewards and encouragement to get results. Never spend more than 10 minutes on an exercise per day and make sure you are in a good mood to praise your dog. Frustration must be put aside or your dog will feel it and may perform less well. 

Do you know that the tricks and exercises taught to your dog will stimulate him physically and mentally? They also allow you to enrich the bonds that unite you. 

This list is far from exhaustive and we assume that your dog already knows “sit”, “down” and “stay”.  

Girl looking at her dog on Omlet Topology Dog Bed

1- Pawing or shaking hands

As you may have noticed, dogs sometimes instantly raise their paws when they ask for food. So this trick is not fundamentally complicated to teach your dog. You just have to find the right word, the right signal to give your dog to obey. 

Omlet’s tip: Keep the treat in your hand, show the treat to your dog and tell him to wait. Slowly lower your hand and when your dog lifts his paw, make the sound you want to associate with the command. “Shake”/”Paw” is an easy sound for your pet to remember, so use short words. Add emphasis to the word and enthusiasm. Once the dog has the treat in his mouth, congratulate him with a pat. 

Gradually, you won’t need to lower your hand too much. Each time you repeat this command, make sure you raise your hand a little higher so that your dog’s paw is raised to chest level. Repeat with the same paw. 

Once your dog has mastered this command, you can train him to lift the second paw. However, the sound/word should be different from the previous one. Use the word “other” for example. 

Afterwards, you can easily teach him the “high five” command. You will have to show him your palm and encourage your dog to go even higher with his paw. Once your dog does this, reward him.

2- Rolling over

This is a trick that many owners want to teach their dog, but many don’t know how. 

Omlet’s tip: First, you get your dog to “lie down”. Place a treat in your hand and let your dog smell the treat without giving it to him. The goal during this exercise is that your dog should not get up. If it does, don’t get upset and try again. 

Use your hand to guide your dog. You must make the movement and the trajectory that you want your pet to follow. Use your hand to turn your dog’s head and make a backward movement. As your dog tries to turn his head to grab the treat, he will end up rolling. Repeat the exercise several times, but don’t spend more than 15 minutes doing it. You can come back to the exercise later in the day. 

Woman teaching her dog tricks next to Omlet Fido Studio Dog Crate

3- Speak

This command can be easy to learn for expressive dogs but a little more complicated for calm dogs. 

Omlet’s tip: Excite your dog a little with your voice. Ask him to sit and put a treat in your hand. Wave your hand but don’t give him the treat. Repeat the word/command you want him to learn several times, perhaps “bark” or “speak”. Wait for him to bark or whine. After a few seconds give him the treat and praise him. If you want your dog to calm down, repeat the word “quiet” or “enough” and walk away. 

Never encourage or praise your dog when he barks out the window or at people. Barking can be frightening to some people. 

4- Dance

Good news, your dog can also learn to dance! Maybe he can even dance better than you… 

However, this trick is easier to learn for small dogs. Larger dogs have a harder time standing on their two hind legs. This trick is also not recommended for dogs with back problems. 

Omlet’s Tip: Ask your dog to sit. Put a treat in your hand and put your hand over your dog’s muzzle slightly backwards. Your goal is to get your dog to sit on his hind two legs, and he will only do so if he sees no other way to get his treat. Once both front legs are up, praise and encourage your dog. Repeat this trick several times until he can quickly stand on both paws. 

Once he does, you can move on to the next step. When your dog is on his two feet, hold the treat and move your hand in a small circle over his head. After a few seconds your dog should be able to twirl or at least move both paws on the ground. As you do the movement, remember to say the word you want to associate with the command. In this case that word could be “dance”. Once your dog has taken several small steps, give him the treat and praise him. 

Dog jumping on owner next to Omlet Fido Studio Dog Crate

5- Playing dead 

This is a challenging trick! It’s a great way to impress those around you, although it is not so easy to teach your dog, especially if he tends to be dynamic. However, nothing is impossible, you will just need more patience. 

Omlet’s tip: As with the “roll over” command, have your pet lie down. Take a treat in your hand and put it over his head. Once your dog turns around, stop the process by asking your dog to stop moving. Repeat this process several times until your dog understands that it should not move. It is very important to say the word you want to associate with the command. For this trick it could be “Bang”. 

This trick is not easy to describe, a video is sometimes worth a thousand words. We advise you to watch this video to teach your dog to play dead.  

Screenshot of Youtube video of dog doing the bang trick

No matter what tricks you teach your dog, patience is the key and the only way to succeed and achieve your goals. Never forget to congratulate and encourage your pet. Finally, never force him. If he doesn’t want to learn a command or doesn’t understand it, don’t be obstinate. If you are afraid of doing the wrong thing, many resources are available on Youtube. Don’t hesitate to watch several videos to find the best technique for your dog. 

Tag us on social media if you manage to do one of these tricks with your dog. We would love to share your pet’s achievements. 

Tag us on Instagram omlet_uk or send us your video to the following address:

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Pride of Omlet: Stand Up for Disabled Animals

This article is a part of our Pride of Omlet series, a collection of amazing stories which shine the spotlight on extraordinary pets and share their selflessness, bravery, talent and compassion with the world.

-Written by Anneliese Paul

Jerry’s a cheeky, playful and boisterous rescue dog from Romania who can do a handstand! He landed on his feet when Shena gave him a home and inspired her to start a rescue centre specialising in disabled animals.

When you see a dog with two legs, what do you think? Many people would give up on them. On her first visit to the vet, Shena was advised to put Jerry to sleep. But Shena couldn’t do that. 

Shena had four dogs, worked for the NHS in cancer care and was studying for a degree in Social Care. Then a friend sent her a video of a puppy in Romania, and her heart melted. 

Jerry was paralysed, an unwanted street dog who had probably been hit by a car and left for dead. Shena couldn’t get the image out of her head, “What’s one more?” she thought and decided to bring him home. 

The first time Shena met him, Jerry jumped out of the car, a bundle of energy. It was love at first sight. He was a playful six-month-old puppy. Shena’s four dogs gladly accepted him, and he slotted into the pack straight away. 

Having been through so much already, it was perhaps no surprise that after the operation to remove his hind legs, Jerry bounced back again even after a few falls while he perfected his balance. 

Jerry can walk on two legs around the house and garden and manages well, but he wears his wheels on walks. They’re made from plumbing pipes, and at first he was a bit wobbly on them, but with a couple of days of practice, he was charging off. Now on his 3rd set of wheels, Jerry loves chasing balls. Nothing can stop him. Shena thinks he’s probably faster than the other dogs!

Jerry kicked off a following on Shena’s social media and people started coming to her for advice. So in 2013, just a few months after getting Jerry, Shena and her husband Ian decided to set up an animal sanctuary that specialises in disabled animals. Because of their disabilities, many of these animals wouldn’t be here without the second chance that the animal sanctuary PUDZ gives them. Jerry has two more two-legged dog friends and a special relationship with Flo, another Romanian rescue.

In total, they look after over 170 animals, including dogs, cats, rabbits, chinchillas, guinea pigs, chickens, ducks and turkeys. And until last year, Shena and Ian did it all from their North Lincolnshire home. Jerry’s such an inspiration that they have recently raised enough money to buy a one-acre plot of land, so that they can give more disabled animals like Jerry the happy lives they deserve.

“Jerry changed my life completely. We don’t give up on people who are disabled, so why should we give up on animals? Everyone deserves a chance in life.“





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Doga: is it possible to do yoga with your dog?

Woman sat on a mat doing doga with her dog

Taking your dog on a long walk is one way to help you both relax, but sometimes, it isn’t always possible to get outside, which means finding other ways to stimulate your furry friend from the comfort of home. Introducing doga…

What is Doga and what do you need?

You’ve probably already heard of yoga, but what about doga? Born in the United States in the early 2000s, dog yoga, AKA doga has quickly spread across the globe. This activity is an opportunity to spend some quality bonding time with your dog and keep fido entertained.

To begin your doga journey, you’ll simply need a yoga mat and a comfortable outfit! This sport can be practised outside, but if the weather isn’t looking great, it’s just as fun to have a go indoors, too! If you do choose to carry out your session inside, make sure to stick to a room your dog feels comfortable in and is familiar with. Having a routine for your dog gives your pet confidence, and they’ll soon associate the yoga mat and the room with spending a moment of relaxation just with you.

The benefits of doga

Doga largely incorporates the benefits of yoga: relaxation, concentration, meditation, and refocusing on yourself. And when done with your dog, it brings new advantages.

Make your dog’s day more zen

Our dogs know when we’re stressed, and picking up on these behaviours in turn affects their mood, too. But, by taking time to breathe and relax with a spot of doga, both you and fido can destress.

There’s no specific doga rulebook, which means tailoring your sessions to meet you and your dog’s needs. If during the earlier sessions, your pup would prefer to stay by your side without joining in, don’t force them. Remember – it’s supposed to be fun for you both.

Learn to speak dog

Well…kind of! Guiding your dog throughout the doga session means taking the lead and communicating to your dog what you would like them to do, just as you would teaching them a new trick. Repetition is the key to a successful session with your dog and adding this new activity to your schedule will be an opportunity for you to enjoy your dog’s company while strengthening how you interact with one another.

Improves sleep

Dogs love to sleep and we know just how important it is for them to get plenty of shuteye. If your dog is struggling to settle into a sleeping pattern, a physically and mentally stimulating activity like doga is one way to help them out. And don’t forget after a workout session to treat fido to a dreamy Omlet Dog bed to upgrade their sleep to another level!

Can my dog do doga?

Doga is made for all types of dogs – young, old, large, and small! Doga can be especially useful for older dogs or dogs that suffer from arthritis. But please note, if you have any concerns about your dog’s condition before beginning doga, consult your vet. Stretching, if done correctly, and massages can have real positive impacts on your dog’s body.

How to practice doga

To get started, take a look at our top book recommendations and videos for the best ways to practice doga.

It’s essential to spend time with your dog so that they can develop to their full potential. Just doing one doga session alone won’t suddenly improve your relationship with your pet pooch, but once you establish this activity as a routine not only for you but also for your pet, you may well be surprised at the benefits you can derive from it.

In addition to this fun activity, don’t forget that the well-being of your dog depends on a balanced diet, daily walks and special attention to their needs.

Screenshot of video of woman teaching doga

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Is My Dog Too Cold?

A dog stood outside surrounded by snowy trees

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Some dogs love rolling in the snow, while others are happy to sit out the cold weather in the comfort of a centrally heated house. For the snow-lovers, thick fur is definitely an asset. Breeds such as Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes, bred for life and hard work in cold climates, will have no problems at all with the average British winter. 

Hardy breeds with thick coats, such as German shepherds, Poodles and Golden retrievers, will love their cold weather walks, too.  Thin coated breeds such as Greyhounds and Whippets, and small dogs such as Chihuahuas and Yorkies need to be protected from the cold. Puppies, older dogs and ill dogs may need extra care in the winter, too.

Whatever the breed, never leave it outside in very cold weather, as even a hardy dog can succumb to the chill if its body temperature gets too low.

How do you know if it’s too cold for your dog?

You will soon be able to tell if your dog is feeling the cold, as it will simply tell you! Dogs will be reluctant to go on a walk, or will not be as active as usual during the walk, sitting down in a sheltered spot or walking much more slowly than usual. Cold dogs may become anxious, whining and walking by your side, looking at you pleadingly. Smaller dogs will begin to shiver very quickly in the cold, and even larger breeds may shiver after a while. If there is snow underfoot, a dog may limp if it feels uncomfortable with the ice in its toes.

It will not often come to this, though – certainly not in healthy dogs. They will do so much running that they will not feel the cold unless the snow itself becomes a problem in their fur or between their toes.

How cold is too cold for a dog?

Generally, 7°C (45°F) is a minimum temperature, at or above which all dogs will be comfortable. As the temperature dips towards 0°c (32°F), less hardy dogs will need to wear a dog sweater or coat. In extreme cold, all breeds other than those super-hardy Huskies, Malamutes, Samoyeds and Newfoundlands are in danger of becoming too cold. 

How do you know if your dog needs a coat?

The question of whether it is too cold for your dog is largely down to breed, and is also influenced by the age and health of your pet.

Dogs with fine hair and/or thin body types (e.g. Greyhounds) will need to wear a coat outside when the temperature dips. If there is snow on the ground, small dogs and puppies will need a coat during walks or playtime in the park. Being small, they become cold quicker than larger dogs, and their undersides get cold quickly too, simply because their bellies are closer to the ground.

Older dogs and young puppies have relatively weak immune systems and can become ill if they get too cold. Old dogs with arthritis suffer in cold weather, too, and may even require a coat indoors during the winter to ease their sore joints.

Lighter-furred dogs may benefit from a dark coat to soak up a bit of winter sun heat. If the wind is strong and icy, a coat can make things much more comfortable for any breed (with the exception of the dogs bred for harsh conditions).

Even a hardy dog can become very uncomfortable in the snow, as their fur may accumulate the frozen stuff. Dogs will instinctively try to clear their snowed-up muzzles and heads by rubbing them on the ground – thus gathering even more snow! A dog’s toes can get iced up to, which is clearly uncomfortable for them.

The snow can be removed periodically during the walk (although it will sometimes form ice and cannot be immediately removed). A good thaw-out back home will cure the problem, though.

How to keep your dog warm throughout the winter

Knowing your own dog’s needs is key to knowing if the dog is too cold. Dogs do not need to be cosy-warm at all times, and you may have noticed how they will sometimes seek out a cool part of the floor to lie down on, especially when the central heating is switched on in the winter. It is a fact that overheating is, in general, more of an issue than feeling the cold.

Dark-furred breeds benefit from winter sun, being able to absorb what little heat there might be in the sun. Lighter colours reflect the light, and the heat too. 

If your dog needs a coat in the cold, that’s a simple remedy against the winter chills. A cosy bed is important, too, to keep your dog warm at night.

Avoiding severe doggie haircuts in the winter is a good idea, as a drastic trim is not going to help in the battle against the cold!

How do I know if my dog is too cold at night?

As long as your dog has a soft bed to lie on, and as long as the room temperature remains above freezing, dogs are unlikely to get too cold. The dog will curl up and snuggle down, its own body heat sufficient for a good night’s sleep.

Making sure you have a dog bed that’s fit for purpose is important. It doesn’t come much cosier than a Topology bed – these can be raised off the ground, to improve ventilation and prevent the bed becoming too hot on a warm floor or too cold on a chillA spaniel sat inside on a Topology bed with a sheepskin toppery one. They also have zip-on covers than can be changed easily if a defrosting dog soaks them.

A high quality dog blanket can help, too – especially if your dog has a kennel or crate outside. Your dog will snuggle under it, or push it aside, just as you might do with a quilt, helping to keep the perfect temperature throughout the night.

Note: only very hardy breeds can cope with an outdoor crate or kennel in the winter, even if it is fully weatherproofed.


What happens if dogs get too cold?

The main signs that your dog is too cold are shivering and whimpering. A dog who is shivering should be wrapped in a blanket and taken somewhere warm as soon as possible. That will usually do the trick.

If a frail or small dog is too cold, it can become ill. The cold lowers their immunity, giving diseases the chance to gain a foothold. If, during cold weather, your dog is constantly sneezing or has discharge from the eyes and/or nose, it could be a sign of dog cold or dog flu, canine influenza or other illnesses.

Dogs with hypothermia

Although highly unusual, it is possible for a dog to suffer hypothermia. This is when its body temperature has fallen from the normal range of around 38°C to 39°C (101°F to 102.5°F) to 37°C (99°F) or lower. Such a plummet in temperature can prove fatal, even if you manage to get your dog quickly back to a warm spot.

You can tell if your dog has hypothermia, or is in danger of succumbing, by watching how it behaves. The symptoms include lethargy or sleepiness, clumsy movements, stiff limbs or breathing difficulties.

Prevention is the only remedy here. Know your dog, know their physical limitations, and use your judgement to prevent putting the dog in an environment that might mean your dog is too cold and could thus lead to hypothermia.

Dogs with frost bite

Frostbite is another cold weather risk. In extreme cold, a warm-blooded animal’s body protects its vital organs, redirecting blood flow there. This means that extremities such as ears, noses, tails and paws are at risk of freezing. If any of those parts of the body is bright red or black, your dog could be suffering from frostbite and should be warmed up immediately.

If your dog’s ears, tail or tail feel ‘like ice’ when you hold them, it’s probably time to cut the walk short and head indoors.

In general, if you feel cold outside, in spite of your coat, hat and gloves, your dog will be feeling the cold pinch too. Common sense plays a big part when trying to tell if your dog is too cold in the winter, and an animal as intelligent as a dog will certainly let you know if the cold weather is making it feel uncomfortable.

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Which Topper Is Best for Your Dog? Take the Quiz!

A brown dachshund running up to their Topology bed with a yellow bean bag topper

Discover the new Topology Dog Bed from Omlet, with customisable toppers to suit your dog’s personality. Not sure which topper your dog will love best? Take the quiz below! 

  1. What kind of walk does your dog enjoy the most? 

  1. Run, doggie, run! The further the better
  2. A gentle stroll around the park will be fine, thanks
  3. I’m only small. A short walk followed by snuggles please. 
  4. A simple stroll around the neighbourhood for us!
  5. The muddier the better. A cold swim would be a bonus!


  1. Which breed is your dog most like in personality? 

  1. A dashing Dalmatian
  2. A pampered poodle
  3. A snuggly pug
  4. A sleek saluki
  5. A water-loving spaniel 


  1. What would you find most useful in a bed? 

  1. A bed that gives them a lot of support and allows them to rest fully 
  2. A luxury material but that’s also easy to clean 
  3. Something that creates a den-like environment
  4. A sleek and stylish bed that matches your home 
  5. A practical bed that helps to clean and dry after dirty walks


  1. Where is your dog’s favourite place to sleep? 

  1. Somewhere squishy they can really bury into
  2. Only the softest of blankets, preferably by the fire
  3. In a cosy corner somewhere away from the noise
  4. Somewhere they can really stretch out and relax
  5. Anywhere they can dry themselves off and snuggle in


  1. On a scale of 1 to fox poo, how clean is your dog? 

  1. As long as there’s a big walk with a nap at the end, they don’t mind mud!
  2. Very clean, wouldn’t put a paw near a puddle
  3. I think they would rather stay fresh and clean in their den
  4. Clean, but loves a dash about in the park
  5. They LOVE mud. They LOVE swimming. Bring on the dirt!


  1. What is your favourite colour palette within your home? 

  1. I love a mustard yellow. The brighter the better. 
  2. Creams and whites please. 
  3. Cool, soft greys are perfect for my home
  4. Stylish mints and subtle greens really suit me 
  5. Brown is great to cover muddy pawprints 



A brown dachshund lying on a Topology bed with a yellow bean bag topper

Mostly A’s: Beanbag topper!

This super squishy beanbag moulds around your dog’s body for a sublime night’s sleep. The extra support is great for relaxing after a long walk, and the bright pop of mustard yellow looks stylish in any home! Plus, the beans inside can be easily removed to wash the cover.

A brown dachshund sleeping on a Topology bed with a sheepskin topper

Mostly B’s: Sheepskin topper!

The luxurious, super soft sheepskin topper in sophisticated white offers premium comfort to pampered pooches who desire the very best for bedtime. Don’t worry about fur and dirt, the sheepskin topper can be unzipped from the mattress and thrown in the washing machine!

An Afghan hound lying on a grey Topology bed

Mostly C’s: Bolster topper!

The cushioned bolster topper is deep filled around the sides and designed to support your pet’s head, just like a pillow. This bolster shape also helps create a secure feeling of protection around your dog. The Bolster cushion can be removed from the cover for washing too!

A brown dachshund lying on a Topology bed with a quilted topper

Mostly D’s: Quilted topper!

Simple and sleek, the quilted topper is a great choice for dog’s who love to stretch out after a long day. The stylish, blue-grey hue fits nicely in all homes, and the super soft material on the memory foam mattress provides ultimate comfort. Easily unzip and clean in the washing machine.

A brown dog asleep on a Topology bed with a Microfibre topper

Mostly E’s: Microfibre topper!

The microfibre topper is perfect for dogs who love long, muddy walks. Puddles aren’t a problem for your dog, and they’re not a problem for this topper either. The brown tassel design absorbs moisture from your dog’s fur and camouflages muddy paw prints. Simply unzip and throw in the washing machine ready for your next adventure!


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Do Dogs Laugh?

Brown Dachshund in Fido Nook Dog Crate with its tongue out

Many dog owners believe their dogs enjoy a good laugh. Check out YouTube, where there is no shortage of smiling and laughing dogs!

However, can a dog laugh in the same way as a human laughs? It’s very easy to anthropomorphise animal behaviour – i.e. judge everything they do from a human emotional and moral perspective – and the real question, perhaps, should by why would a dog laugh? What does it mean, and what advantage would it have given the dog’s wolf ancestors in the wild? Or is it perhaps something they have only learnt to do since they were domesticated by humans?

There is no definite answer to that last question, but we do know a bit about animal laughter.

Do other animals laugh?

From a hard-nosed science point of view, the only animals that are definitely confirmed as laughing are the great apes, dolphins and lab rats. Chimpanzee laughter sounds to our ears more like a shriek, and in the wild it is linked to reassurance and the release of pressure rather than pleasure. However, a tickled chimp definitely laughs, just like a human child does.

Gorillas have been known to laugh at slapstick human behaviour, suggesting that they would make a great audience at a pantomime! Orangutans are a bit more inscrutable, and their signs of laughter may be more akin to simple copying than genuine amusement. They laugh when tickled, though.

A 2004 study of dolphins found that the animals produced a sonar pulse followed by a whistle when playing. The researchers concluded that these sounds meant that the dolphins were feeling happy and relaxed in a fun, non-threatening setting, and that the ‘laugh’ prevented the rough and tumble play from escalating into violence. This is fascinating, as many psychologists believe that human laughter evolved for these exact reasons, and it ties in with those wild chimpanzee ‘laughs’ too.

The fact that lab rats laugh when tickled suggests that, given the chance, many other mammals would chuckle when tickled too. They just haven’t been given the chance in a scientific setting. Dogs, however, seem to relax rather than burst out laughing when tickled.

The fact that you can’t make your dog laugh by tickling it doesn’t mean it can’t laugh, though.

What does a dog laugh sound like?

Dog laughter – if that’s what it is – is a kind of rapid panting – a play-pant which they use to invite humans and other dogs to play. It is a hhuh sound followed by a hhah sound, and humans can impersonate it by making breathy ‘hoo-haa’ sounds. The panting will often be combined with head bows, and the dog may reach out with one of its paws too, or make little teasing jumps in your direction. This is an invitation to play rather than an expression of amusement in the human sense of laughter, though.

If you laugh at your dog using the hhuh hhah panting sound, drawing your lips back in a cheesy grin during the ‘aaa’ part, you may make your dog laugh back. It’s a great way of bonding with your furry friend!

Do dogs smile?

Collage of brown dog smiling

When a dog is relaxed it often pulls back its lips, lets its tongue droop and narrows its eyes, it can sometimes – depending on the breed – look like a smile. The fact that they pull these faces when happy and relaxed makes it an easy associated with smiling. The fact that human smiles seem to have their origins in tension-reducing body language suggests that the same might apply to dogs. The wild wolves, close cousins of the domestic dog, does indeed have a tongue-wagging facial expression linked to relaxation and submissiveness.

Intriguingly, smiles appear to be contagious among dogs, just as they are in human to human interactions. If you can’t make your dog laugh, you can certainly make it smile! Smile at your dog, and your dog may well smile back!

Do scientists believe that dogs can laugh?

Science is on the side of the laughing dog. In a 2005 study titled ‘Dog-laughter: Recorded playback reduces stress related behavior in shelter dogs’, it was discovered that a dog sometimes pants in a way that sounds like a laugh. When recordings of these ‘laughs’ were played to other dogs, the dogs became playful and de-stressed, as measured in stress-related behaviour such as tail wagging, doggie ‘play-faces’, happy body language and lip-licking.

However, being happy, relaxed and playful is not exactly the same as laughing. There is no evidence that a dog ever finds things amusing in the same way as humans – or gorillas – do. On the contrary, slapstick behaviour is more likely to startle or scare a dog.

Laughter is all about fun, though, and you can certainly have plenty of that with your dog. They readily show their emotions through sounds and body language. Take the panting and playful body language as a sign of deep friendship. And that means there’s plenty to laugh about!

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Help Your Pets Beat the Winter Blues

Girl stroking a brown dog on the Topology dog bed microfibre topper

A luxury dog bed with a super snug topper is perfect for dogs over winter.

With the holiday season winding down, it’s always a struggle to get back into a routine and avoid the winter blues. And that applies to pets as well as their owners.

By spending quality time with our pets and making the most of our friendship with them, we can all find the joy and energy to beat the blues.

Healthy food for pets

Animals often need more food in the winter months. This is because they spend a lot of energy on keeping warm, and they need the fuel to feed that energy (just like a boiler that needs to work harder to heat the house during cold snaps). Always give them the correct, high energy foods to get them through the cold spell.

Pet exercise

Keeping moving is important all year round, but for dogs the winter walks may be shorter or less frequent than in the warmer months. Bear in mind that for a dog the need to exercise doesn’t change with the seasons – they’ll love sniffing through the snow every bit as much as they love chasing the scents of summer. If they have a space outside to run around in, this can help them let off steam before the next walk. You could try keeping a shorter walk interesting by taking it in a new location, or one you haven’t visited for a long time.

Exercise is important for all other pets, too. If you keep rabbits or guinea pigs outside, adding some excitement to their runs with a tunnel system adds hours of fun and exercise to those short winter days. Zippi runs for rabbits and guinea pigs are an ideal way of keeping these small pets content. You can add platforms, shelters and all kinds of twists and turns to keep them stimulated and happy.

For indoor cats, the Freestyle Cat Tree is a great option for helping them to fit in  essential exercise. The customisable cat tower is perfect for cats of any ability, with a number of accessories to choose from, so that even the most active cats will stay entertained, whilst less mobile cats can take it easy.

Keep your pet’s brain active

By spending time with your pets, you can keep their minds active in various ways, depending on the pet. Talk to your pet birds; play with your dogs and cats; and give your hamsters, gerbils or other small mammals some stimulating new toys. Budgies, finches, canaries and parrots will enjoy getting to grips with a new bird toy, too. Nothing like a new cerebral challenge to beat the winter blues!

The toys will also help your pet entertain itself once everyone is back into their routines and the house is a falls quiet again after the holiday season.

Pet socialising

It’s possible that your pet dog has been missing those trips to the park during the holidays and the cold weather. If you have a sociable dog, a trip to the park for a sniff around the old haunts and perhaps a meet-up with some old friends will give an added boost to the day. A doggy play date is another great way of combining socialising, fresh air and lots of moving around.

A cat being stroked on the Maya Donut cat bed

A sophisticated, cosy cat bed that fluffy friends can’t resist!

Keep your pets warm

In the average home in winter, some parts of the house or flat are warmer than others. Make sure your pet bird, hamster or gerbil isn’t in a cold or draughty corner, as a drop in temperature takes its toll on a small animal’s health and its ability to keep warm.

Extra bedding does the trick for rabbits and rodents. With cage birds, you need to keep a regular room temperature. You’ll notice when they’re cold, as they’ll fluff out their feathers and will be less active than usual to conserve energy. Covering the cages at night helps to retain heat.

A dog or cat is spoilt for choice when it comes to comfy corners and snug blankets. You can give your pet a real treat by ensuring maximum comfort with a Topology dog bed or Maya Donut bed. Cats and dogs that really feel the cold can be dressed in winter coats.

Rabbits and guinea pigs that live outdoors will need an insulated hutch to keep them snug during the winter. The Eglu rabbit hutch and the Eglu guinea pig hutch are the perfect choices here, as they keep your pets warm in the winter with a twin-walled insulation system, (and these hutches keep them cool in the summer too). 

Keeping the indoor environment safe

When the winter winds and horizontal snow restricts you to the great indoors, you’ll need to keep the room warm, but not too dry. Spending all day in dry air can dry out an animal’s skin (and yours too). An open fire should always have a fireguard on it, and hot radiators and wood burning stoves need shielding from pets, too. Dogs and cats can easily scorch themselves by getting too close to the hot spot.

Keeping old dogs comfy

Cold weather has a tendency to make common conditions such as arthritis worse than usual. An older dog may need to take it easy for longer than usual after a run around in the park. Again, a super-comfy dog bed is what you need here, and some nice soft dog blankets.

Keeping yourself and your pets warm, active and healthy in the winter months is a surefire way to beat the winter blues!

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The Ultimate Guide to Dog Hygiene from Dogtor Adem

Dogtor Adem, founder and owner of Dog-Ease, is a dog behaviourist and trainer with over 15 years experience working with dog owners and their canine best friends. In this blog post, Adem talks you through everything you need to know about dog hygiene, and shares his thoughts on the new, easy clean Topology dog bed from Omlet. 

With the nights drawing in and the wetter weather becoming more frequent it’s always a struggle to keep the mess out of the house and the dog beds clean and smelling fresh (aux de dog, anyone?) So, when Omlet asked me to review their new Topology dog bed I couldn’t help but get a little excited! The bed features an extremely comfy memory foam mattress that sits raised from the floor on stylish legs (that you can choose to match your style of décor!), has a fully removable and washable cover, and can be ‘topped’ with several styles of zip off top covers that make it easy to keep clean and hygienic. 

Firstly, let’s talk about dog hygiene and why it’s important. 

Our dogs naturally try to keep themselves clean through the act of licking themselves. To help to keep themselves clean they also try to keep their beds clean and comfortable by ‘clearing the ground’ through digging and circling on their bed areas. In years gone by, when dogs were less domesticated, this was an important act and allowed them to clean and clear their bed area of uncomfortable vegetation, parasites and small creatures that could cause them harm. In fact, our dog’s wild ancestors such as wolves and wild dogs still very much display this type of behaviour. Clearly, in our homes, our dogs do not need to remove vegetation or small creatures from their bed areas before residing in them, however their dog beds if not washed can harbour other harmful organisms – bacteria and fungi. Studies have found bacteria and fungi such as MRSA, Salmonella, ringworm and listeria, as well as fecal matter, on our beloved dogs’ beds. Pollen can also be brought in, as well as general dirt and grime, which can aggravate allergies and skin conditions that both we and our dogs may have. It is also important to remember that bacteria and infectious diseases can be passed from animals to humans (these are known as zoonotic diseases). As a result, it is important for both our dog’s health and our own health that we regularly clean our dog’s body and bed area so that they are less likely to be carrying any harmful organisms that could make them or us unwell. 

So, how can we keep our dog’s clean?

The key to keeping your dog clean is to regularly groom your dog. Whether you choose to do this yourself or perhaps book a professional to carry this out (or choose to combine both approaches!) It is a good idea to ensure that your dog is confident and finds being groomed and handled in this way a positive experience. This will not only make it easier to fully groom and fully clean your dog, it will also help to ensure that your dog enjoys the experience and does not become stressed or fearful. If your dog has never been groomed before, or perhaps already shows an aversion to be groomed, take your training for this slowly. Start with short sessions that simply introduce your dog to the type of items they might encounter or need to be touched with when being groomed. Think brushes, nail clippers, towels, and so on. It is a good idea to just allow your dog to observe these to begin with whilst you praise positive and confident behaviour around these objects with a tasty treat. Once your dog is confident around the chosen grooming objects you can then progress on to bringing them closer and perhaps interacting with and touching your dog with the grooming tools. Again, don’t forget to reward positive and confident behaviour as you do so. Continue with this approach slowly, building up your dog’s understanding and confidence, until you are able to fully handle and groom your dog as is needed. If your chosen method of cleaning your dog is a grooming parlour, you might also want to visit this location a few times prior to leaving your dog there. Remember to take your introduction of these items and to this new experience at your dog’s pace and don’t be afraid to go back a step if needed.  

What actions can we teach to help make cleaning our dog easier?

In order to help you to groom and handle your dog with ease there are a few key actions I like to help owners to teach their dogs and would recommend that you structure into your training schedule.

The first is ‘stand’. Although at first glance this might seem like a bit of a boring ‘action’ (they’re just standing still, right?!), this is actually a very useful command. If your dog understands this command they will be able to stand still whilst you perhaps wipe their paws and legs when coming in from a wet or muddy walk, when needing to check for grass seeds or sticky fauna that might have attached itself to their coat whilst walking, or when brushing their body – particularly their chest and stomach area. It can also be useful to you or a groomer when washing your dog, allowing you or your groomer to clean all parts of their body with ease. 

The second command is ‘flat’. This is where the dog lays flat on their side. Again, this can help with general grooming of their coat and, in particular, being able to easily clean ears and eyes as well as enabling easy access to clean your dog’s paws and clip their nails. 

The third command I would recommend is ‘twist’. This is where you teach a twist or spin command and I like to use this whilst my dogs are standing on the front or back door mat after a walk so that effectively they are wiping their own feet! This action can also be a fun one for children to practice alongside their parents to help keep the family dog clean as well as be an entertaining party trick! 

How can we keep our dog’s bed clean?

If we are keeping our dog’s nice and clean it makes sense to also keep their beds clean – if you think about it, you wouldn’t shower to then get into a bed that hadn’t been washed for months! The most obvious way to keep our dog’s bed clean is to wash their bed. This is easier said than done with many beds on the market being too large for the average washing machine or not having removal covers that can be washed. At minimum, loose debris needs to be regularly removed from the bed and the bed should then be disinfected with a suitable animal friendly cleaner. Ventilation is also key to ensuring beds stay clean and hygienic as airflow ensures that any moist areas are able to dry quicker and that bacteria is limited in its ability to grow (dark, warm and moist areas encourage bacteria growth). Hanging your dog’s bed out in the sun to dry can also assist with elimination of any remaining bacteria after washing and of course after cleaning your dog’s bed it is also important to ensure it is fully dry before allowing them to use it again. 

What if my dog doesn’t seem to like to sleep on their own bed?

In order to minimise the built up of dirt, fur and bacteria in places in your home that you may not want them, it’s important that we make our dog’s designated bed area as inviting as possible so that this is the area they choose to reside in. Think about the type of bed your dog prefers. Some breeds like to stretch out whilst others like to curl up. Some prefer a comfortable flat surface, whilst others prefer to cuddle into sides that make them feel cosy or more secure. The more inviting and comfortable your dog’s bed is, the more likely your dog is going to want to reside and sleep on it. It is good practice to observe how your dog likes to reside so that you can buy a bed for their individual preference. This is the first step to encouraging your dog to reside on their designated bed area.

If you have ensured that your dog’s bed is as inviting as possible and your dog still does not seem to want to sleep on it, think about the location of your dog’s bed. Is it in a draft free area? Is it away from direct sunlight that could make them hot or is perhaps uncomfortable on their eyes? If so, the next step is to practice making their bed area a safe and fun place to reside. You can teach the action ‘go to bed’, offering a tasty reward for their compliance. You can also offer food items such as chews and food dispensing toys on their bed, encouraging them to stay in this area and making it fun to do so. 

It is also important to ensure that your dog is ready to settle and lay on their bed area by ensuring they have had enough mental and physical stimulation across the day to tire them and help them to then relax. This last point can also help with addressing the behaviour issue ‘separation anxiety’, which may be another reason why your dog might prefer to perhaps sit physically close to you rather than on their bed. If you suspect your dog has separation anxiety it is advisable to seek help from a behaviourist to address this issue so that your dog is able to lead a confident and stress-free life. 

What does this mean we should ideally be looking for in a dog bed? 

Given the above, my recommended ‘wish list’ for a bed would be that

  1. It is easy to clean with removable covers 
  2. It is easy to clean around and under the bed, and ideally raised off of the floor to allow ventilation
  3. It suits your dog’s individual preferences i.e. is big enough to lay flat on, or perhaps has comfy bolster sides if your dog likes to snuggle into these.

The Omlet Topology ticks all these boxes, plus looks super stylish and can be styled to fit a range of interiors. The zip off top also makes extremely light work of regularly cleaning the bed, and if you purchase more than one topper your dog never needs to be without a clean place to reside! After trying out the Topology bed for a few weeks now, I’m about to purchase another, my dogs love this bed and so do I!

Dogtor™ Adem

Dog Behaviourist and Trainer

Owner of Dog-ease

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Christmas Gift Guide – For the Dog Lover

Fido Studio in White

Is someone in your family getting a new puppy that they are planning to crate train? Or have your parents got a nervous rescue dog that feels most secure when they have their own space away from all the hustle and bustle? Then we have the perfect gift for them, human or canine.

The amazing Fido Studio is a dog crate that looks like piece of modern furniture, so that it doesn’t have to be hidden in a corner somewhere. The Fido Studio is also available with an optional and extremely practical wardrobe where all the dog’s things can go!Save 10% on white Fido Studios in the Winter Sale!

Bolster Beds

Whether you’re buying for a dog or a dog owner, an upgraded bed will always be appreciated, especially if the current one is looking a bit dirty and chewed. The super comfortable Bolster Beds come with a memory foam mattress that moulds itself around the dog as they lie down on it. Perfect for everything from growing puppies to older, more tired dogs.

The Bolster Bed has a machine washable cover, comes in three sizes and colours, and can be purchased with a set of stylish feet. And at the moment all beds are 20% off!

Psst – cats love them too!

Blankets / Cooling Mats

Upgrade your dog’s bed for Christmas to make sure it’s ready for the year ahead. Omlet’s super soft blankets will make the bed extremely warm and cosy for your pet after long winter walks, and is perfect for putting on sofas or car seats to keep them free from hair and mud. And if you already want to get ready for 2021, the Cooling Mat is a perfect addition to a dog bed in spring and summer. This self-cooling mat is activated by the weight of your dog’s body, and will minimise the risk of overheating on warm days.

Cooling mats are 20% off, and Blankets 15% off in the Winter Sale!

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Meet the Topology Stars and Their Favourite Toppers

Meet five pawsome stars from our exciting new video, and find out more about their new favourite dog bed: Topology!

Topology is a super stylish, comfortable and practical bed that both dogs and owners will love! Machine washable toppers zip on and off the supportive memory foam mattress, so that your dog’s bed can easily be kept clean and hygienic. The range of five different toppers also means that you will be able to customise the bed to fit your dog and their personality.

We asked five of the canine characters in the Topology video to tell us which topper was their favourite and why:

Freddie love his Topology Dog Bed with a comfy Beanbag topper

Freddie is a boisterous Dalmatian with bundles of energy! He loves showing off his jumping skills, and will happily throw himself at his bed over and over again to burn off some steam. This isn’t a challenge for the robust fabric and stitching of the Topology Dog Bed, and Freddies favourite topper, the Beanbag, is both fun and super comfortable as it fully lets the dog’s body relax as they lie down on top of it.

It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes even Freddie needs a good, long nap, and as much as the Topology dog bed can withstand his lively playing, it will also provide superb support for his resting body. Thanks to the memory foam layer in the base and the softness of the topper, Freddies owners have no doubt he’s fully relaxed and comfortable when he finally settles in for the night.

Woody could relax for days on his Topology bed with luxurious Sheepskin topper

Even if neither he nor his owner would admit to it, Woody the Goldendoodle is what many would describe as a pampered pooch. He won’t settle for anything but the most luxurious of dog beds after his strolls around the city’s parks, so it’s no surprise that his favourite topper is the sheepskin.

Positioned in the best position in the living room, Woody can stretch out on his Topology Dog Bed and feel the super soft fabric against his skin while the memory foam mattress moulds around his body. Woody’s owner really appreciates how easy it is to remove and clean the topper.

Winston feels safe and supported on his Topology dog bed with Bolster topper

Little Winston is a Dachshund, and only six months old. With all the exciting exploring, learning, playing and chewing shoes he has to do all day, it’s extra important that he has a comfy bed to retreat to when he gets tired.

Winston absolutely loves the bolster topper. Not only does the perfectly padded bolster give his little head support when he snoozes, it also encloses the body to provide a den-like feeling that adds a sense of security.

Margot favours the elegance and extreme comfort of the Quilted topper

Margot is a classy Afghan Hound who appreciates the simple luxuries in life. She loves being comfortable, preferably curling up by the fire after a walk around the town when she enjoys meeting new dogs to sniff.

Margot’s favourite topper is the super soft quilted version. It stays cool against the body in summer and has a warming effect in winter, and the classic design oozes luxury and comfort. Additionally, Margot’s owners love the look of the soft minty grey against the rest of their furniture!

Esme can dry off and relax on the Microfiber topper on her Topology Dog bed

Esme is a perfectly sized terrier mix who loves nothing more than running over wide fields and chasing squirrels between trees on long country walks. Rain and wind won’t stop her – the muddier the better! That’s why the microfiber topper is her favourite. The structured fabric is nice to roll your wet back against, and it will speed up the drying process.

Esme’s owners also love that she’s got a space to dry off after inevitable hose-downs that isn’t the living room carpet! Leftover mud and moisture from walks will quickly and smoothly blend into the microfiber topper, and it can be washed over and over again, allowing for more lovely nature walks.

Read more about Topology here

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How to Care for an Older Dog

In many ways dogs age in similar ways to humans. Older dogs have less energy, lose some of their senses, experience changes in sleeping and eating patterns, go grey and can have trouble remembering the most ordinary things. 

Additionally, muscles and bones become weaker, and the immune system is not as good at fighting off infections. Internal organs also get more tired, so the dog is more prone to liver, heart and kidney disease. 

This may seem rather gloomy and depressing, but it’s just a part of nature we have to accept, and as long as you as an owner continue to care for your dog in an appropriate way as they get older, you can really enjoy the last golden years together. 

What counts as a senior dog?

Not all dogs reach old age at the same time. Just as with humans, some dogs seem a lot younger or older than their actual age, and genetics play a part in the risk of developing diseases and problems with hearing and sight. 

But the most important thing when figuring out when your dog will be a senior is size. Toy dogs, terriers and other small breeds are seen as old when they are 10-11 years, medium-sized breeds like retrievers are considered seniors when they are 8-10 years, and large and giant breeds reach old age at 5 or 6. 

What can I do to help my dog in old age? 

Your dog will still need regular exercise, even if it might look a bit different from when they were young and bouncy. Accept that the dog won’t be able to come on the long walks they used to love, and try exercising for shorter periods of time more often. Remember to also stimulate your elderly dog mentally. Food toys and puzzles will be great for keeping your dog’s brain sharp.

Older dogs that don’t move around as they once did run the risk of excessive weight gain, and their diet will need to be adjusted to fit their new energy levels. Ask your vet for advice on what to feed your senior dog, but in general it’s good to choose a low fat feed and limit the amount of treats.

Make sure you take your dog to the vet for more regular check ups as he or she gets older. That way you will be able to spot potential problems early on. Dental hygiene is more important than ever, and it’s common that the skin gets drier and the coat less shiny, so it might be a good idea to do a bit more grooming. 

Changing sleeping habits

Long gone are the puppy days when your dog passed out anywhere and slept for hours. Comfort is super important for older dogs, and their tired muscles and bones will need support. 

Choose a dog bed that is designed to look after the dog’s body, ideally with a firm but supportive mattress and a soft cover. Omlet’s Bolster Dog Beds are great for senior dogs, not only because of the high performing memory foam mattress and supportive features, but also because they can be raised off the ground, making it much easier for an older and less agile dog to get in and out of the bed. 

It’s also important to be aware that senior dogs often are much more sensitive to temperature changes. Place the dog’s bed somewhere that stays warm in winter and cool in summer, and provide them with an extra blanket in winter and maybe use a cooling mat in summer. 

Making the right decisions at the end of life

There might come a time when you as an owner will have to make unpleasant decisions regarding your dog’s health and potentially whether or not your pet’s life is worth living. 

If your dog develops an illness that can be treated, you will need to consider what the interventions will be like for the dog, what their quality of life will be after the treatment, and how long it may extend their life. If you have insurance, money hopefully doesn’t have to be a factor to consider, but many operations and treatments are extremely pricey and far from risk free. 

Remember to try and put your own feelings to one side and concentrate on what is best for your dog. Although you might be able to get another few months together with your pet, he or she might be in constant pain, and will not be able to do all the things they used to love, and will not enjoy themselves.

Older pets can easily struggle with anxiety. Their body and mind are changing, and they can’t figure out why. Even if your dog might not be able to see or hear you as well as they used to, they can sense your presence, and that will make them calm and happy, so try to spend as much time together as possible. The last few years of your dog’s life can be a wonderful time for both of you, so don’t dwell on aging but take them for a walk, snuggle up with them on the sofa and play with them – just like you’ve always done!

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Can dogs get Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Brown dachshund asleep on a blue Omlet Bolster Dog Bed

As the dark nights creep in and hours of sunlight diminish by the day, we know that winter is approaching. But for all the fun festivities that the season brings, some find their sense of well-being suffers. This is known as, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). We know how less daylight can impact our lives, but what about our four-legged friends? Can dogs get Seasonal Affective Disorder too?

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Seasonal affective disorder, also fittingly known as SAD or winter depression, affects between 0.5 and 3% of the population annually* during fall and winter. 

Research continues to be done as to why this happens, but from what scientists do understand, the condition is linked to shorter days and therefore, less sunlight. A lack of sunlight can then affect the part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This can lead to decreased production of the hormones melatonin, which regulates sleep, and serotonin, responsible for a large part in controlling our mood and appetite. It is also likely that our bodies’ internal clocks are disturbed by the lower light levels, causing further symptoms of SAD, such as oversleeping, weight gain and social withdrawal.

Do dogs get SAD?

There is no official diagnosis of SAD in dogs, but recent studies** have suggested that seasons can negatively affect animals as well. Surveys also show that many dog owners notice that their dogs seem down and less enthusiastic during the winter months. Due to this, awareness of SAD in dogs is growing.

SAD in dogs – what are the signs?

Symptoms of SAD in dogs include a persistent low mood, loss of interest in otherwise fun activities, increased appetite, and the need for more sleep than normal – very similar to how humans experience SAD. You should also watch out for out-of-character canine toilet accidents and hair loss, as these can be symptoms too.

Beating canine SAD

When it comes to SAD, there’s definitely a light at the end of the tunnel. And, by following the below, your furry friend can be on their way to enjoying everything the new season brings and beating the blues.

Keep Fido fit

Keeping your dog fit and active is one way to lift their mood. While it can be tempting to avoid the outdoors when it’s muddy and rainy, it’s important to keep up with their normal active routine throughout the colder months. Continue to meet up on pup playdates and make an effort to ensure dog walks remain exciting by practising some new tricks, changing the pace, or trying out a new location. Even better, if your work schedule allows it, walk your dog while the sun is still up, so you’re both soaking up some natural light. 

Light up their life

Humans with SAD can sometimes benefit from artificial sunlight lamps, specially designed to mimic sunlight. There is currently no evidence a SAD light will help boost your dog’s serotonin, but contact your vet to find out if this could be an option. Plus, if it helps to make you feel better, your dog will pick up on your uplifted mood and in turn, they’re less likely to suffer, being so in touch with their owner’s emotions.

Natural sunlight is more likely to help your dog though, so when Fido is at home, keep the blinds and curtains open during the daytime to let in as much light as possible.

A little reshuffle

Where you place your dog’s bed and crate is an important decision. After all, our four-legged friends average anywhere between 12 and 14 hours of sleep every day. A dog bed and dog crate should be placed in a cosy spot, free from drafts and disturbances but, when fall comes around, a little reshuffling can go a long way. If their bed is hidden away in a dark corner and far away from a window, you should consider moving it somewhere closer to a spot where natural light comes in. 

What next?

Any sudden change in your dog’s behaviour can be a cause for concern. While SAD isn’t uncommon in pets, you should first question whether there have been any other major changes in your or your dog’s lives. Perhaps you’ve moved home recently, or maybe you’ve got a new job so haven’t been able to spend as much time with them. Once these are ruled out, a trip to the vet will also be able to rule out any physical illness or injury. 

Should your vet diagnose your pup with SAD, they’ll likely suggest new ways to keep your dog stimulated or offer a supplement to give them.

Omlet and your dog

Omlet dog products have been designed for all seasons. From cosy dog beds and luxury dog blankets to dog cooling mats and dog toys, Omlet products are engineered to make sure you and your dog are happy together, whatever the weather.

Jack Rusell Terrier lounging on the Omlet Nest Dog Bed in Honeycomb Pollen

*Seasonal affective disorder: MedlinePlus Genetics

**Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in Pets | Can Pets Suffer From Seasonal Affective Disorder? | PetMD

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Choose the Right Bed for Your Dog

Senior Labrador Retriever relaxing on Omlet Bolster Dog Bed

Dogtor™ Adem, Dog behaviourist & trainer, discusses everything you need to know about dog beds, which types may suit which breed and age of dog, and why we might see our four-legged best friends exhibit certain behaviours in and around their beds. Read on to learn more!

What should I look for in a dog bed?

A dog bed should be comfortable for the breed type, age and size of your dog. If you have an older dog, they might benefit from an orthopaedic or memory foam bed, such as the Omlet Bolster Bed with premium memory foam mattress, which gives support by gently moulding around your dog. A puppy, on the other hand, might benefit from a bed that can absorb water if, for example, a bowl of water is accidentally knocked over by them or they ‘toilet’ on their bed area whilst still being house trained. For puppies, you may also want to consider a type of bedding that is comfortable for them but not too precious or expensive due to the higher risk of this bedding being chewed or damaged as they play and explore. For me, it is also important to choose a bed that is robust and can be easily washed. Again the Omlet Bolster bed is a great choice with this feature! This not only helps the environment by limiting the need to frequently replace a smelly or very worn dog bed with a new version, but also ensures any accidents or dirt brought into their dog bed area can be easily cleaned away, keeping their bed area hygienic and inviting. You could also consider covering your dog’s bed with a removable and washable cover, particularly in the winter months.

What type of bed might suit my breed of dog?

Certain breeds might need more cushioning than others to stay comfortable and limit their potential for developing sores or sore patches, for example greyhounds who are considered more ‘boney’ than many other breeds. Some breeds might also like to curl up, for example a husky or some of the smaller breeds, whilst others prefer to lay on their side and stretch out, for example hounds such as deer hounds, greyhounds, and lurchers. An owner should consider how their individual dog likes to lay and relax and choose a suitable bed with this in mind.

The time of year can also have an effect on where your dog chooses to sleep. To ensure your dog remains comfortable, you can adapt their bed to suit the season by adding extra blankets or even cool mats to your dog’s bed. If you’re looking for a cozy blanket, Omlet’s Super Soft Dog Blanket is definitely a winner for those cooler months where some dogs might like to ‘snuggle up’. For the warmer months of the year, you could try a cool mat instead of their usual bed if it is particularly hot! Omlet’s Cooling Mat for Dogs is a perfect choice, coming in a range of sizes to suit many breeds.

I have observed my dog ‘digging’ their bed, why is this?

This is a natural instinct derived from the need to ‘clear the ground’ or an area of insects and potentially small rodents and reptiles. Ancestors of our pet dogs might need to do this in order to make the area they are choosing to reside in safe for them to lay down in. Some dogs, such as those in tropical climates that predominantly live outside or live as ‘street dogs’, still use this instinctive behaviour to keep themselves from being bitten and stung. This act of ‘clearing the ground’ may even have benefits in preventing parasite infestation. Whilst in Mauritius last year, I witnessed a young street dog clearing an area and whilst watching I noticed that she stopped in her tracks and became very observant as she had disturbed a small scorpion in some leaves. Without this act of digging and clearing, this dog would have undoubtedly been stung by this scorpion.

Dogs may also dig because they sweat through their paws, making the act of digging and ‘circling’ in an area another way of spreading and leaving their scent. This is something we commonly know as ‘marking’ and usually associate with the image of dogs urinating up lamp posts!

Finally, dogs may also dig naturally on hot days and in hot climates in an attempt to try to remove hot surfaces (e.g. baked earth). This helps them to reveal a cooler surface to reside in. In addition, wild canids such as arctic foxes and wolves, may dig to avoid extreme weather such as high wind, the cold (e.g. snow), and storms. Again, this act helps to keep them safe as well as assists in regulating their body temperature. Although seldom needed in the pet dog world today, this instinctive behaviour still remains in part in our domesticated dogs.

How can I train my dog to sleep in their bed?

A good training instructor or behaviourist will have this on their training syllabus, helping owners to teach the ‘go to bed’ command. If you are interested in this but can’t attend a training class, I also explain how you can teach your dog this command in step by step instructions in this blog.

If, however, your dog is reluctant to sleep in their own bed you should investigate why. Firstly consider, is the bed area provided the most attractive sleeping area available to your dog? Positive reinforcement such as offering treats in this area can help to make their bed area a more positive and inviting place to reside, as can ensuring the bed is comfortable for their breed type and age (as discussed above!) Secondly, you might want to evaluate if your dog potentially has a behavioural issue such as separation anxiety that is preventing them from wanting to sleep in their own bed. If you believe this to be the case, you should seek help from a certified behaviourist to address this issue and help to build your dog’s confidence in being physically away from you.

How can I stop my dog destroying their bed?

Think about your dog’s life stage. A young puppy may chew a bed as they explore with their mouth and enjoy the texture on their teething gums. In this instance, it would be advisable to buy a bed that does not contain lots of small parts or stuffing that can be ingested. Similarly, you could pick bedding made of material that can not easily be broken down through the act of chewing. You can always buy a ‘nicer’ bed for your dog to use under your direct supervision until they have passed this life stage and have lost their baby teeth and gained all of their adult teeth.

If your dog is older and destroying their bed, perhaps when they are left alone for example, this could potentially signal that your dog is feeling stressed and is suffering from separation anxiety, for which behavioural advice should be sought to enable your dog to recover from this issue.

Similarly, chewing and destroying of beds can also sometimes indicate that your dog is bored. To combat this, you could look to try to tire your dog more effectively before leaving them alone, which will encourage them to rest more in your absence. You should also ensure that your dog is not left for long periods of time by themselves. Just like us, dogs are social mammals and need company. As well as ensuring your dog is appropriately exercised and is not being left for too long, you can also offer your dog something to do for some of the time you are away from them. For example, you could leave them something else to chew that is safe and made for this purpose. Consider leaving them with a hard chew food item or a food dispensing toy filled with tasty treats for them to try to get to!

I hope you have found the above information useful. Wishing your beautiful pooches the most restful of snoozes!

Dachshund looking at camera, lying on Omlet Memory Foam Bolster Dog Bed

Dogtor™ Adem
Dog Behaviourist & Trainer

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Ten Tips for a Successful Doggy Playdate

Two dogs running side by side

Playdates for dogs are an increasingly popular calendar fixture for dog owners. The fact that these most sociable of animals like to socialise should not come as a great surprise. But there is, of course, far more to a successful get-together than simply unleashing a kennelful of canines into your back garden!

Our ten tips will help ensure that your pooch party goes with a woof rather than a snarl.

1. Don’t Invite Enemies!

The guest list is possibly the most obvious party-success factor of them all, but it is one that often gets ignored. For example, your friend might have a Jack Russell that your Labradoodle simply hates. And yet inviting your friends and their dogs is an obvious thing to do when arranging a doggy date. A territorial or bad-tempered dog that doesn’t get along with your pet is not going to be the life and soul of your doggy date. And, of course, your own dog needs to be a sociable hound host, too.

2. Avoid Chalk-and-Cheese Syndrome

Dogs tend to play best with friends of their own size and of a similar age. An older dog doesn’t want to be harassed by a bunch of excitable puppies, and a small terrier doesn’t always want to be stalked by an enthusiastic pack of Retrievers. An overweight or arthritic dog may suffer, too – they may want to keep up with the others, so as not to miss out on the fun, which may result in more harm than good.

The exception to the chalk-and-cheese rule is when dogs already know each other. If you know they’re friends already, invite them – although you still need to watch out for the reactions of the other guests.

3. Keep the Numbers Down

The difference between a happy group of dogs and a rowdy pack is a fine line. As a rule of thumb, keep the number of dogs to six or below on a doggy date, to keep things under control.

4. Invite Humans Too!

A doggy date isn’t an excuse for owners to leave their dogs in a crèche for a couple of hours. It only works if the owners are present; and an owner who brings more than one dog should, ideally, bring more than one human too.

5. Make Sure the Space is Suitable

There are all kinds of places you can hold a doggy playdate, whether indoors or outdoors, and the guest list should match the space. Six Huskies in a kitchen isn’t going to work, and open gates or gaps in a fence are just asking for trouble. You will also need to dog-proof the room or the garden, removing access to anything that’s fragile, toxic, edible or out-of-bounds for whatever other reason. The host dog and its guests should not have their own toys or bones lying around, either – all available toys should be neutral. If the host dog is very territorial, it simply isn’t going to work unless you arrange the playdate in a neutral space.

6. Meet and Greet

The dogs should all be formally introduced before the doggy date begins, even if they have met before. Owners should have their pets on a lead, and the dogs should be made to sit, in a semicircle so they can all see each other. They can then mingle on loose leads. Only when everything is looking sociable should the dogs be let off the lead completely. Any dissenters will have to be kept on a lead until they get into the spirit of the party. If, for whatever reason, one of the doggy guests falls out with another, it should be led quietly away on a lead until the situation has calmed down.

7. Allow Downtime

Some dogs have more energy, patience or bravery than others. On a doggy date, it always helps to have a hidey hole where a dog that needs to catch its breath can take time out. For smaller dogs, this can be the owner’s arms. Larger dogs will need a quiet corner, indoors or out. In a larger garden, they will be able to find their own space to chill. Dogs are very good at body language, and the others will recognise that the resting dog is doing just that, and not playing hide and seek.

8. Provide Refreshments

Busy dogs will need to drink, so one or more drinking bowls is essential. A supply of treats will keep the edge off their appetites, too.

9. Play Some Party Games

Games of fetch, hide and seek, sit and wait, agility tests or obstacle courses are all great ways to keep the party happy and active. Treats can be used as prizes!

10. Avoid Too Much Sun

If it’s a really hot day, an outdoor doggy date will needs lots of shade, lots of water and should involve only the very fittest dogs. Heat can be a health hazard for weaker animals. Remember – you can always postpone.

Two Miniature Schnauzer dogs playing together

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9 Things Humans Do That Annoy Our Dogs

Photo by Matthew Foulds on Unsplash

1. We talk too much

Dogs don’t know English, and they won’t understand syntax and grammar however much you try to teach them. As you can imagine, it will be extremely frustrating having a human shouting incomprehensible noises at you.

Dogs like learning spoken commands and connecting them to actions, but won’t be able to understand anything longer than a short sentence, and will be very confused when you start using new ways of telling them to do things. If you’ve taught them the command “Drop” to get them to give you a stick or a toy, then “Leave” or “Let go” or “Give me that, you silly sausage!” won’t be of much use.

2. We let other people into our territory

Humans think it’s normal to go to other people’s houses, and to let individuals from outside the pack come into your and your dog’s territory. This will annoy some dogs immensely, and can actually make them really stressed, so don’t be surprised if they treat visitors with suspicion. 

If you want to invite other dogs into your house, it might be a good idea to let the dogs meet on a walk beforehand, on neutral grounds. Most dogs will be absolutely fine with sharing their space, but it’s always best to minimise the risk of arguments. 

3. We stare at them

We think that eye contact is something beautiful that is needed for bonding, and with both our own dogs and new ones we meet we tend to look into their eyes as we’re saying hello. Most dogs don’t appreciate this. While loving gazes between you and your pup is often accepted, being stared down by a stranger can be extremely stressful for a dog. They see the focused stare as a challenge, and might consider you a threat, so try to avoid eye contact with dogs you don’t know.

4. We hug them

This is a slightly contentious topic, but many people mean that while dogs accept our hugs, they don’t like them. It depends on the dog, but some feel very nervous and stressed when we interfere with their personal space, and placing your arms around a strange dog’s neck can be seen as a threat. 

Most dogs like snuggling, and nearly all love scratching, so if you want to be sure you can show your affection with a belly rub and shared sofa rather than constraining your pup with your weird human arms. 

5. We don’t let them sniff on walks

For dogs, walks are not just about exercise. While we humans can stop to enjoy beautiful scenery, dogs explore the world much less visually, and prefer to snuffle around for interesting smells. This also provides them with great mental stimulation that will tire them out just as much as the actual walking, so try to be patient with your dog and let him or her stop, sniff and mark as much as they like on a walk.

6. We change our shape and smell

Dogs change their coat roughly once a year, whereas humans change clothes every day, use different hand soaps, spray themselves with perfume and use cleaning products in their homes. Dogs might get to grips with this unusual behaviour after a while, but they will definitely not see the point, as they would probably prefer it if we never washed and walked around in the same clothes all the time.

7. We’re inconsistent

Dogs get very confused with inconsistency. They don’t understand “just this once” or “only when mummy is on a work trip”, but will much prefer to for example always be off the bed rather than having to constantly try to interpret your varying signals. 

8. We leave them alone

To dogs, some of the strongest pack animals around, leaving the group seems absolutely pointless and stupid. That’s why they can get confused and annoyed when we leave them alone to go to work or to the cinema. 

Train your dog to be by themselves from an early age to avoid bad separation anxiety, and try to never leave an adult dog alone for longer than four hours a day.

9. We get frustrated when they’re being dogs

To dogs, sniffing, barking, digging and scavenging for scraps are all natural behaviours, and they can get very annoyed if you get upset with them for doing what comes natural to them. This doesn’t mean that they should be allowed to do exactly what they want all the time. Try to redirect and encourage desirable behaviour, but it’s also worth remembering that dogs are dogs, and that’s part of why we love them so much.

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How to Keep Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

Just like humans’, dogs’ opinions on hot weather vary. Some absolutely worship the sun and will take any opportunity to find a sunny spot to lie down on, whereas others prefer to stay in the shade sipping some cold water, longing for autumn. Certain dogs are more likely to struggle with heat, including flat-faced breeds, dogs with thick coats, giant dogs, overweight dogs or dogs with underlying medical problems, so if your pooch is in a high risk group it’s extra important to make sure he or she stays cool. Here are some ways you can help you dog beat the heat:

1. Adjust Exercise

When it’s really hot outside it’s best to stay inside during the hottest hours of the day. Your dog will still need exercise, but if possible, stick to walks early in the morning or late at night when it’s cooler. 

It’s also worth trying to walk as much in the shade as you can, to avoid hot pavements and tiles, and to stop your dog from running around too much whilst out on the walk, maybe by keeping them on a shorter lead.

2. Keep Hydrated

Make sure your dog always has access to clean, cold water, ideally in all rooms of the house. If you’re going out, bring a bottle of water and a foldable bowl. 

If you’re worried your dog doesn’t drink enough water, try feeding them things that are hydrating and have a cooling effect. Frozen fruit and veg are great, but you can also put some cooked chicken in a blender with some banana or assorted berries and freeze in ice cube trays. 

3. Get On Top of Grooming

This is extra important for breeds with thick fur, as they particularly struggle in the heat, but most dogs benefit hugely from some extra grooming in summer. For some, regular brushing to get rid of dead hair will be enough, but others need to have their coat properly trimmed for summer. 

Don’t be tempted to grab the trimmers and give your dog a buzz cut; the sudden lack of insulation can shock the dog and damage the quality of the coat, as well as make him or her feel very self-conscious! Take them to the groomers and ask what they recommend for your dog’s type of fur. 

4. Go For a Dip

Having water around to cool themselves down with will be highly appreciated by most dogs. You can put a shallow paddling pool in a shaded area of the garden, turn the sprinklers on and watch your dog run through them, or let him or her play with the garden hose.

If you live close to the sea or another body of water and your dog is used to swimming you can take them there to lower their body temperature in the evening. Remember that swimming can be tough exercise though, so call them back up when you’re happy they’ve cooled themselves down.

5. Keep Cool Inside

When it’s too hot to be outside, your dog will probably spend most of their time indoors, so it’s important to try and keep your house as cool as possible. It might be nice to open windows on different sides of the house to create drafts, or find other ways of letting cool air circulate. Drawing the curtains or blinds will help stop the sun from heating up bedrooms during the day. 

6. Avoid The Car

If possible, try to avoid going in the car with your dog when it’s hot. We all know that you should never, ever leave a dog in a car in warm weather, it doesn’t matter if the car is parked in the shade, you’ve got the windows open and it’s only for a few minutes. A stationary car will quickly get very, very hot, and it can kill your dog.

If you can choose not to go in the car on very hot days, try to avoid it, especially if your dog is not a big fan to start with. 

7. Get a Cooling Mat

On a hot day, your dog will love relaxing on something cooling. The Omlet Cooling Mat doesn’t require refrigeration or electricity, but works by absorbing heat from your dog’s body while at the same time cooling your pooch down. The memory foam mat is foldable and super comfortable, so you can take it with you wherever you go in summer, assuring your dog will always have a place to rest that will also minimise the risk of heatstroke. 

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Best Dog Breeds for First Time Owners

Afghan Hound lying on grey Omlet Topology dog bed with quilted topper

When choosing a dog – especially if it’s your first one – the key is to find a breed that complements your lifestyle. Like us, some dogs are happy to spend most of their time relaxing indoors, while others want to run half marathons every day.

So, think about your lifestyle, and then find the dog to match. Here are some helpful lifestyle and dog breed matches to help you narrow down the field.

Dogs for Sofa Lovers

Being an evening couch potato doesn’t necessarily mean you’re lazy – it probably means you’ve had a busy day at work, and need some downtime. Plenty of dog breeds fit this ‘couch canine’ lifestyle, including:

  • Dachshund – these loveable ‘Sausage Dogs’ can actually damage their spines if they’re forced to take too much exercise. They will still need a morning walk, though!
  • Greyhound – this one surprises people who don’t know the breed well. “Greyhounds?”, they say, “Surely all they want to do is chase hares at breakneck speed all day?” Well, yes, they can run fast; but their preferred lifestyle is actually long, lazy days, with a couple of short runs in the park.
  • French Bulldog – they’ll be hyperactive for 20 minutes on a walk, and then they’ll be worn out. Lacking endurance, this makes them perfect for anyone who lacks time for long walks every day.

The popular lapdog breeds fall into this category too, including Chihuahua, Pug, King Charles Spaniel, Pekingese, Shih Tzu and Yorkie.

Dogs for Busy Outdoor Lifestyles

If you do lots of walking or running, there are plenty of high-endurance dog breeds that will just love keeping up with you every step of the way.

  • Dalmatian – these loveable hounds will find 101 reasons to run and play all day. Whatever you’re doing outdoors, they’ll be with you every step of the way.
  • Border Collie – possibly the dogs with the busiest work ethic, they will happily be hyperactive from dawn to dusk. If there’s no work on offer, they’ll find it for themselves. That ball game isn’t just a game, it’s a job, and the Border Collie will make sure it’s done properly – all day long, if needs be!
  • Husky – a breed that was developed to pull heavy sledges for hundreds of kilometres is not going to be content with anything but a busy lifestyle. These dogs need lots of exercise – as many miles a day as you can give them. Not for the faint-hearted!

Many other larger breeds suit active lifestyles, including German Shepherd, Pointer, Boxer and Labrador Retriever. Some smaller dogs pack an energy punch, too, and the Boston Terrier and Jack Russell, for example, will be able to keep up with you no matter how long the journey home is.

Child’s Play – Best Dogs for Kids

Although children should not be given full responsibility for a pet dog, there are plenty of breeds that are very child friendly.

  • Labrador retriever and Golden retriever – these are probably the perfect family dogs. Retrievers are gentle and loving, and treat children with a mixture of respect and parental care. They’re incredibly soft and good natured.
  • Irish (or Red) Setter – this breed seems to have been developed to play with children! Playful, but gentle, children often form very tight bonds with this wonderfully handsome dog.
  • Old English Sheepdog – when they’re not selling paint, these dogs – so often called ‘Dulux Dog’ that the name has become semi-official amongst dog owners – love nothing better than chilling with the kids. They’re gentle giants.

There are plenty more dogs in this category. The Newfoundland, for example, is even more giant than the Old English, and just as gentle. Boxers and Beagles are good with the kids too – as long as they’re well trained from an early age.

Golden Retriever and boy with Omlet Fido Studio dog crate

Dogs for People Allergic to Dogs!

Don’t despair! Your pet-induced sneezing and asthma doesn’t mean you can never be a dog owner. The thing you’re allergic to is a protein found on animals’ skin, and/or shed hairs. Although no breed is officially hypoallergenic, the commonest ones in families where allergies are a problem are:

  • Poodle (both full size and Toy)
  • Schnauzer
  • Basenji
  • Bichon Frise
  • Samojed
  • Shih Tzu

This is not a precise science, and some people are definitely more “allergic” than others. Many people who sneeze and wheeze at most dogs find that they are okay with Yorkies and Westies, even though these have longer hair than the average hound. At the same time, the short-haired Boxer can cause strong allergic reactions in many sufferers.

The key here is to spend some time with the breed before making the decision to bring one home.

The takeaway message is clear – there are many dog breeds out there, with many different personalities and requirements. Matching those traits to your own lifestyle and circumstances is the sure path to finding the perfect pet.

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